Carrying a cat in her arms, Fu Mian widens her eyes when she sees Aiken in the room. "Uncle!"

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"Princess!" Aiken spreads his arms, grinning at her. "Come, give a hug to your Uncle."

Fu Sheng smiles, keeping his eyes closed.

The vampire princess runs to her uncle to give him a hug, still carrying the cat. Before Aiken could pick up Fu Mian, the cat jumps out of her arms and saunters toward the bed.

Aiken lifts up Little Mian, twirling her around before making her sit in his lap. He looks at her with a smile. "Princess, have you been well?"

"I miss my uncles and my mother." Fu Mian lets out a heavy sigh. "But Devil tells me that I should stop being whiny."

"Devil?" Aiken furrows his brows. "Who?"

Fu Mian glances at the cat sitting on the bed. The white cat with green eyes is watching them sullenly. Aiken doesn't remember offending this feline. But then, cats usually don't like vampires. "Princess, can you speak beast tongue now?"

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"Who are you calling a beast?" Devil snaps at him. "Can't you see that I am a spirit? What a useless pureblood! Tch!"

"..." The cat talks. It shouldn't be surprising but… Aiken looks at his king who doesn't seem bothered by the tone of the spirit.

The Devil grimaces at Fu Mian. "You start complaining right after meeting your uncle. Are you ever going to become a blood magician at this rate? Just give up and go back to your castle to play a vampire princess. For your information, you aren't a vampire. You are a stupid little human with zero intelligence. Why am I babysitting a stupid female?"

Fu Mian's lips tremble. She clutches on to Aiken's chest, trying her best not to burst into tears. 

"You lowly spirit!" Aiken roars at the cat. He stands up and puts down Fu Mian in his seat before he marches toward the cat. "Do you know who you are talking to?"

"A tall buffoon who can't tell a difference between a cat and a spirit." Devil scowls at Aiken. "And a moronic princess who thinks that she's a vampire princess just because her adopted father says so."

Fu Sheng opens his eyes and stares at the devil cat. "You are overdoing it now."

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"Hmph!" Devil gives him a dark look. "You should thank Nell for helping you. Because of this daughter of yours, she has postponed her plans. Do you know how long she's been waiting for the gates to be opened again? But this daughter of yours doesn't work hard at all. How come she hasn't activated her blood magic again? Is she that useless? I think that she should quit and go back to the safety of the castle."

Fu Mian can't hold back her tears anymore. She starts bawling loudly. "I am trying. I am trying, Devil."

Seeing the tears on her round face, Aiken's heart tightens. The pureblood vampire, who is usually cool-headed, snaps at the Devil. "I don't care whether you are a spirit or a cat. How could you make her cry? I am going to banish you to the place you came from."

Despite being threatened, the Devil doesn't move an inch from his spot. He rolls his eyes and continues, "The gates are open. More demons will come. There will be vampires from other worlds. Your sweet Council can't keep track of them anymore. This world will be filled with other worldly creatures. Humans are a minority. If you recall, your princess is a human too. Her sweet scent will not only attract vampires, but it will also lure other types of demons. Do you think that you are the only purebloods in the world? Remember that you didn't belong to this world in the first place. All of you came from some other place. What if more of you come?"

The Devil eyes the vampire king. "What if another king comes?"

Fu Sheng blinks his eyes. "What do you mean?"

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"Why did the purebloods run away from their world and come to this world?" The Devil sighs. "Ah… the first generation of purebloods is dead, leaving only nine of you behind. Since all the gates are opened and the ancient seals are broken, this world is getting a lot of attention from the surrounding worlds. When it's in such a weak state, there will be entities who would…" 

The Devil doesn't finish his words. He looks up at the ceiling. "The angels, gods, and everything else has to leave soon. The heaven's gate might get sealed again. Then, who is it? The world was nearly turned into a power egg. Who could it be?"

Aiken and Fu Sheng wait for the Devil cat to say more. The cat flips his tail and yawns as he turns his head toward the door. His eyes shine brightly. "Little Marshmallow, are you going to brush my back?"

The man with dark hair and golden eyes shakes his head as he steps into the room with a woman beside him. 

"Brush your own hair." Eli Sanguine makes a face at him. "I am not your servant."

"If you don't brush my hair, I won't help you anymore." The cat growls at him, rolling on its back, stretching his body lazily. "Nell, why don't you command him to brush my hair?"

"He's not my servant either." Nell Solomon clicks her tongue. "Why are you scaring our guests?"

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"I am only telling the truth." Devil cat turns his head toward Aiken and takes his tongue out. "In any case, you and your brothers are born in this world. Remember that this world is yours…" 

The cat pauses and peeps at Fu Sheng. "You weren't born in this world. How sad!"

"Get out." Nell says to the devil cat with an eerie voice, "Take Fu Mian with you."

"Fiiiine!" The devil cat climbs off the bed and walks to Fu Mian. "Are you still going to cry over nothing? Come with me. We need to check on that miracle boy."

"Uncle Dan." Fu Mian wipes her tears. "I didn't see him today."

"Follow me!" The cat runs ahead. Fu Mian tottles after him, asking him to slow down.

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