"Sung Jun!" Fang Aisa stands up and shouts at him, "What's wrong with you? Na-Mi is your daughter. How could you joke about this matter? Do you want to pick a fight with me?""I am telling the truth." Sung Jun tells her calmly, "He is her true-mate.""Do you want to die?" Fang Aisa asks him with a trembling voice, enraged. "If it's a joke, then I won't let you enter the bedroom for a decade."His wife is angry. Instead of pacifying her, Sung Jun raises his brow sharply. "Do you really think that you can stop me from coming?"She bites her lower lip, fully aware that she can't stop him. That's not important right now. Anyone who might see her daughter as food is not acceptable as her daughter's husband. She glares at Klyn. "You even ran away from my daughter."Klyn wonders if he should just go for a run. Would he able to escape these two? Why is his luck so bad? They are her parents. Both of them hate him. "I was just… having cold feet. She's too perfect.""That's right." Fang Aisa yells at him, "I will never give my daughter to a vampire-like you. You seduced her brother's girlfriend.""..." And he regrets it. Klyn has the urge to drown himself somewhere. Just who knew that the girl who turns out to the ex-girlfriend of his true mate's brother? He didn't even know that he had a true mate somewhere. "We will decide this later." Sung Jun takes his furious wife's hand. He's not happy about this either. However, it's true-bond. This matter can't be handled without care. He's still willing to give a chance to this vampire because of Na-Mi. He glances at Klyn. "If you don't come after three days, you better not show up in front of Na-Mi again.""Jun, are you mad?" Fang Aisa frowns at him. She struggles to release her hand from his grip. "The bond is not completed. I should kill him now." Sung Jun says nothing. He puts his wife over his shoulders, ignoring her outbursts of anger. She pounds his back as he walks out of the building and flies toward the gate. Back in the restaurant, Klyn stares at the bottle of alcohol.If he doesn't go, he can be free? She will also be free. Her family is there for her. After finding out that he had done wrong to her brother, he doesn't know how to show his face to her. It's better for her to live without him. Who would want a true-mate like him? When she finds out the things that he did, she would hate him for sure. "Why did I do it?" At that time, he didn't care about it. Klyn squeezes his eyes shut and grabs his hair in frustration. "How do I show myself in front of her?"Or her family? Three days.It's better if he doesn't go back there.***"Izo!!!" Izo's eyes snap open when he hears the shouts. In a few seconds, he reaches Jin's room. Noah is already there. He touches Noah's shoulder, concerned. Noah isn't completely healed yet. "Why are you here? You shouldn't be out of the bed.""I came here to check…" Jin points at the bed with his shaking finger. "Jin is gone, Izo. I can't sense him in the castle. Where could he have gone in this state?""..." Izo realizes that Jin's presence is gone from the castle. He has never expected that watching over two injured vampires would be this difficult. One kisses him in a dazed state and the other one disappears when he tries to get some shut-eye. "Where could he have gone?" Noah wrinkles his brows. "He is acting strange these days.""He wouldn't have gone far." Izo turns his back to him, ready to leave. "Don't worry. I will look for him.""You can't go out alone." Noah grabs the back of his shirt's collar. "Izo, what if there are monsters outside? You might get hurt."Thanks to the kiss, Izo is highly conscious of Noah's actions. When Noah's fingers brush against the back of his neck, he feels a rush of heat that goes straight to his heart, making it race. He pushes him away and darts to the corner of the room, making some safe distance between them. Noah blinks his eyes, surprised by Izo's sudden distance from him. "It will be fine," Izo tells him with a trembling voice. What are these strange sensations in his body? It's not normal for him to react this way. What the hell did Noah do to him with that kiss? This is not Klyn's magic, is it? Klyn is not even in this castle. Noah's questioning gaze adds to his nervousness. Izo adds, "I can sense that the gates are already opened."Noah purses his lips and curls his fingers. He has observed Izo for so long that he could sense that Izo has been acting strangely. Did Izo notice his feelings? He's been hiding for so long. "I will be back soon, Noah." Izo leaves right away. Though it's only Noah, it's awkward to stay in the castle when it's only two of them. Noah sits on the chair next to Jin's desk and looks up at the ceiling. Something is different with Izo. If Izo already knows about his feelings, what would he do? He's been fine hiding his feelings from Izo. It's better to hide feelings than being avoided or hated by the one he loves. Did Izo really find out or did he do something wrong to Izo? He remembered getting injured in the forest. Did something happen when he was unconscious? He didn't bite Izo, did he? Noah scratches his head. Biting isn't a serious crime. They are vampires. He was also injured. It's instinctual. Then, what could have happened?"Wait…" Noah widens his eyes. "Was that dream real?"No, it's impossible. He didn't kiss Izo. That's absolutely impossible. He didn't kiss Izo for real. Noah lets out an awkward laugh that ends with a horrified look in his eyes.If he had kissed…Izo would have acted the exact way he's acting now.

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