Dating? Running? Eloping? Lust spell?

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Sung Nami scowls at the blue-eyed vampire.

For a moment, she did find herself impressed by his words. But look at him pondering his options now… as if those are actual options.

Her father is Sung Jun. Her mother is Fang Aisa. She has nine brothers. Did he forget these facts? 

"I think that your parents hate me." He scratches his chin awkwardly. "Your father always seems like he would have minced me if I wasn't your true mate and your mother… She has voiced her clear dislike. I had also seduced your brother's ex-girlfriend. Though I wanted to apologize to that man, I think that I won't get forgiven. Everything is fine, but don't you think that getting your family approval would take too long? Let's just hang out in secret and get to know each other."

What is he babbling about? 

After a pause, he says to her, "Doesn't your Council have given special rights to the pure-blooded vampires since we are endangered species to you? You are one of us from now on. Your family can't stop our relationship."

Do they have a relationship already? Sung Nami raises her hand. "Hold up!"

"Hmm?" Klyn touches his chin and puckers his lips. "Though I prefer to date you since it's your first time in a relationship, I am always up for a mating first. Believe me! Vampires love to get to know their mates in bed."

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 "Shut up, you scoundrel!" She barks at him. "What the hell are you saying? I don't want you, player boy. Did I say that it's a relationship? Did I say that I want to complete the bond with you? I don't even like you!"

Klyn crosses his arms and steps closer with a deep frown on his face. His soft-blue eyes narrow down on her, challenging her in a way. "You are wearing makeup."

"Huh?" She knits her brows.

"And heels. There's a perfume too." He takes a sniff. "I prefer your real scent though."

"D-Don't be creepy!" When she pushes him away, he grabs her wrist and pulls her closer. 

"You can say that you were going out in the woods to look for humans in this style." He leans closer and whispers in her ear, "Nami, do you know that vampires have good hearing and sense of smell? I can hear your heartbeats and sense the rising temperature of your blood.. The heat that is burning your cheeks and the…" He wraps his arm around her waist. "Desire."


Sung Nami becomes still when his lips brush on her neck. "My true-mate, are you trying to test me?"

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Her heart palpitates wildly. How did he guess it? Damn! She did come out when she sensed that there was a vampire in the area, hoping that it would be him. And then, she went back to the mansion to get changed. She speaks quickly, "It's because of true bond. You know that there's always a physical reaction."

"Is it?" His tantalizing breath lingers on her skin. "It might be like that. Then again, why are you still letting me seduce you?"

In the next moment, he lets out a deep groan.

She knees him again and pushes him on the ground. Sung Nami looks at him coldly. "You know too much about a woman."

"I was just…" He puts his hand on his crotch. His voice is pained and tears well up in his eyes. Not once, but twice… how could she hit him there? He asks her through clenched teeth. "Nami, how could you do that to your true mate? It's also your loss if my jewels are gone."

Sung Nami steps back from him, watching him with furious eyes. After a few seconds, huge bolts of lightning hit his body. 

One. Two… 

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"I am a vampire! I don't need heavenly tribulations!" He yells. "Nami!"

"This is for stealing my brother's girlfriend." She says to him after the fifth lightning falls on him, "Whether I like you or not, anybody who messes with my brothers is unforgivable."

"You, crazy --" Another lightning burns his body. Smoke rises from his flesh. Dark veins appear on his back. 

"Your words are sweet. You are also clever and you can see things that others forget about. You helped me when I was in great difficulty." She folds her arms and grimaces at him. "That's why I am letting you off easily. If you weren't my true mate and you hadn't helped me with heaven's gate, I would have gone for a hundred lightning on you."

As she finishes her words, tenth lightning descends on him. Klyn has already passed out.

"It only takes ten lightning to get him unconscious." She grumbles as she bends down her knees and checks his vitals. "Then, he wouldn't be a pureblooded vampire if he could die this easily."

"Cruel." Klyn grabs the finger on his neck. His eyes are closed. "I have been slapped, kicked, hanged upside down, and bitten on my arse. But this is the first time when someone gave me a heavenly punishment."

"Do you want more?" She jerks his hand off her. "I can give you ninety more." 

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"No, thank you." He slowly opens his eyes and looks at her. "Am I forgiven by you then?"

"Nope!" She straightens her back. Only she can mess with her brothers; nobody else is allowed. "I was young when you did that to my brother. If I had known about it back then, I would have found you and drowned you in the pacific sea."

"I wouldn't have died." He closes his eyes again. "I am sorry for trying to seduce you."

"Oh?" She chuckles. "You should be sorry for a lot of things."

"I will take the hard way then." He sighs. "I will confront your family. I will apologize until they forgive me. Then, I will come and ask for the date that you promised me."

"It's only one date." She shrugs. "Even if my family forgives you, I don't want to be with you."

"You will change your mind." He coughs and rolls to his side. "Damn! This hurts!"

"It should," She mutters as she walks away. 

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