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He can't let that happen. He's not afraid of dying; however, that doesn't mean that he would let his daughter die with them. There must be a way to stop this woman. "What is the guarantee that you won't hurt them after you get what you want?"

"I am not an irrational person." Li Di Yu smirks at him, "I will give back Fu Mian to you and you can play father to her for the rest of her life. But you must let me go. I will find a way to break the bond between us. Then, we will live separately. I am still being nice even after you have been an idiot to Huang Qiuyan."

Li Dai Yu is smart, but he's a vampire king. He won't let her go. Even if she turns into a semi-mortal, it won't be a problem. Still, he must look into all the possibilities. "Fine, I will let you go."

He still chooses Fu Mian over Huang Qiuyan. Nobody wants Huang Qiuyan to exist. It's better if Huang Qiuyan disappears for good. Li Dai Yu feels a surge of happiness in her chest. That's right. Huang Qiuyan should fall asleep and she should live with these abilities. With her new abilities, she can reach the heights that Huang Qiuyan can never reach. "I will hand over Fu Mian when we reach the Fae gate. When are we leaving?"

"We can go now." Fu Sheng doesn't have the time to wait for Aiken and others. Thanks to Li Dai Yu, he knows the way to open up the gates. They will look for the person who caused this situation later. He removes the barrier from the door. "Kai, come here."

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After a few seconds, Kai is standing at the door. Li Dai Yu makes a face when she sees him. The boy is still dressed in that odd leather suit. She cocks her head and scowls at Kai. If this vampire didn't stab that syringe in her body at that time, she wouldn't have lost consciousness and Huang Qiuyan would not have gone through that torture at Ian's hands. 

"When Aiken comes back, send him to the dark gate. His help is needed there." Fu Sheng tells him, "You should also go with him. Inform Sung Na-Mi that someone is trying to dissolve this world into nothing but energies and the gates must be opened quickly. The energy from the pool must be absorbed."

"My King, where are you going?" Kai glances at Li Dai Yu. He doesn't show any reaction when he sees the scars. He could tell easily that she's not Huang Qiuyan. Li Dai Yu sneers at him. Kai smiles at her politely. The lady doesn't like him at all. 

"I am going to the Fae gate with her," Fu Sheng replies calmly. There are numerous realms other than this world. Among those worlds, some dimensions are closer. Heaven consists of many other realms like sage realm, realms of gods, and other realms that only the primordial gods know. There's one gate to Heaven in this world. The location of the heavenly realm is only known to the heavenly gods, sages, and angels. He doesn't think that Sung Na-Mi knows about it, but she can find it if she focusses hard to find heaven's energy. Only she can detect it. 

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Then, there are many lower worlds. Hell has only one gate. The dark gate is a direct gate that leads to other lower planes. There are gates to some other dimensions, but those were not important right now. The main ones are the dark gate, fae gate, hell gate, and the heaven gate.

If Li Dai Yu can take care of the Fae gate, there are still three other gates. What could happen if one gate is opened first? All the energies might flow into the Fae realm and cause chaos in that world. "We don't have much time. Tell Sung Na-Mi to look for heaven's gate immediately. Help her brother deal with the other gates. Her brother can open the hell gate for sure. Aiken can open the dark gate."

"But how would we absorb the energies from the pools?" Kai knits his brow. "We already have a source. We can't cultivate the energies of this world."

"Send it back to the source." Fu Sheng says to him, "Use your body as a medium to connect the energy of this world and the source. Aiken will explain how to do it. As long as the major gates are open, the world will regain the balance on its own."

"Oooh!" Li Dai Yu puckers her lips. Her eyes shine wistfully. "You are not an idiot, Fu Sheng. But it is still difficult. Can they all do it?"

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"You should only worry about yourself." Fu Sheng narrows his eyes on her. "Can you really absorb it all alone? Isn't it too much for your body?"

"Don't worry about that." Li Dai Yu chuckles, "I will absorb it all."

Fu Sheng sighs. "Alright." 

"I am starving though." She smiles broadly Kai. "I wonder how your blood tastes like."

Before the men could react, she darts to Kai and slams him against the wall. She bends her head and opens her mouth to take tear off his neck. He's a pureblooded vampire. He would heal anyway. She's going to have fun with this man before she leaves. Her canines barely touch Kai's skin. Suddenly, she feels Fu Sheng's fingers curling on her shoulder and pulling her away from Kai. She hisses in pain when her body hits the floor. She glowers at Fu Sheng who is watching her with a dangerous look in his eyes. 

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"What are you doing?" She snaps at him.

"Stopping you." Fu Sheng hasn't expected her to do something like this. When he's present, how could she attack another pureblood vampire? She's still his mate. Did she forget that? "Can't you see me?"

"I don't want to drink your blood." Li Dai Yu sits up. "He offered his blood to Huang Qiuyan. I am accepting that offer."

Fu Sheng is more or less aware of the circumstances in which Kai made such an offer. A pureblood vampire knows when to draw a limit between another's mate and him. "Kai, leave the room."

Kai bows to him once before he gets out of the room. He releases his breath. His back hurts. This is the first time when he got beaten up by a woman. That lady can surely hold grudges. He rubs his throat. It's a pity that she is the king's true mate. If she was not, he wouldn't mind offering his blood to her even now. 

He wonders if he also has a true mate.

Kai shrugs. He must have spent too much time with Jin. Maybe he should study the bond and find a device that can help someone find the true mate if the true mate exists for real. This would make Jin happy. There are already two couples with true bonds. He can't study the bond between the King and the lady, but he can surely study the one between Klyn and Sung Na-Mi. Klyn hasn't completed the bond with Sung Na-Mi yet. Kai would be able to study what he couldn't observe in the bond between his King and Lady Huang.

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