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Outside the room, Ian and other hunters are doing everything to break open the door. The walls of the special prison cell are infused with magic. It cannot be broken by force alone. 

"Huang Qiuyan!" Ian hollers at the door. He's certain that she did something. They can't hear Meng Su Yin's "Come out if you dare."


The door is slightly opened. It's eerily quiet. All hunters stare at the door. Ian creases his brows. Is it Meng Su Yin? That's not possible. She is likely to be dead. This must be a trap. 

Abel gnashes his teeth. He puts the arrow on his bow and pulls the string. He takes slow steps toward the room. Ian doesn't stop him. Wisps of red smoke emerge from the tips of his nails. He feels cool air coming out of the little gap between the door and the doorframe. Abel kicks open the door. His eyes widen in surprise when he sees a giant tree in the middle of the room.

"What the hell--" The next words are blocked when a tree branch rams into his mouth. He gags as he feels the wooden branch bends into his oesophagus and tearing it apart as long thorns grow out of the branch. The hunters are stupefied. In less than a second, the tree branch comes out of Abel's arse before the tree branches pull out of Abel's body, dripping with his blood. Abel drops to the floor like a lifeless doll. 

"I will never forgive anyone who shoots arrows at me." 

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The hunters look at the source of the voice. They see the woman with green eyes sitting on the top tree branch with an amused smile. The scars on her body are darker now. She lifts her leg and points at Ian. "You, foot fetish! Let's have a chat. Do you want to destroy Fu Sheng? I don't like him either. I will help you."

"Pfft!" Ian shakes his head. A vampire-zombie is using fae magic? He didn't expect this. "Why should I believe you?"

"If you don't want to believe me, then don't believe me." Li Dai Yu stands up on the tree branch. "However, you can't deal with the purebloods or the vampire-zombies without Fu Mian. What if I tell you that I can bring her to you? You know that I can go to the castle anytime."

Why is she talking in this way? Ian can't trust the vampire-zombie in front of her. "What do you want in return?"

"You know that I am not just any vampire." Li Dai Yu jumps on the lower branch. "I need blood infused with magic. So, if you let me --"

"No." Ian glowers at her. How can he ever trust a vampire who lost her control? "I can just torture you until you speak."

"You couldn't make Huang Qiuyan speak." She is standing on the floor right in front of me. "Can you make me speak? I don't think so."

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Ian narrows his eyes. He glances at Abel's body and then, he scrutinizes her. His fingers curl inward as the tendrils of red smoke become vibrant red. He puts his hand behind his body and signals the hunters to get away from him. "But if we kill Fu Sheng, won't you also die?"

She runs her fingers through her hair. It hurts to move her fingers, but she does it nonetheless. She chuckles. "You know, Foot Fetish, keeping your eyes on the enemy isn't enough. You should pay attention to your surroundings more."

The vines tighten around his ankle and drag him inside the room. The door shuts on its own. The vines turn to dust when the tendrils of red smoke touch them. Ian grunts and looks for Li Dai Yu who is nowhere to be seen. He could hear the sound of leaves rustling coming from all the corners. It's rather distracting. He purses his lips. Where's hiding? Vampires, who lose control, aren't smart. She should be hungry for his blood right now. 

"Come out, Huang Qiuyan," Ian shouts. "Are you hiding from your death now?"

He hears a snort behind him. How did she…? Before the torrid smoke could touch her, her fist drives into his abdomen. Her fingers wrap around his core in his lower belly. The wisp of smoke fades into nothing. His face contorts in pain as she tightens her fingers around his core. She leans closer to her ears and speaks with a sultry voice, "You are smart enough to not fall for my words, but you are dumb enough to underestimate me."

With one swift action, the core is drawn out of his body. She puts it in her mouth and feels the warmth of hunters' magic dissolving into her body. She senses her body levelling up. "How boring! It seems that even your magic isn't as energizing as the blood of the purebloods. That doesn't matter now, does it? He's so close. I should be running away from this place right now. However, I can't go away before having some fun with you. Foot Fetish, what should we play?"

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He can't sense his magic anymore. Filled with terror, Ian tries to move away from her. Li Dai Yu shakes her head and guffaws when she sees him quivering with fear. The vines haul him to the tree while he screams. She raises her chin and steps closer. 

"There are three types of humans in the world. When the first type comes across a beautiful flower that they can't have, he will admire it from afar and do nothing. The second type tries its best to snatch it away. Pretty predictable, isn't? Then, there is the third type. I like this type of humans the most. They don't appreciate from afar or snatch it away. What they do is destroy because they would rather see it gone than see it as some else's possession."

Drops of sweat form on his forehead and rolls down to his jaw. He fists his hands. What can he do with his magic? He can't even grab the dagger on his calf. "Huang Qiuyan, you don't like Fu Sheng, right? You want him to die. I will help you. You know that I can do it."

She rolls her eyes and says, "You believed it? Why would I want Fu Sheng to die when I know that I would also die if he dies? Enemy of an enemy is a friend. But you are also my enemy, Foot Fetish."

"Huang Qiuyan, I am sorry for everything that I did," Ian replies to her with a frantic expression. "I had to do it. You were a human once. I did it for the sake of humans. I was only doing my duty."

Something crawls into pants and rises up like a snake toward his penis. He gasps when he feels something warm, wet and velvety enclosing around his penis. He stares at her with confusion.

"Like it?" Li Dai Yu smiles at him. In the next instant, numerous thorns penetrate his rod. He howls in pain while Li Dai smirks at him. "What about you? Do you like getting a blowjob from a man-eating plant? It likes you a lot too -- What are you doing? If you don't move, he won't get hard. Move faster, you dimwit!"

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"N-No." Ian gasps in pain. "D-D-Don't."

"Why not?" Li Dai Yu looks at him with a questioning gaze. "She's new. She will learn. Maybe I should guide her. I have never done it either, but I am curious about your size. Xiao Mei, take his clothes off. Let's see what he got."

Ian's clothes are ripped away by the vines. The purple man-eating plant retracts its thorns and opens its mouth, releasing Ian's penis who lets out another pained shriek. Li Dai Yu leans down a little and looks at his bloody thing. "Tsk! Tsk! It's so small. Fu Sheng is bigger and thicker."

"Huang Qiuyan." Ian snarls at her. "I will kill you."

"Kill me?" She clicks her tongue. "Weren't you horny after watching my legs for so long? I am giving you a way to find your release. Xiao Mei is a virgin. She was born a while ago. Go easy on her -- Xiao Mei, make him happy. He's quite special to me. You should swallow all of his sperms. Not a drop on the floor. Look, you are wasting so many of Lord Ian's sperms."


Xiao Mei's mouth clasps harder around his penis and sucks with thorns on the surface of its inner-mouth while secreting its digestive juices, scraping away the flesh with each motion. Li Dai Yu glances at her fingers. Her nails haven't regrown. "It seems that Xiao Mei lacks a lot. I can tell that you are not quite happy yet."

A bush plant with huge round plant coils around his body and climbs up until it reaches his right ear. Several branches grow out of the plant and push themselves pushing into his nostrils, mouth, and his ears. Li Dai Yu closes her eyes in satisfaction, humming softly as she walks toward the door. She's a little hungry. 

__Read the author note__

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