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"Ow!" Sung Na-Mi groans in pain. She pushes Klyn away from her. "Get off, you idiot."

It's only for a moment, but the whiff of her scent makes his throat dry. He moves back in a rush and avoids looking at her lest she figures out that he's craving for her blood. Even someone like him knows his limits. She's a heavenly blessed individual. If his canines touch her skin, he's going to be incinerated by heavenly lightenings. 

"Why are you here?" Sung Na-Mi glares at him. Both of them are alone now. Anyone would have been better than this guy. She hates the fact that she's so conscious of him. He's avoiding her gaze. This is adding to her annoyance. 

"Brother Lei kicked me." Klyn widens his eyes. He looks up. Are they in a cave? Sunlight is pouring through a small hole from the ceiling of the cave. He can't sense any dark energy here. She didn't open the portal to direct the location of heaven's gate, did she? Is he alive or dead? He slaps his chest and arms. He's still alive. 

Did they find out already? Sung Na-Mi grabs her hair. She didn't want anyone to find out yet. What should she do? What if he does something to her? If they accidentally activate the bond, she's done for. 

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"Na-Mi?" Though it's cold inside the cave, he's sweating a lot. He calls her name again, but she doesn't respond. She bites her lips and squeezes her eyes. What's wrong with her? He must ask her where they are. She's the only one who can detect the heavenly energy. He touches her arm. "Na-Mi, are we inside heaven's energy pool?"

"Aaaaaah!" She screams and slaps his hand away. Her cheeks blush red. "Don't even think about it."

"What did I think about?" Klyn knits his brows. Why is her face turning red? Does she think that he would do something to her? He likes being with women, but he would never force himself on someone. He would just seduce that person. He shakes his head. That's not the point. She doesn't even like men. Why would he bother seducing her? "Hey, I don't know what you are thinking about, but I have no such interest in you. I wouldn't dislike being your friend. However, that's the limit. Don't overreact. Just because you and I are alone here, it doesn't mean that anything would happen between us."

Did he just reject her? Sung Na-Mi presses her palm on her chest. She can still feel it. He hasn't done it yet. What does he mean? He's her true mate. He should have some interest in her. He still hasn't figured it out, has he? She's truly stuck with an idiot. "I don't have any interest in you either."

He snorts. "Of course, you don't. You have a strong interest in my King's woman."

She glares at him. "I don't know why you got such an idea. I will only say this once. I have no interest in her. I don't like women like that. I want to date men. I want to be with men. I fantasize about men."

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"You don't have to hide it from me," Klyn smirks at her. "I know some beautiful women. I will introduce you to them. It's the least I can do for someone with one-sided love."

Will she get punished if she kills him? Na-Mi considers her options seriously. What are her chances of getting away from a murder? It's foolish to argue with a fool. However, she must clear this misunderstanding. "Your name is Klyn?"

"Yes." Klyn gazes at her. Watching the changes in her expressions is amusing. When she's angry, he wants to infuriate her more. But he doesn't want to get hit by the heavenly lightning. So, he's holding back. He doesn't want to tease a lioness even if she's cute. 

"Klyn." Na-Mi smiles at him. "I don't have feelings for Huang Qiuyan. I used to have a small crush on Fu Sheng, but it dissipated after I saw that he was back with Huang Qiuyan again. I don't have any feelings for him or his true mate. Did I make myself clear?"

Klyn gapes at her. "You had a crush on our king?"

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"Yes, I did." She grits her teeth. "I don't have a crush on him now."

"It's not surprising." Klyn gives her a sympathetic nod. It's a relief that she's into men. Still, he has no intention of playing with her. Her family is quite scary. His king would get mad if he makes another mistake. "Do you know that I helped him lose his virginity? He was more than four-thousand-year-old virgin. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have completed the bond with Lady Huang."

What is this idiot saying? She stares at him. How did he help them complete the bond?

"It's hard to believe, right?" Klyn chuckles. "Our King excels in everything except for women. That's what I am good at. I have mastered all kinds of lust spells and sex positions."

He leans closer to her and tells her with a perverted look in his eyes, "If you ever need help with someone, I can help you. The lust spell only amplifies what is already there. If a man is attracted to you, he won't be able to hold himself back after I cast a spell on him."

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"If you say one more word, I am going to bury you alive." Na-Mi replies with a calm expression, "I will cut off your dick first."

Klyn gasps and covers his crotch with his hands. Why is she being scary? He purses his lips when he sees the deathly look in her eyes. What did he do? Are heavenly blessed immortals that upright? She probably hates the idea of using lust spells. "Alright, I won't speak about those things. By the way, where are we? Is this heavenly energy pool?"

"Yes, it is." Na-Mi stands up and looks ahead. This cave is the best place for cultivation. She should start absorbing the energy near the gate. She doesn't bother with Klyn anymore and starts walking ahead without a word. 

"Where are you going?" Klyn follows her. "If it's an energy pool, why I am not hurt at all?"

"Why don't you use your brain and figure it out by yourself?" Sung Na-Mi clicks her tongue. All the clues are there, but the idiot just doesn't want to use his brain at all. She's sure that he would start rambling about the lust spells if she asks him once. 

"Is it because of the current situation of the world?" Klyn stares at her straight back. If he tries to seduce her, would she try to kill him or not? But saving the world is more important at the moment. She's pretty. He wants to trace her spine with his lips. But finding heaven's gate is more important. He wonders what it is like to hear her moans. He slaps his cheeks. Why is he having perverted thoughts for someone who hates his guts?

She hasn't answered him yet. Fine then, he won't ask anymore. The world is a strange place. Strange things keep happening. Why should he complain about it?

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