Kai and Noah do the test for Han. The result is the same. Though the solution changes colour, there's no change in the map. 

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"So, his true mate might not be in this world." Kai comments, "Or she's dead."

"It could be a male." Noah smiles. "I forgot about mine. Where was it again?"

"We need to make another solution then." Kai cracks his fingers. "Why don't you go out? It was running in the east direction. Maybe you will bump into her or him or it."

"What if it's really a bird?" Noah scowls. "Do I kill it and wait for its reincarnation?"

"Don't do anything stupid." Kai chuckles. "Bring it here. I will work on it. Who knows? Maybe I can turn it into a human being."

Noah stares at him for a moment, studying his face to guess what's going inside his mind. No matter what, it's hard to guess what is going inside this vampire's head. "I don't think that there is any spell that can turn birds into humans."

"Then." Kai stares at the pile of machinery in the corner. "Do you want to look for the bird or not?"

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"I guess I will let fate decide." Noah takes a breath. What's the point? He has feelings for Izo who doesn't like him back for sure. He doesn't even want a true mate. Besides, the litmus test is rather… doubtful. How could it react to all the blood samples? 

"Then, then." Kai's eyes shine brightly. "Do you want to take part in another experiment?"

"Another one?" Noah furrows his brows. He doesn't want to get involved but there's no harm in listening. "What kind of experiment?"

"I am trying to make a sex partner." Kai heads toward the left wall and pulls an inconspicuous lever on the wall. The wall slides away, opening the way to his secret lab. Noah could only guess how Kai could make a secret lab in the castle. In the end, he decides that it's best not to question much. The less he knows, the safer he is.

The secret lab has a series of tables on both sides. On each wooden table, there are strange items that Noah can't name. He sees pots of some herbs growing on one table. On the second one, there's a metal plant with white crystal flowers. The third table has some skulls. 

Noah puts his hands in his pockets. Alright, why is he here? Alright, having a sex partner is interesting. Why wouldn't he want one? But he is more curious about what is going on here.

"Since the apocalypse happened, I feel that it would be difficult to find a sex partner." Kai chuckles as he makes his way toward the last table where an average size robot is lying on the table. "Here's my creation. Its name is Fuck My Mind Out."

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"Sex doll," Noah utters with a calm look on his face. Why is he not surprised? This weirdo would come up with this.

"It's not a sex doll." Kai waves his hand in a lofty manner. "Noah, it's what humans ever dream about. It's a robot who is almost like a human."

Basically, it's a sex robot. Noah doesn't voice his opinions anymore. "So you are so horny that you made a sex robot for yourself."

"Noah, I am so horny that I can fuck you right now." Kai tells him with a straight face, "But you would get mad at me if I do something."

"Of course." There's no surprise in Noah's tone. He has heard so many weird things coming out of that mouth. This isn't surprising anymore. "You didn't make boobs."

"I didn't choose its gender." Kai sighs. "I need to experiment it on someone."

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"Don't even think that I would participate." Noah clicks his tongue. He's not desperate enough to have sex with a robot. 

"Is that so?" Kai raises his eyebrow. "Fine then. You are going to stay here and watch me work, right? It's boring since Klyn isn't here."

This guy must be lonely without Klyn. Did Klyn ever have sex with a robot? Noah runs his fingers through his hair. It's better if he never finds out. 

He watches Kai work on the robot. Kai moves from table to table, mixing potions, pouring it in another beaker, adding the crystal flowers and a few herbs. Then, Kai puts on his glasses and eyes the precipitating solution carefully. 

Kai returns to his robot and applies the solution to its skin. It dries as soon as it comes in contact with air. After some time, there's a layer of pale skin on the robot's body. Then, Kai walks to the pile of garbage in the corner and looks for something.

When he returns with the item, Noah's face turns blank.

"Why are you attaching a dildo?" Noah wrinkles his nose.

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"Experiment." Kai picks up the screwdriver. "What do you know? I go both ways. Furthermore, it also has a vagina and back hole."

"..." Just what the hell is he making? Noah looks for the exit. Can he leave and pretend he's never been here? "Kai, did you and Klyn…"

"Nope, he's straight." Kai finishes attaching the dildo to the sex robot. Then, he starts massaging the solution on the dildo.

For some reasons, this scene is extremely erotic and embarrassing to Noah. He leans against the table and crosses his arms. "Kai, are you done?"

"The best thing about this doll is that it can " Kai moves toward the robot's head. "I need to work on his face."

Noah takes a deep breath. Let's see what he's going to do.

Kai wonders what kind of face he should give to the robot. After much contemplations, he decides that it's best to keep androgynous since the robot is both male and female. It should be pleasing to both genders, especially males. He uses the second solution made out of Bashinga flowers that are found only in the Fae realm and some other rare herbs that he's been gathering for a while. 

This sex robot is his long dream. Today, it's going to come true.

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