"What's going on?" The first voice leans on the softer tone, smooth as money. It's nice to listen to. It's a male for sure.

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"It should be working." The second voice is husky, a bit tired, and deep. There's a certain aloofness in his voice. "I am sure that I got the spell right."

"Nevermind!" The first man taunts, "I knew that it wouldn't be working. It looks weird anyway. Who would fuck it?"

What? Fuck? What did they mean by it?

"I would." The man, who is definitely the one with a husky and aloof voice, parts her legs suddenly. "I have been working on it for two hundred years. How could I not fuck it? Why don't you touch it? The vagina even has a hymen. Damn! I can't wait to pop it."

"It isn't attractive to me." Someone pokes her thigh. "Geez! Did you use human skin? It's soft and smooth."

Shen Mei doesn't understand what is going on. She can't open her eyes or move her body. She can only feel them touch her. There are strange sensations that she has never felt before. Someone puts a finger in her private area, exploring it to his wishes. She feels her insides responding to the man's touch. Her head is still in a blur but she can tell that this shouldn't be happening. 

How did she end up here?

She does remember living a short life. Her father was a minister and she was his eighth daughter. Since her mother was a concubine, she had never received the attention and care of her father. Her mother died because of an incurable disease. 

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Her fourth sister started a rumour that she also had the same disease. Her fiance broke up the engagement. She was locked in her courtyard with no servants. She had to cook her own meals until the day she couldn't do it anymore. During her last days, she was suffering from fever. 

She was only nineteen when she died. 

While Shen Mei is wondering what is happening to her, Noah and Kai are wondering what is wrong with the robot.

"I think that I saw its fingers twitching," Noah frowns deeply. "Is it alive?"

"No." Kai narrows his eyes on the robot. "It needs to be activated. I have worked on artificial intelligence. It should act like a normal person."

"Normal?" Noah eyes the erect penis. "I don't think that it can ever act like a normal person. Besides, your robot is turned on."

"It is quite sensitive." Klyn chuckles, checking out the wetness between the thighs. "I am going to activate it. Do you want to stay here and see me doing it with it? I don't mind the threesome though."

Noah raises his hand. This is his limit. He should leave now. "No, thanks! Have fun. I am leaving."

He would rather remain single than do it with a sex robot. Noah heads toward the exit. He doesn't want to see something that might hurt his eyes for eternity. 

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"Geez!" He hears Kai mumbling to himself. "You are so wet. You want me that much?"

There's a burst of lecherous laughter. 

Just what is wrong with Kai? Noah shakes his head. He shouldn't have come to Kai's room. 


After Noah is gone, Kai climbs on the table to inspect his creation. His expression changes to calmness. 

The lecherous gleam in his eyes is gone. He raises the robot's knees, parting its legs. The penis is pointing toward the ceiling, all erect and glorious. 

"What is wrong with you?" He puts his two fingers inside the vagina, putting in and out slowly. The juices spill out of that hole, soaking his hand. "The spell did work. But why aren't you opening your eyes?"

He has been trying to create his own sex robot for years. Human technology has advanced so much.

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The artificial intelligence and robotic technologies… he has tried to merge it with the magical technologies that he's been working on. 

So his goal is to create robots who can act as his assistants. He definitely needs someone who can clean his room. Sex is added advantage, of course.

Also, he's been hoping to make a caretaker for Fu Mian when she comes back. The Queen is sleeping at the moment. That little girl is always surrounded by pureblooded vampires. If this robot is a success, he will make more. 

But why is it not opening its eyes? "Did I get the spell wrong?"

He created the spell himself. How could it go wrong? Maybe a little wrong. Anyway, Kai doesn't believe that anything is wrong with the spell. It is working well enough. The robot's body is responding to his touches as a female or male would. 

"Well, I need to check if your other places are working well." He bends down and touches the boobs, rubbing the nipples to the erection. "Nipples are working for sure."

Shen Mei can't move right or left. She is both ashamed and shocked. Whenever he touches her, she feels current flowing through her flesh. He is tracing her body with his palms, grumbling something about a spell going wrong.

His scent reminds her of persimmons. There's a distinct scent of herbs, metal, and medicines. His palms are rough and big, making her feel like she's burning. Her mind tries to resist, desperately trying to figure out what is going on.

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Is it a demon? Her mother told her about an evil demon who stole maidens from villages and made them his wives.

But she's already dead, isn't she?

Or was she just unconscious?

Maybe this is an erotic dream.

Why can't she move?

Kai lets out a heavy sigh. What is the problem? 

"Maybe I can't find a way to activate the AI." He concludes, "What is the right way?"

He raises her body, checking her back. The switches are turned on. He turns off the AI switch.

All of a sudden, Shen Mei stops feeling anything. She finds herself in utter darkness. She can't hear a sound or smell anything.  

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