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"Where?" Li Dai Yu winces when she tries to move. Her body is aching, especially her waist.  She barely opens her eyes when she feels Fu Sheng's large hand on her breast. She lets out an annoyed moan. "What are you doing, Fu Sheng? Are you always horny?"

"My queen, you are awake." He pecks the side of her temple. His voice is deep and husky. "Are you surprised that I am always horny for you?"

"For me?" She raises her brow. They are lying in a meadow. The sky is clear. She could smell faint burning smell on Fu Sheng's body. He must have used his magic. Did he come across the monsters on the way? He seems completely fine. "Or Huang Qiuyan?"

Fu Sheng smiles at her. In his eyes, both of them are the same. "I brought something for you. Do you want to see?"

Something for her? What is he up to? "Show me."

"Here." He gives her the red Camellia flowers. She stares at them blankly. He brought Camellia flowers for her. Does he even know the meaning of them?

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"I am not good at words." His finger traces her cheekbone gently. "Does my unspoken words get through you?" 

"I am not her." She crushes the flowers in her hands. "I don't care about these things."

A tint of redness is left by the flowers on her fingers. A weird feeling rises in her heart. Why is she bothered? Fu Sheng is smiling at her with longing in his eyes. "Are you missing her?"

"You are here beside me." Not all of her is beside him though. He takes her hand and kisses her fingers one by one. "I can't help but feel greedy."

So annoying! What's wrong with him? He wasn't like this. Is he interested in her? She is still bitter. "Do you love me?"

He watches her silently. The intensity in his eyes is unnerving. In the silence, countless words traverse through the air, reaching someone who doesn't want to hear them. No barrier can keep those silent words away. He kisses her slowly white listening to her accelerated heartbeats. She folds her fingers, not wanting to touch him. She doesn't want to decipher the unspoken words. They are not for her. She's not Huang Qiuyan. Even if he screams these words at her, she won't hear them. 

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Then, why is she crying? 

Li Dai Yu blinks away the tears. These are leftover feelings that belong to Huang Qiuyan. She kisses him back vigorously. Fu Sheng gives in to her need, kissing her until she is breathless. He stares into her eyes, hoping to see the way Huang Qiuyan looked at him before he left her that day. However, his gaze is met with a mocking smile in her eyes. 

"Lost interest?" She scoffs at him. 

It will break down someday. He will see the same love in her eyes someday. His queen is a little confused at the moment. She will return to her true self someday. That day will come. "Want?"

What's up with this question? Li Dai Yu raises her brow. It's true that she wants him right now. "Want."


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Each time Li Dai Yu wakes up, she finds herself in a different place where Fu Sheng eats her until she loses her consciousness. Eventually, she loses a track of time. However, she could tell that they are going toward the Fae gate. 

She rubs her eyes. She's lying on a bed inside a room. Out of habit, she looks for Fu Sheng. He's not beside her. There's a burning scent in the air. She gets the glimpses of lost souls traversing through the walls. She could sense the Fae magic. It's not far away from where she is. But where is Fu Sheng?

She smacks her forehead. Why is she looking for him? She should be running away. This is her chance. That beast has been fucking her whenever she woke up. He would feed her, bathe her, dress her, and then, he would take off her clothes and fuck her until she's too tired to stay awake. How is her vagina still intact after being… She shivers. This is too much. She likes sex, but does it make sense to do it all the time? She has to run before he comes back again. The Fae gate is so close. It's must have been days since they left the castle.

Just then, the door opens and Fu Sheng walks in. When she sees her torn sleeve, the thought of running slips away from her head. "Where did you go?"

"I went out to clean the area a little." Fu Sheng is relieved to see that she is still here. The condition of the city is not as bad as he thought it to be. There are other creatures including the Faes. Humans have been taken to a safe place. But the condition of the Fae gate is complicated. He stares at her with doubts. "Are you sure that you can devour all the energy?"

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"My body is different." She chuckles when she notices that he's anxious. "Are you worried about your true mate?"

"I am worried about you." He sighs. No matter how many times he says it, Li Dai Yu still treats Huang Qiuyan as a different person. Being with her in the last few days, he could easily sense that they are the same. This new side of his mate amuses him sometimes. It was difficult for Huang Qiuyan to accept her feelings for him. It's same for Li Dai Yu. 

"Worry about her." She snarls at him. This man keeps saying bothersome things. "If I die, all of you die with me."

"I am fine with dying with you." Fu Sheng says with a thoughtful look in his eyes, "Living without you is going to be excruciatingly painful."

Is he crazy? Huang Qiuyan had also hurt him. She had hurt his people and abducted his child. He should support the idea of breaking the bond. Why would he want to die with someone like her?

"My only request is that you let go of Fu Mian before you go to the Fae gate," He tells her with a quiet voice.

"It's fine with you?" She asks him for confirmation. "You don't care about how Fu Mian would live without you with her condition. Even if the gates are open and the world finds its balance, you can't be sure that the converts will be gone. If you are not there, the other purebloods might lose control and attack her. Do you still want to die with me? You should help me break the bond. If the bond is broken, you can still stay beside her if something happens to me. Huang Qiuyan also wanted the same. Why are you still like this?"

"Before I met you, I didn't understand that there was something missing in my life. When we were together, I was too proud to accept that I needed you. After losing your heart again, I realized how much of a fool I was." He cups her face and smiles at her with clear eyes. "Huang Qiuyan, if you decide to break the bond, I will accept your decision. If you want me to help you break the bond, I will help you then. However, I can't accept a life without you."

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