"What was he talking about?" Fu Sheng questions Nell after Fu Mian and Devil cat are gone. "Do you know something that we don't?"

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Aiken observes the man and the woman. She exudes a calm but powerful aura around her. Her eyes are hazel, slightly dim. He can smell the moon in her. Being a creature associated with the night, he can feel the slight pull of the moon.

He turns his gaze at the man with golden eyes. Tall and lithe, the man's skin is paler than the vampires. Eli Sanguine has long black hair and crimson lips. Darkness is oozing from Eli Sanguine's flesh. Shadows seem to be twisting around him. 

"A ghoul." Aiken scowls at the man. "Why is a moon guardian with a lowly creature like a ghoul?"

"I don't see how it's any of your business why I am with him." Nell snaps at Aiken, "So what if he's a ghoul? It's not like he's eating you. And are vampires any better? He eats flesh. You drink blood."

Aiken winces in pain. The blood in his veins is raging, making his veins bulge. His source trembles uneasily inside his body. His eyes become big and wild as he feels something soft as moonlight wrapping around his internal organs, clenching them tightly.

Eli chuckles and places his hand on her back, patting her. He gives a slight nod to Aiken. "My wife gets offended if someone tries to bully me."

She calms down and tsks. "Annoying!"

"I wasn't…" When Aiken opens his mouth to refute the blame, Fu Sheng raises his hand to stop him.

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"I apologize on his behalf." The vampire king eyes her. "What was your spirit saying earlier?"

"Only he knows what he says," Nell replies with an emotionless voice. "Sometimes, the moon whispers secrets to him. She likes pestering me."

Moon? Aiken looks out of the window. The sky is clear and bright.

"Just because you can't see the moon, it doesn't mean that it's not in the sky." Nell shrugs and mumbles to herself, "Maybe he's right about them being morons."

"Moon Guardian!" Aiken huffs at her, "Who are you calling morons?"

"So, you heard." Nell scrunches her brows. "Then again, you are noble beings. By the way, this ghoul is also royalty. Before you look down --"

Eli leans closer to Nell and bites her ear. She stomps on his foot in rage and yells, "What are you doing?" 

"Why are you giving my share of attention to him?" Eli takes her hand and clutches it closer to his eyes. His eyes become round and misty. "Wife, I am still a man. I can't bear it if you look at another man for more than thirty seconds."

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Thirty seconds… Aiken glances at Fu Sheng. His king is sighing, clearly exasperated. Aiken can only imagine what his king has been hearing and seeing for the last few days here.

"I am not your wife." She jerks Eli's hand away. When crocodile tears start rolling down on his cheeks, she wrinkles her nose and says, "Your tears would have worked if I didn't find out about your true face earlier."

"You are the one who told me to stay in my true form in front of you." Eli complains to her, "But you don't kiss me, hold me, or let me sleep in your bed."

Puffing his cheeks, he turns to the pureblood vampires. "She kicked me out of her room yesterday night. I had to sleep with that devil cat."

"How lucky of you," Fu Sheng states wryly. 

"I thought that you would understand my pain." Eli blinks his eyes, creasing his forehead. "Since you can't do it with your queen anymore… then again, you can do it with her in the space where her soul is…"

Nell smacks the back of Eli's head. "Shut your mouth."

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"No, I don't do it with her in that space." Fu Sheng gives a dark look to Eli. 

"Then, what do you do?" Eli stares at him as if he has grown two heads. 

"We talk." Fu Sheng grimaces at him. "Are you done asking about other people's private life."

"Vampire King, you don't have to answer if you don't want to answer." Eli sniggers. "But if it was me, I would have taken the opportunity to nag my Nell's ears off until she had given into me."

Eli receives another smack on his head. 

"Why don't you nag her when she's right in front of you?" Fu Sheng asks him scornfully. 

"She's…" Eli sighs, gazing at the woman beside him. "so beautiful that I forget to nag her."

"..." Everyone in the room wants to beat up this ghoul for different reasons.

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Nell clears her throat. "Your mate's condition is stable. I came here to inform you about the meeting that the sun guardian is holding soon. You are supposed to attend."

After saying her piece, she turns around and walks away from them. Eli trails after her, nagging her to give him more attention.

"So…" Aiken faces his king. "How did you manage to survive here for all this time?"

"You have no idea." Fu Sheng shakes his head. "Take Xiao Chun Dan with you. I will come with Huang Qiuyan after attending the meeting."

"What would be it about?" Aiken inquires. "We have already done our best to assist the Sun Guardian."

"We still have some responsibilities." Fu Sheng pauses for a moment. "Since the world is not the same, I am sure that the laws won't be the same either. This new world needs contribution from all the creatures."

"About the things that the cat said…" Aiken falters. It's true that the eight vampires were born in this world. Fu Sheng was a baby when he came to this world with his parents. Noble vampires grow slowly at first and then, they reach a point where they don't grow physically anymore. Only their magic and strength enhance further. 

"Pay no attention." Fu Sheng narrows his eyes slightly. "That world is too far and it's been too long."

Who would seek them after more than five-thousand-years?

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