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"I did what?" Klyn blinks his eyes. "Lady, I have never dated a man."

"You seduced his girlfriend." Fang Aisa cocks her head and narrows her eyes dangerously. "He still grieves for the death of his first relationship."

"That…" He might have done that. Klyn lowers his head. "May I know his name?"

Fang Aisa ignores his question and takes a sip of the alcohol. "You are right though. If things have been working out between them, she wouldn't have taken a step toward you."

"Haha…" Klyn laughs nervously. "I know right, Lady. I didn't break the relationship. She should be blamed -- not me."

"That doesn't change a fact." Fang Aisa gives him a chilling look. "You did seduce her."

Klyn lets out a couch. "Her heart wavered first." 

He doesn't even remember who her son is. Since she's not a usual person, her sons can't be usual either. 

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"True." Her reply is crispy and short. She drinks the rest of alcohol in silence. Each second feels heavy and dark for Klyn. He hasn't expected to run into someone like her. Thankfully, he didn't make any move on her. He doesn't want to imagine what she might have done to her."

"Lady, I think that I should…" leave. Klyn stops talking when she raises her brow sharply. "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Are we?" Fang Aisa puckers her lips. "My Seong-Won never dropped a tear in his life. Back then, he cried so much that we had a stream behind our house."

Stream. What kind of emo man is that? "Lady, did his girlfriend never apologize to him?"

"She married another man." She tells him with a dark voice, "I knew from the start that she didn't have a sincere heart, but my sons never listen to me."

"That's what I am trying to tell you, Lady." Klyn fidgets with his fingers. The tension in the air makes it heavy for him to breathe. "It's not your son's fault. Some women are like that."

"True." Another short reply. She continues drinking. 

"Then, can I--" leave? He purses his lips again when she glares at him. This is so awkward. "Do you need another bottle, Lady?"

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"No." She leans back and folds her arms. "I was planning to disassemble your bones while keeping you alive for a year."

Klyn gulps. Is he going to die here? He ran away from a disaster and landed in front of a tyranny. Why is his luck so bad these days?

"In a relationship, betrayal is like a death sentence on the innocent one." He hears her say with a low voice, "If it wasn't you, it would have been someone else. But it doesn't mean that you are not in the wrong. She slaughtered him and you willingly became her weapon. He hated the weapon more than he hated the wielder because he also loved her."

Her words give him a shameful blow. Klyn can't look at her. He can't deny either. 

"After hearing that you have a true mate, I have changed my mind." She stares at him coldly. "If you ever hurt my children, that will be the end of you. Pretty one, I won't kill you. You will regret ever being born if I catch you again."

"I will not walk on that same path again." Klyn lowers his head and promises her. "I am sorry for what I did to your son. It's partly my fault for seducing his girlfriend. I will find him and apologize to him on my knees."

"You do that, pretty one." She glances at the man standing near their table. "You took a long time, hubby."

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When Klyn looks up at the man standing next to her, the colour drains from his face. If he's this lady's husband, then she is… she is… No! Horrified, Klyn freezes on the spot. This is a nightmare, right? 

Doesn't it mean that he seduced Sung Na-Mi's brother's first girlfriend?

"You got drunk with other men." Sung Jun pinches her cheek. "Do you like it when I get mad at you?"

"I love it." She replies shamelessly, "I was here without you for such a long time. Why didn't you come back earlier?"

"Someone played a trick." Sung Jun tells her, "You were also stuck here."

"I had fun eating and drinking." Fang Aisa gestures at the boy in front of her. "Honey, this boy… he seduced our Seong-Won's first girlfriend. I was having a talk with him."

"Is he?" Sung Jun glances at the boy. "I had no idea."

Klyn sinks in his seat. He would rather disappear now. 

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"Do you know that he has a true mate?" Fang Aisa laughs. "Who would have thought that a playboy like her would get a true mate? It's not fair at all. Why none of our children ever find a true mate?"

Sung Jun sighs. "Na-Mi has a true mate."

"What?" Fang Aisa widens her eyes and slams the table. "Our youngest found a true mate. Who is he? What does he do? He is a human or a demon? He's not an angel, is he? I don't like angels. Seong-Min already has a yandere angel behind him."

Yandere angel? Just what kind of family is this? Klyn is afraid of listening more. He wonders where should he look. He picks up the bottle and drinks. The bitter alcohol fills his mouth again. He forces himself to swallow it. Can someone come and save him?

"It's a noble vampire." Sung Jun takes a seat beside her. 

When Fang Aisa slams the table again, Klyn jumps in fear. "Jun, vampires are worse than angels. We can't let our daughter be with someone who might drink her blood like a parasitic mosquito."

Mosquito… Klyn feels his heart going slower. Until this moment, he never heard of anyone calling him a mosquito. 

Fang Aisa takes a deep breath. Since it's a true mate, they can't be careless. "Who is that man? I want to know what kind of man is our Na-Mi's true mate."

"He's in front of you." Sung Jun looks straight at Klyn. "Na-Mi's true mate is this guy."

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