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Why is the world upside down?

He blinks his eyes several times before he realizes that he's hanging upside down. That's not all. He's flying upside down. He could only see the back of the man in an azure robe, holding a spiritual rope with the other end tied around his ankle. 

Klyn raises his hand in confusion. "Uh… Who are you?"

The man stops mid-air. When Klyn sees the familiar honey brown eyes, he blurts out without a thought, "Are you Sung Na-Mi's older brother?"

Sung Jun lets out a heavy sigh. He would love to stay and have a long talk with this pureblooded vampire. But he needs to head to the dark gate. He eyes the vampire coldly. 

"What's your name?"

"Klyn," Klyn replies awkwardly. He's still hanging upside down. Is he being punished for being Sung Na-Mi's true mate?

A true mate. He feels his heart going slow. He's never been in a relationship for a long time. How could he stay with one woman for eternity? He shudders at the thought. Does she also know? Does she even like him? 

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"Come to meet me after three days," Sung Jun tells him with a chill in his eyes. "Three days."

"Yes, sir!" Klyn salutes him, trembling under man's invisible pressure. He could tell that this man is displeased by the fact that he's Sung Na-Mi's true mate.

"I will drop you at your home." Sung Jun feels a sour taste in his mouth. His little girl has a true mate. How did this happen? Though he doesn't want to be like his father who disapproved of him and his wife once, he also can't help but feel discontented. He will give this vampire a chance. 

"Wait, Na-Mi's older brother, you don't have to trouble yourself." Klyn waves his arms. "I can go by my self."

Sung Jun glances at the castle on the top of the mountain. The barrier around the castle is also preventing him from going in.

After a moment, Sung Jun looks at him. "Be prepared."

"For what?" Is he going to drop him? Klyn is confused. Sung Jun lifts his hand, holding the rope. He rotates Klyn in a circular motion while ignoring the vampire's screams. He flings Klyn in the direction of the castle. 

Piercing through the air, Klyn slams through the wall of the castle. He musters the dark energy through the source and punches the floor. The rope on his ankle tightens as he's dragged on the floor, eventually coming to a halt. The rope is pulled back by its owner.

"Klyn, why are you…" Izo looks at the giant hole in the wall. He sees an azure robed figure flying away in the distant. 

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"Brother Izo, help me up." Klyn lets out a small cry. His legs, back, butt and arms hurt. Why is he in this mess? He doesn't want a true mate. He doesn't want a girl who belongs to the scariest family in the world.

Izo walks to him and pulls Klyn's up on his feet. "What happened?"

"Brother, Sung Na-Mi is my true mate." Klyn hugs him and sobs on his shoulder. "I don't want that. Please save me."

"You found out now?" Izo lets out a chuckle. "It can't be helped, my brother. You can't fight it."

But he doesn't want to lose his freedom. He's the youngest one. He wants to live his eternity having fun. Why should he stay stuck with one person? Sung Na-Mi's face appears in his mind. She's beautiful and he likes her, but that's all. He doesn't want to be bonded with her.

"By the way, who was that person?" Izo looks in the direction where the azure figure went. "The one who brought you here…"

"Sung Na-Mi's brother." Klyn sighs. "He hates me, Brother Izo. Look what he did to me… I still see the world upside down."

"Eh?" Izo frowns at him. "I heard that all of Sung Na-Mi's brothers are demons. That person wasn't a demon though. He has heaven's sigil on his robe."

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"..." Klyn blinks his eyes. He didn't notice heaven's sigil. Then, who is that man? That azure robed man had the same eyes that she had. Klyn could recognize them anywhere. 

"Maybe he was Sung Na-Mi's father," Izo utters quietly. "I heard that he's heavenly blessed like his daughter. Didn't he go to heaven? Did you open heaven's gate already?"

That person was Sung Na-Mi's father? Her father asked him to meet after three days… But that man hates him. Klyn feels like his soul is on the verge of flying away. Is he going to get buried alive? 

"I heard that he sent all the corrupts in the council to the unbreakable prison when he became the council's president." Izo tells him, "He didn't even spare his father."

"Unbreakable prison…" Klyn croaks. Even gods can't escape from that place. Isn't it the best place to get rid of him? What kind of life would he lead in unbreakable prison? 

"Before that, he even sent his mother-in-law and her cult to the same prison." Izo recalls, "He destroyed the circles of hell. I heard that he killed a devil once."

"A devil?" Klyn wipes his sweat. "How?"

"He has one of the scythes of death." Izo frowns at him. "How come you don't know anything about your true mate's family?"

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How would he know? He found out only a while ago!  Klyn raises his hand, creasing his forehead. "Brother Izo, I am leaving for a while."

"Where are you going?" Izo raises his brow.

Somewhere far away… The gates are likely to be opened soon. Which one should he take? Hell is full of Sung Na-Mi's brothers. Heaven is definitely not a choice. The Faes don't like vampires. The lower worlds? Sounds good. He will run to the lower worlds as soon as the dark gate is unbarred. It must be done within three days. "Brother Izo, tell the King that I am going away to search for the meaning of my life. I will come back when I find it."

Meaning of his life? This is suspicious. Klyn slips away when Izo tries to grab him by his collar. He jumps out of the hole in the wall and yells, "Brother Izo, I will miss everyone. I will come back in the future for sure."

This boy is an idiot. Izo lets out a heavy sigh. "Why does he want to run away from a true bond when he helped the king and the queen back then? It's not like he can escape from the Sung family."

Would Klyn able to run away though? That boy can't go to heaven or the fae realm. Is it Hell or the lower worlds? Izo taps his chin. Did Klyn forget that Sung Na-Mi's mother is a demonic goddess and she's currently in one of the lower worlds? They won't meet, would they?

And Sung Na-Mi's father went in the direction of the dark gate. 

Whether Klyn goes to Hell gate or the dark gate, he's likely to run into someone from the Sung family.

"He's likely to create another mess." He shrugs and walks toward Noah's room to check on him. "Well, it's none of my business anyway."

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