After hearing everything, Shannon doesn't raise a brow or ask a question. Her sapphire blue eyes turn dark as she crosses her arms. 

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The vampires might be gone. However, their world still doesn't belong to them.

"Please bring your people out." The angels assure her, "The converted vampires are completely gone."

Shannon can already feel it. Though they are angels, she can't let herself believe them. She has never believed in religions. anyway. If there was a god, this apocalypse wouldn't happen. The gods are nothing but another breed. "I want to see the person who is in charge of humans."

The angels share a look. The blue-haired angel smiles at her. "We will take you to her."

She gives them a nod and walks back into the bunk. After quickly informing Brandon and giving him a few commands, she returns to the angels who are waiting for her.

"You aren't going to carry me, are you?" Shannon frowns at them when one of the angels gives his hand to her.

"There's no other way." The blue-haired angel chuckles. "She lives far from here."

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Another country? Shannon holds the angel's hand. He pulls her in his embrace, carrying her in his arms before he takes a flight toward K Country where the headquarters of the Council is.

Being in the arms of an angel might have made someone else nervous. But Shanno is anything but nervous. Her sharp gaze lingers on the ground. 


The cities are in ruins. Cars are abandoned on the roads. The schools, universities, and hospitals are filled with harrowing silence. There's nothing much left of them.

The world is in a devastating state. It might have started with one or two converted vampires. No, it was a lot of them that appeared out of nowhere. They bit and they converted others until there are barely any humans left. Neither fire, water, or any nuclear weapon could finish them. In the end, humans ended up hurting each other, destroying nearly half of the world.

The cold wind smashes against her face. She squeezes her eyes before she opens them again. The angel says nothing when she turns her head slightly, brushing her face against the angel's chest. Shannon uses this opportunity to brush away her tears.


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In a brightly illuminated room, Fu Sheng leans back in the chair with a calm look in his eyes. Rays of sunlight pour through the opened window, on his shoulder, melting into his crimson eyes as he sighs again.

"Your majesty, is this a good idea to leave her under the moon guardian?" Aiken leans forward on the couch. The bed is small and empty. The walls of the room are painted dull grey. There's a small flower picture on the left wall in the name of interior decoration. How could his king live in a place like this? 

It seems that his king hasn't slept for days. 

"She's a blood guardian," Fu Sheng says to him. His voice is low and irritated. "Only the mood guardian can teach her the ways of blood magic. You and I can't help her."

"But… how can we leave her here?" Aiken looks over his shoulder when he hears a sound. There's no one outside the door. Why does he always feel like something is watching his back? "Your majesty, she's our princess."

"Before that, she's a guardian." Fu Sheng closes his eyes. "I know that you are worried but we must take strict decisions that the time needs. Besides, the moon guardian isn't going to teach her for a long time. She has to go."

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"Where?" Aiken questions him curiously, creasing his forehead. 

"Fae realm." Fu Sheng answers him, "The gate is opened after years. She has to go there."

"What about our princess?" Aiken frowns at him. "Your majesty, you are my king. I will always listen to you. But we can't let our princess leave with her."

 "When did I say that Fu Mian will follow Nell Solomon?" The vampire king exhales. "Nell Solomon isn't leaving right away. The energy clouds in front of the fae gate haven't been cleared yet. She can't absorb that energy. So, she must wait before the energy passes through the gate. Until that time, she will teach Fu Mian."

Aiken lets out a breath. "For now, we will take the queen with us."

"And that boy…" Fu Sheng pauses. "Have you made preparations in the castle?"

"Not yet." Aiken shakes his head. "I will take Xiao Chun Dan and make preparations for the queen's arrival in the castle."

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Fu Sheng remains silent. Though Huang Qiuyan is in the same building, he can only talk to Huang Qiuyan in the full moon night… once in a month. He has to wait until the next full moon to be with her again.

"I still don't feel that it's okay to leave Fu Mian with a stranger," Aiken grumbles to his long-time friend, his king. "Why can't we hire a tutor for her, your majesty?"

"Can you find one?" Fu Sheng glares at him. "Is there any sorcerer alive? As much as I know, Sung Na-Mi is the Sun Guardian and she is a cultivator. No one has seen the soul guardian for a long time. Anyway, she uses her magic as a gift. She can't help Fu Mian. There's only moon guardian who is well versed with magic."

Fu Sheng continues with a calm voice, "Unlike us who are directly connected to the dark source of magic, source of Fu Mian's magic is her blood. We can guide her in the ways of dark magic after the moon guardian helps her access the guardian magic in her blood." 

Blood magicians are rare. Then again, blood magicians usually take the dark magic path. Aiken mutters, "I wonder if she would be safe here."

"Nell Solomon saved Huang Qiuyan's and Xiao Chun Dan's lives." Fu Sheng tells him softly, "I trust her."

He closes his mouth when he hears the sound of familiar footsteps. 

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