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"Why?" Sitting on her mother's lap, Fu Mian whines. Nobody said anything during breakfast. "Why can't we go with you, Daddy?"

"Not safe." Fu Sheng pinches her cheek. "Be good and stay with your mother."

Fu Mian wants them to live together. Now that her mother is here, her father is going away. Why does this keep happening? "When will you come back?" 

"It will take a few days." He answers her, "Don't ever get out of the castle. If someone tries to take you away, bite your finger and feed him your blood."

The eight noble vampires swallow hard. Did the king just give her permission to incinerate them? 

"I won't hurt my uncles." Fu Mian frowns at him. "Daddy, you have to hurry back home as soon as possible."

"I will do my best." He pecks her head. Then, he looks at Huang Qiuyan who is gazing back at him with sadness in her eyes. "Will you wait for me here?"

She gives him a nod. It's not like she has a choice. He won't take her with him. Then, she might come in their ways if she goes with them. "I don't like waiting. Come back soon."

He smiles when he hears her answers and leans closer to peck her forehead. "While waiting for me here, think of the ways."

Ways? She looks into his smiling eyes. He's talking about the ways to make him kiss her back. She blushes hard. "You just kissed me."

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"That's not mating." Though he would love to take her, he wants her to think clearly before he comes back. Jin will teach her to build her mental fortitude and help her with her magic. Aiken, Noah, Izo, Kai and Klyn will stay here. Lei and Han are going with him. "I will miss you both."

Living days without his mate and child is akin to torture. 

Huang Qiuyan's lips tremble. She doesn't like this feeling in her heart. Something precious is going away. Whether it's bond or not, she doesn't care anymore. Who knows what is waiting outside this castle? Fu Sheng is strong, but she's still worried. "Promise me that you will come back."

"I promise." He places his hand on her cheek. He wants to etch this face in his memories. He takes one last glance at Fu Mian before he turns around and walks toward Sung siblings who are waiting for him. Lei and Han follow Fu Sheng. Huang Qiuyan watches them dive into the air one by one. She is already missing him.

As soon as the last person is gone, Huang Qiuyan feels a gust of wind pass by her. She sees Klyn's back before he jumps into the air. Aiken yells after him, "Don't go, Klyn."

"Don't stop him, Brother Aiken." Jin grabs Aiken's arm. "He can't help but disobey the king."

"Why?" Izo asks with a raised brow. "He's been warned. Why is he making another mistake by disobeying the king? He's not strong enough."

"He found his true mate," Jin announces. 

Fu Mian is confused. What is true mate? She never heard of it before. But, Xiao Chun Dan and others are aware of the meaning. Noah gawks at Jin as if he has grown two head. 

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"Our Klyn found his true mate? Are you sure, Jin? His longest relationship was only a week."

"Five days." 

Huang Qiuyan hears a new voice. A man in a dark brown leather suit appears behind Jin. She recognizes him right away. He's the man with the spoon.

"You!" Jin jumps away from Kai. "What are you--"

He points at the suit. "Is this what I think it is?"

"It's not more interesting than Klyn's true mate." Kai removes the gas mask. He slightly bows to Huang Qiuyan. "Greetings, Lady Huang."

So, he has a face. Huang Qiuyan lets out a breath. She gives him a stiff nod. Kai smiles. The corners of his eyes crinkle. The other vampires notice this. They all wonder how Huang Qiuyan managed to get Kai's interest. 

"Tell us," Noah probes Jin. "Who is the mate? I just can't imagine that Klyn would have a true mate. All he did was sleep around."

Huang Qiuyan covers Fu Mian's ears. She should leave, but she's interested in hearing about Klyn's true mate. Fu Mian doesn't resist. At this moment, she is enjoying sitting in her mother's lap. That's more than enough. The vampires seem to have forgotten about her and Fu Mian.

Izo: "He helped the King with his completion of the bond, remember?" 

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Noah: "What does that have to do with anything?"

Izo: "He did a great deed. That must be the reason why he got a true mate. When you set a trap for someone else, another trap is being built for you somewhere else."

Kai: "In that case, there should have been plenty of traps set somewhere for me."

Izo: "I doubt that you did something like casting a lust spell on your king."

Noah: "But, who is the girl?"

Aiken: "I am curious about that. What kind of girl is Klyn's mate?"

Noah: "Or is it a boy?"

Kai: "Klyn's into women only."

Noah: "That's true."

Jin: "How many women have Klyn met since he woke up?"

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All of them becomes quiet. Huang Qiuyan isn't Klyn's mate for sure. Then, the only other woman Klyn met...

Aiken exclaims in horror, "Oh, dear"

Noah lets out a scream, "No!!!"

Izo shakes his head. "Out of all the women in this world…"

"Why is it here?" Kai's face is blank. This is bizarre. "How can we accept her in our family?"

"Will the king accept her?" Izo asks. "She's the freaking council's president. She's out archenemy. She's a 'heavenly' blessed immortal."

"How can someone who is the daughter of heaven become the true mate of someone who is the child of the darkness?" Noah squats down and grabs his hair in frustration. "Does Klyn know?"

"Nope." Jin doesn't know whether to laugh or not after seeing their reactions. "I was looking forward to seeing his reaction when he would realize. But, he's too dumb. I wonder if Sung Na-Mi will realize it first."

Huang Qiuyan is surprised to hear that. The person is Sung Na-Mi? That's interesting. Klyn and Sung Na-Mi are quite different yet quite similar.

"This is a nightmare." Rather than Klyn's reaction, Noah is worried about the King's reaction. "Kings hate the council."

"He doesn't hate the Sung family." Aiken taps his chin. "It doesn't matter whether's she's a heavenly blessed shaman or not. Our King will accept Sung Na-Mi as a part of us. It's one of the laws of the vampires."

"Will she not become like Fu Mian?" Izo questions them. "Becoming a part of us means going against heaven's will."

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