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Klyn bends down and grabs his knees. He's tired of running. They have been running for a day and a half. Being chased by the vampire-zombies isn't fun. Still, he can't find the strength to run anymore. How far is that place?

He looks at Sung Na-Mi standing only five feet away from her. She also seems tired. Her brother is sitting on the ground, exhausted. Since they have been running and running, he hasn't gotten close to her. Forget about having a conversation, she doesn't even look at him. Why is he upset about this though? Sullen, he puckers his lips. 

The vampire king crosses his arms and looks at the youngsters with cool eyes. Huang Qiuyan keeps coming to his mind. The castle is far. He is craving to see her again. He is feeling thirsty for some reasons. That's strange. 

"How far is it?" Lei asks Sung Na-Mi.

"One more day." She sits down on the ground. If they could open the portal to that place, they could reach it in minutes. But, opening a portal near the gate to another dimension is risky. The force fields around a gate are unstable. Besides, they might end up teleporting to a nest of vampire-zombies. She lets out an exasperated sigh. The vampire-zombies are quite persistent. They have been following them for a day and a half. Some of them have evolved and gained the ability to endure the sunlight. She has seen random aimless souls wandering in the forests. What is this world becoming to? "Let's not waste any more time."

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"We should rest more." Klyn raises his arm. The girl is tired too, but she still wants to run. 

"I can't run anymore."

This useless fellow! Na-Mi pinches her lips together. If she doesn't do that, she's afraid that she would snap at him. He's been running by her side, trying to meet her pace. She can tell that his rank isn't high. But, if he can't keep up with them, he shouldn't have insisted on coming with them in the first place. "We can't delay."

"We will rest for another hour." Fu Sheng sits down near the tree. The mild burning sensation in his throat is making him uncomfortable and the agony is growing with each passing moment. Where is this thirst coming from? He seeks Huang Qiuyan through the bond, but the barrier around her mind is as strong as the steel. He taps the sweltering barrier a few times. It's infused with the enchanted wooden magic. Did she gain control over her magic already? 

"They are coming toward us." Sung Na-Mi frowns at him. "Do you want to fight them?"

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"It's better if we take care of the persistent ones." Fu Sheng leans back and closes his eyes, examining the barrier. The enchanted wooden magic is a bane for the purebloods. But, her magic hasn't harmed them. Earlier, he heard that she healed Klyn too. 

Why are these vampires so lazy? Na-Mi makes a face. "How will we take care of them? There are so many."

"We can't avoid them for the rest of our journey." Sung Se-Yong looks away when his sister glares at him. He's also tired of continuous running. His sister is also exhausted, but she's too stubborn to admit. "If they come, we will wipe them out."

Do they have the time to fight? But, everyone wants to rest. Before she can protest, Klyn shifts to her side and takes her hand. He presses her knuckles with his fingers. "Miss Sung, you are tired and pale. I know a massage technique that will make you feel better."

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"I don't want it." She tries to pull her hand away. His grasp is firm. His hands are soft and clean. She feels bubbles rising in her stomach when he massages her fingers, losing the strength to pull her hand away. She bites her lower lip. She's not a stupid person. Why is she feeling funny things for a stupid vampire who reminds her of an idiot monkey? 

Klyn smiles at her. His blue eyes are free of any hidden motive. She doesn't like men. He can't seduce her. He's only trying to make her feel better. She stares at him with a dumbfounded expression. An impulse takes over him. Not thinking of consequences, he kisses the back of her hand. 

When his lips touch her skin, Sung Na-Mi wakes up from her daze and pulls her hand away from him. She stands up and takes long strides toward a tall tree. She curls her fingers and punches the stem of the tree hard, splitting it into two parts. Klyn opens his mouth wide. Does she hate men that much? 

"You are quite good at massage, huh? You even use your lips to massage people's hands. " Sung Se-Yong waves his hand before Klyn's eyes. "My sister is fine now. How about you give me one? Due to my personal preferences, I don't want you to use your lips. Your hands will do."

Klyn wants to refuse. He only likes to give special treatments to women. There's no doubt that he's attracted to Sung Na-Mi. He watches her walk to another tree and launching a hard kick. He can't help but feel fear. Is she imagining his face on those trees?

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"I also want it," Han utters with a deep voice, attracting their attention. "Klyn is quite skilled."

 "I agree. He even studied the massaging techniques in details." Lei chuckles, knowing what Han is trying to do. He guesses that Sung Na-Mi is holding herself from killing Klyn right now. "Give us a one too."

"If you don't want to do it," Sung Se-Yong grips Klyn's shoulders. "Perhaps, you can help my sister practise her martial arts. She doesn't seem tired anymore."

Another tree is kicked to smithereens. Na-Mi cracks her knuckles and turns around to look at Klyn. The boy shivers when he notices the undisguised rage in her eyes. Only his brothers can save him now.

"I will do it." Klyn grabs Se-Yong's hand. "It's the little that I can offer."

Na-Mi glares at the blonde man. This is wrong. It's unacceptable. Of all the men on this planet… No, of all the men in the universe, why is this spineless guy her true mate? 

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