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"Lady Huang, do you want to drink mine?" Though there's a solemn look in his eyes, the corner of his lips curls up into a mellow smile. 

"I don't…" Huang Qiuyan resists the urge. As Fu Sheng's mate, she shouldn't bite someone else. She can endure it.

"You rejected the king, right?" Kai sits beside her. "Before he formally accepts you again, there won't be any repercussion if you drink my blood."

Xiao Chun Dan holds her hand again, trying to go back inside her mind. He can't get inside or see what's going inside her body. She is showing a pained expression. He can't even tell where she is hurting. Why can't he go back inside her mind?

Hesitant and silent, she touches her throat again. The intense burning in her throat is torturous. She doesn't know how long she can bear it. When will Fu Sheng come back? She doesn't want to drink another vampire's blood.

Wondering whether she can resist the scent of blood or not, Kai leans closer to her. He whispers in her ear, "We can keep this a secret from him if you want."

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"Hey!" Xiao Chun Dan yells. From the start, he's been feeling that something isn't right with this man. "Why does it have to be a secret? She's not doing anything wrong."

She gulps. She can hold back. If she waits for a little longer, Fu Sheng will be back. She eyes his pale throat. Can she hold back? The thirst inside her is growing stronger. Her mind is falling into a haze. She bends down her head, inhaling his scent. Her soft breath tickles his skin. He fists his hands and closes his eyes, waiting for her. All of a sudden, she pushes him away. Hard.

Panting as if she had run for miles, she looks at him with furious eyes. "What do you want from me?"

He smiles. She's quite intuitive. "I want your blood in return."

"Why?" Xiao Chun Dan wraps his arms around his host, shielding her from the man's view. All the purebloods are strange. That's why he doesn't like this place. The boy looks at him with distrust. "What are you going to do with her blood?"

"I will run a few tests." Kai grins at the pair of host and system. "Lady Huang is special. I want to know where her abilities come from. Blood for blood? Fair deal, isn't?"

He could have taken her blood when she was unconscious. But, he can't forget the fact that she's the king's mate. Spending his future in the torture chamber doesn't seem like a good idea. He's been waiting for her to wake up, hoping to become her friend and ask for some of her blood later. Alas! He might have underestimated her. Even if she's not clever, she has strong instincts. 

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"No." Xiao Chun Dan refuses. He can tolerate Fu Sheng drinking his host's blood since that man is her mate. This person? No way! His host already went through a life and death situation. She doesn't need crazy people who ask for her blood around her. 

"What kind of tests?" Huang Qiuyan stares at Kai. 

"Elder Sister!" Xiao Chun Dan creases his forehead. "You shouldn't talk to people with ulterior motives."

"Xiao Chun Dan, I am not a child." She frowns at the boy. The fear and worry are clear on the boy's face. Why is he like that? "Fu Sheng's people won't hurt me. But, I do appreciate honesty."

The system lowers his head, feeling depressed. How can he tell her about that place? He just doesn't want to see that woman who had that kind of expression on her face. Since he can't go back inside her mind, his anxiety is rising with each passing moment. What is happening inside her? How will this seal affect her?

She glances at Kai who is observing her with a quiet gaze. "What are you going to do with my blood?"

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"Though the king made a deal with Sung Na-Mi, we don't know what will happen in the future. I want to see if your blood can fix the curse in Fu Mian's blood." Kai tells her, "I saw you when you healed Kai. The blood of the pureblooded vampires "can accelerate healing, but what you did was different. The magic in your blood cured him."

He's also hoping to make a cure that can help the purebloods for the future. The hunters are never going to be their friends. The enchanted wooden weapons are the bane of their existence. Huang Qiuyan's blood is key to outstretches the cure. 

Her eyes become soft when she hears him mention Fu Mian's name. For that child, she doesn't mind if he takes a limb. She outstretches her hand toward him. "You should have been honest from the beginning. Take as much as you want."

That's too easy? Kai holds her cold wrist. Her skin is paler than before. Almost white. This is not good. "You need to drink blood."

"I drank enough." Huang Qiuyan is famished, but she doesn't want to drink this man's blood. She can sense that something is just not right with her. She can control this thirst. She's not giving up. She will do her best to control her thirst until Fu Sheng comes back. 

"You sure?" Kai gives her a meaningful look. "There's no shame in drinking blood, Lady Huang. You need to feed yourself and stay strong until the king comes back."

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Determined, she shakes her head. "I will drink the cloned blood."

Besides, other people's blood doesn't taste as good as Fu Sheng's. Unless she must do it to keep herself alive, she won't do it. 

Sighing, Kai takes out a syringe from his pocket. Huang Qiuyan winces once when the needle pierces her skin. He puckers his forehead when the dark byzantium blood fills the barrel of the syringe. "Lady Huang, are you truly okay?"

"I am fine." She pulls her hand back. There have been too many strange things happening with her body. Why would the colour of blood scare her? It's already a fact that her body is different.

Did the colour of her blood change? Xiao Chun Dan pales. He scans the blood and waits for the analyzation. 

"If you do, come to see me." Kai places the syringe inside his leather suit pocket. "I don't mind if you drink my blood."

"Thank you." Huang Qiuyan wants to kick the person out of her room. He's making it difficult. He keeps offering his blood and she is tempted to accept the offer. Fu Sheng will come back soon. She doesn't want to break her resolve. If he asks her one more time, she might shove him down and bite his throat. She can't hide the irritation in her voice.  "Please leave."

She's fighting it. Kai walks out with a smile on his face. It's rare to see a convert having this much control on the bloodthirst after losing control once. If she is determined to fight her bloodthirst, there's still hope. Then, she doesn't remember what happened when she lost control. He can't say whether that's good or not. For now, he can only observe from a distance.

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