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The woman watches the two vampires near the Fae gate. She touches the string of the bow. The world has been in a chaotic state for a while, but the sun rises every single day and the wind still blows. There was a time when she wished for the end of the world. Who knew that she would be one of the people who would try to save this world?

"Heaven's gate is opened by the sun guardian." The man with long dark hair sits beside her. "The other pureblooded vampires and a demon haven taken care of the hell gate. It was quite impressive to watch the pureblooded vampires siphoning out the energy back to the source using their bodies as a medium."

"Why did you come back?" She raises her brow at him.

"Honey, haven't you missed me? I felt like I was dying because I couldn't see you." He pouts his cherry red lips.

"I didn't have the time to miss you." She clicks her tongue in annoyance. "Go to the dark gate and help them."

"Two primordial gods are back in this world." He leans closer and inhales her scent, closing his eyes. "Wife, did you not miss me one bit?"

"Stop calling me that." She pulls her hand back and scowls at him. "We are not even married."

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"But you took my virginity." He covers his face like a shy bride when she glares at him. "You told me that you love me."

"I never said it," She tells him with a flat voice. "You misheard."

"I heard it clearly." He peeks at her through the gaps of his fingers. "You said it like this… This is a proper kiss. If you don't kiss me back, I will never ever kiss you again. You better kiss me now or forget about getting married."


"And then, you dragged me to the room."


"After you ate my virginity, you even announced it in front to everyone including my father." 

That embarrassing memory… She coughs and looks away. "I don't remember."

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"I clearly remember that you said these words to my father." He bends down his head and whispers in her ear, "Since I have taken your son's virginity, I will take responsibility and marry him. His seeds can only enter my body. If anyone else touches him, I am going to eat that person alive."

"That was…" She clears her throat. "Why are you still hung up on that?"

He places his head on her shoulder and sighs on her neck. "When will you marry me?"

"The world is like this. You can only think about marriage." She grabs the hand that was trying to sneak into her shirt. This idiot is always thinking about one thing. "What are you trying to do?"

"Honey, we haven't done it since that time." He sniffles. The agony of being with her and not able to even kiss those lips… He whines to her, "Please?"


She slaps his wandering hands away. The female vampire is running toward the Fae gate. When Fu Sheng looks at her with desperation in his eyes, she gives a nod to him without many thoughts. The man beside wraps his arm around her waist and jumps off from the building.

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Fu Mian takes deep breaths, afraid of the man with golden eyes. He's prettier than any man she has seen, but his eyes are not normal. "Are you a vampire?"

The man shakes his head and smiles. "I am something worse than that."

"If you don't know how to talk to children, you should keep your mouth shut." The woman glares at him. 

"Honey, I am like this because we don't have children." He cocks his head and gazes at Fu Mian, feeling envious of Fu Sheng. "I want daughters too."

She ignores him and walks to Fu Mian. Bending her knees down, she looks into Fu Mian's eyes. "Princess, you can trust us. We won't harm you."

"I know." Fu Mian folds her fingers. Though she's been immune to beauty while growing up with the pureblooded vampires, she finds herself being enchanted by this woman's calming beauty. "My father told me that you are his friend."

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"A friend…" The woman chuckles. Guardians are nobody's friends. "For now, you can call me that, Princess."

What does it mean? She's a friend or not? But her father said that she's a friend. Fu Mian trusts her father the most. So, she would trust this aunty. "Aunty, Father told me to stay with you until Uncle Aiken comes to get me."

The woman nods. "I heard that you have been troubled because of your blood a lot. Do you want me to help you?"

"Help me how?" Fu Mian narrows her eyes on her. 

"Your father didn't have the time to explain it to you before he left." The woman tells her with a soft voice, "You are quite special, Fu Mian. Since your blessing became your curse, you can't take the path of heaven. Though one path is blocked, other paths toward the same destination are still open. If you like, I will teach you magic. We will turn your curse into your power."

"Will I hurt my father if I learn magic?" Fu Mian asks her. She has seen her father and her uncles use magic. But she would never learn something that might hurt her family. 

"Only if you want to hurt them..." The woman takes her hands. This child is the youngest guardian. Since the hidden world is revealed to all the humans and the world has changed, the four guardians have significant roles in the post-apocalyptic world. "The path of blood magic is difficult. You are a blood guardian. You can decide whether you want to learn blood magic or not. Nobody can stop you if you wish to take the path of blood magic."

"Aunty, I will believe you if you can remove the curse from my blood." Fu Mian creases her forehead. "I just don't want to hurt my family."

"Then, we will work on the curse first." The woman straightens her back and looks at the Fae gate. The energy pool is disappearing. The gate will reopen after a long time. She's been waiting for this.

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