After five minutes, he turns on the AI switch.

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Shen Mei senses return to her. She can smell and feel the cold hard table again when he lays her down gently.

This is an evil demon for sure! What is he doing to her? Only if she could move...

"I don't understand where I am getting it wrong." Kai scratches his chin, eyeing the shemale robot in front of him solemnly. "The switches are working right. The body is responding. Even her metallic heart is beating."

Metallic heart? Shen Mei wants to scream at him. She doesn't have a metallic heart.

"Did I use the wrong alloy?" Kai glances at the penis. "Maybe I added too many functions."

Shen Mei's head can't interpret the meaning of those words. What functions?

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"I am so tired." He slaps the penis in annoyance. "Darn! Why are you not working?"

Shen Mei, who just got her artificial penis slapped, can't even move her artificial muscles in pain. She has no idea why she has this strange pain coming from a strange place that shouldn't be there. It feels like she has grown a third arm between her legs. How could it be possible? Did this demon do something to her? 

"Argh!" Kai lays down next to the shemale robot. He hasn't slept for days. Turning to his side, he puts his arm over her, pulling her closer while placing his leg over her. His knee brushes against her balls, making her penis twitch. She tries hard to open her mouth. But her body isn't listening to her at all.

"Too sensitive," He complains as he curls his fingers around the bottom of the penis. "Should I relieve it?"

No. Don't do anything. Shen Mei wants to yell at the demon. 

But the demon isn't listening. He lazily starts massaging the erection, moving his hand up and down, rubbing his thumb over the tip. It doesn't take long for him to get turned on. He hasn't done it for a long long time. 

Last time, he did it with a siren who tried to eat his heart after the sex. It was a pretty bad experience. He doesn't like living beings much. Sex robots are more reliable. At least, they won't try to eat his heart after making him do all the work during the sex.

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"Not this one for sure." Kai lets out a sigh. His cock is already throbbing. Either he does the handjob or makes use of this robot. His voice is full of pain, melancholy, and hopelessness. "I wanted a maid more than a sex robot. I can't find the things that I want to find in the pile of everything. It's been centuries since I cleaned my lab."

His woes are real. He has been gathering rare materials for centuries. He is sure that it's still in the lab. It's just that he doesn't know where it is. There are mountains of random objects lying against the walls. 

His other lab is cleaner -- the place where he kept Klyn and did experiments on him. It's probably because he keeps it disinfected for surgeries and other interesting things.

Lab? Sex? Robot? Shen Mei doesn't understand half of his words. She did understand 'Sex'. No! They can't do it. It's bad to do it before marriage. If this demon takes her as his wife, what would become of her? She can't even move! 

"Maybe I should put Izo's face there." He stops touching the hardened cock. Raising his chin, he scrutinizes her face. "Is it me or you look a little different? Your complexion is a little rosy!"

Shen Mei starts cursing his seven ancestors in her mind. She doesn't want to be a demon's bride. 

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"You are pretty." Kai nods his head, proud of his creation. "Your eyelashes are long. Lips are too kissable though. Did I do it too much?"

What is this demon saying? Does he like her? Is it his way of flattering her appearance? Shen Mei has never heard flattery before. Her maiden heart accelerates when she feels his tantalizing warm breath on her face. The demon is trailing his finger on her jawline. His touch is delicate and affectionate. 

In fact, Kai is affectionate and proud of his creation. It looks exactly like a real-life being. The spell has worked so well. On top of it, the skin is warm. He continues to admire his creation, feeling emotional -- forgetting about the erection down there.

Five centuries of hard work has accumulated into a failed robot. 

His eyes turn misty. He hugs the shemale robot and pats her back. "Even if you are imperfect, you are still mine. I won't look down on you."

Shen Mei, who has been confused about the demon, is touched by his words. She has always been looked down upon by her siblings and her father's main wife. After all, her mother had humble origins. She had always been bullied by her siblings all her life. 

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This demon isn't that bad. Maybe he saved her when she was dying from a fever. Right now, he could be trying to heal her body. What does she know? He could violate her. But he's sobbing softly while his little dragon is poking her.

This is a little frustrating. She wants to comfort the demon but her arms wouldn't move.

"I will fix you," Kai exclaims suddenly. He wipes his cheek. "AM274, you are going to open your eyes someday."

She has been doubting. Now, she's sure. This demon wants to cure her. She must have caught her mother's incurable illness for real. This demon brought her away when she passed out and now, he's doing everything to save her.

This is the first time someone is going this far for her. If Shen Mei could move, she would have burst into tears.

Kai, determined to save his product, pulls his sleeves up and turns her to her side. His gaze falls on her erection. Then, he looks down at the bulge in his pants.

"I can't concentrate like this," He mumbles.

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