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"She won't get cursed." Jin explains to them, "True bond is different from adopting a human child. Even heaven's will cannot go against the true bond. True bond doesn't recognize the darkness or light or any law. It unites the souls that are meant for each other. Race, religion, or lineage do not matter to the true bond. So, even heaven has to recognize it. It's same for the chaotic darkness. She's not breaking any law of heavens."

Race or creed do not matter. The true bond is the least judgmental form. Isn't Huang Qiuyan also different from Fu Sheng and yet, there is something that only he can make her feel. After accepting her feelings, she has realized that he gives her a sense of belonging. He's her home. Her heart is infected by contagious warmth in his voice when he told her to wait for her. She's looking forward to the day of his return. Somehow, it feels like everything will be alright as long as he's beside her. 

"I agree with Jin." Aiken sighs. "I feel bad for that boy. His true mate is a heavenly blessed shaman. It's better to not have any."

"Don't lie." Jin chuckles. "You all wish for one."

"I do not wish for a true mate." Izo shrugs. "I would rather live my eternity with my brothers only."

Noah lets out a laugh and coils his arm around Izo's shoulder. "I wish the same, Izo. You will always have me."

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Jin detects the emotions in Noah's eyes before they disappear in his laughter. He keeps quiet. Not all of them are lucky like Fu Sheng or Klyn. Some of them have found love, but they are hesitating because they are afraid. One-sided love is the cruellest form of love in the world. 

But, he's still hoping. He will keep hoping that there's a true mate for him somewhere.

"I am heading back." Kai turns around to leave. Then, he stops and looks at Huang Qiuyan. "Lady Huang, if you ever find your body acting strange, just whisper my name once. I will find you."

Huang Qiuyan is startled when she's suddenly called out. The vampires realize that she's also there. They forgot to mind her. 

Xiao Chun Dan is already inside her mind. He's been bored out of his mind when he was hearing about the bond. He's busy analyzing what's happening inside her body.

"If she finds her body acting strange, you are the last person she should look for." Izo scoffs at Kai. "Lady Huang, our brother Lei has expertise in medicinal arts. He left with the King. But, Brother Aiken is also okay. He's quite knowledgeable. You should seek him first if you feel sick."

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"I will do that." She lifts Fu Mian, who dozed off long ago, in her arms. "I don't know where Fu Mian's room is."

"I will take you there." Jin goes to her side. "Lady Huang, do not mind what we said. Our Klyn is notorious, but he only wanted to help the king."

"It's fine." She waves her hand. It's in the past. She's feeling better after finding out. Maybe Klyn did it because she and Fu Sheng are meant to be together. "Jin, when will you teach me magic?"

Jin smiles at her. She seems to have a genuine interest in magic. "When do you want to start, Lady Huang?" 

"I want to start as soon as possible," Huang Qiuyan replies, standing in front of Fu Mian's room.

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"You didn't eat anything during breakfast." Jin tells her, "After you have finished having a meal, call my name. I will come to find you and take you to the practice room."

After Jin is gone, she lays down Fu Mian on the bed and covers her with the blanket. Xiao Chun Dan is quiet. She can use scent to find her room again. She takes a quick bath and comes out wrapped in a towel. She opens the wardrobe. This time, it's full of clothes. She can find all types of clothes in there. Some of them are historical. She wonders if they have been gathering female clothes from different eras for their hobbies. Some questions are better left unanswered. She picks a white loose shirt and a pair of grey pants. Tying her hair into a loose ponytail, she heads out to the pantry.

She will master the magic to some extent before Fu Sheng comes back. When she finishes drinking blood, Jin finds her. "You are done."

Huang Qiuyan widens her eyes. "When did you come?"

"Just now." Jin grins. He can keep a track on her through her scent. "Lady Huang, follow me."

He takes her to the room with a metal door. "This is the practice room. No sound or stray magic can escape this room. You can create storms inside but nobody outside this room will ever know."

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She steps inside the room. It lights up on its own. It's an empty long hall with solid grey walls. How can they learn magic here? There's not even a chair or table. Jin closes the door and walks to the middle of the hall. "Before we start, Lady Huang, tell me when did you sense magic inside you for the first time."

Huang Qiuyan rubs her chin. She didn't feel it though. She got a loud system's notification in her head that the magic was activated in her body.

"At the hunters' headquarters, I felt it after I drank the hunter's blood."

It hasn't been long. Jin doesn't show any reaction to her words. "Lady Huang, you already know that you are different. Converts aren't supposed to have magic. Your magic is also different from us. That's not a problem. At the basic level, all magic is pretty much the same. It becomes complicated as it grows. We will worry about that later." 

He takes a breath. His King might be able to help her when her magic rises to that level. "Today, we will focus on sensing the magic again. We will test what kind of magic you have."

She already knows that her magic is enchanted wooden type magic that comes from the Fae folks. She doesn't mention it to him. She wants to see how he will test it.

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