He has done wrong.

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Noah sighs when he recalls the kiss. His memories are crystal clear now. How could he do that to Izo? 

He grabs his hair. What was wrong with his head? He had no right to kiss Izo. 

Izo must be disgusted. He was shocked for sure. 

Noah hasn't slept since the day Izo left the castle. Sitting on the edge of the gate with his legs dangling in the air, he stares hard at the lake, hoping to see Izo again. Is Izo even coming back? He might have scared Izo away.

"Why did I do that?" Noah leans on the wall, squeezing his eyes, questioning himself over and over again. "I must have lost my head."

"What are you doing here?" 

He jumps, grabbing the edge of the floor. Half-turning his body toward the only vampire who is able to sneak up on other vampires, Noah scowls at Kai. "Why do you wear that ugly suit?"

"It saved my life once." Kai pats himself on his chest. "I would have become something like Jin if I wasn't wearing this."

Some pureblood vampires have returned to the castle. They are resting in their chambers after the ordeals they faced at the hell gate. There's no sign of Izo and Jin. 

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"We should be looking for them." Noah raises his hands and gestures toward the lake. "What if Jin is caught by hunters?"

"Most hunters have been killed by our wondrous queen." Kai gives him a dark smile. "I like her more. Li Dai Yu was my type."

"Don't let the King hear you," Noah snaps at him.

"I know." Kai exhales, "That's why I am making an android lover. Do you want one?"

Android lover? Noah squints his eyes. "You are not going to blow up half the castle, are you?"

Kai shakes his head and laughs, "How could I do that? Last time, King hanged me upside down for a decade. However, being hanged like that gave me a lot of ideas. Say, aren't you tired of having one-sided feelings toward Izo?"

How did this bloodsucker find out? Noah widens his eyes. "How many people know?"

"Nearly everyone except for Izo and the king." Kai steps toward the edge of the gate and looks down. "Weather is nice today. Should we go for skinny dipping? I wish Klyn was here."

"Izo also knows." Noah covers his face and sobs. "How could I do that to him?"

"Huh?" Kai finds Noah's distress rather interesting. He squats down, leaning closer to Noah. "What did you do?"

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Noah doesn't answer. He's too ashamed to say the words. "I should die."

"Too bad that you are a near-immortal." Kai grins at him. "The hunters are also gone for a while. Converts are also gone. You can't find any quick way to die."

Why does this man… Noah glares at Kai. "Why don't you go back to what you were doing?"

It's better if Kai only stays in his room.

"I am studying true bonds and…" Kai scratches his chin. "True mates. I heard sex is really great. What if I find some way to make the true mates come to us?"

Noah blinks his eyes. Making true mates come? "How?"

"We don't know if all of us have true mates or not." Kai stands up and beckons him to follow him. 

Noah walks beside him, interested in listening more about true mates. "Then?"

"First, we will check whether we have one or not." Kai gives him a smile. "If I find mine, the first thing that I will do is…"

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"Have sex?" Noah interrupts him.

"I will reject her." Kai lets out a low laugh. "Why would I give up my wives for one single woman?"

Noah sighs. What did he expect? There's Jin who is dying to meet his true mate. There's Kai who wants to find his true mate to reject her. 

If Izo was his true mate… Is that even possible? 

Kai takes him to his room. Noah has been here only once before. That was around five decades ago. 

The crazy inventor's room is so messy that Noah has an urge to puke.

He's not a clean freak but there's a limit that every person has.

For example, there are cobwebs on the ceilings. Those cobwebs are so thick and dark. Noah is sure that he can find some bats in there. 

Never mind! Even bats would not live here.

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The floor has five layers of dirt. Clothes are here and there, not in the wardrobe for sure. There's a pile of books in the corner. In the other corner, there is a mountain of random machinery. On the table next to the wall, beakers and vials of colourful potions are lying with sinister gleams in them. Blood circles are painted on the wall.

"Just what have you been doing here?" Noah can't help but ask. He knows that he would regret questioning him.

"Noah, my brother." Kai puts his arm around his shoulders. "Today, I am going to show you my greatest discovery: THE TRUE MATE FINDER!"

"..." Noah frowns. He's sure that Kai is going to blow up the castle or blow himself up. Honestly, he regrets following this weirdo to his room. 

"If only Jin was here." Kai releases Noah and walks to the potion table. "Let it be. I am sure that he is running toward his true mate right now."

"Huh?" Noah opens his mouth wide. 

"Oh, the potion reacted to his blood." Kai picks up a beaker with blue liquid. "I have the blood of all of our brother's except for the king and Brother Ken. Brother Ken wouldn't give his blood to me."

Noah pinches his lips into a thin line. He doesn't remember offering his blood to Kai.

"I took your when you lost your consciousness." Kai gives him a side-long glance. "Want to see yours?"

"Show me." Noah walks to the table. Since he's here, he should see what this is about. Whether Jin is running toward his true mate or lost in some woods, they will only know after Jin is found.

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