"What do I do?" Kai smacks the penis. "So annoying."

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He slaps it for a few times, hoping that it would turn down on its own.

However, the cock stands erect, swelling more as Shen Mei starts cursing the demon in her head again. Why is he hitting her? What did she do wrong?

"Alright." Kai turns the robot to her side and switches off all the buttons. "I should take a cold shower and then, I am going to look into AM274. Why am I turned on?"

Shen Mei finds herself in darkness again. This time, she doesn't panic, knowing that the demon can bring her back.

After taking a long shower and taking care of his little brother, he comes back to the lab. AM274 is lying on the table in the same position that he left her. He exhales, feeling hopeless. 

"At least, its body reacts to touch." He slaps its round butt. "It feels real but where I am wrong… This is bothersome."

Kai turns her back on the table. The penis is no longer erect. He stares at it for a moment before deciding to remove it.

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It's best not to give too much load to the robot before the AI takes charge. 

As soon as he removes the penis, it turns into a dildo in his hand. He tosses it in the pile of random things somewhere in the room. Then he inspects the area where the penis was attached by inserting his fingers between the satiny folds and rubbing the clit. He lets out a proud laugh. "I am a genius, aren't I? The robot will turn into a female if I remove the penis."

If he removes the breasts, it will take a complete male form.

"I still want to cry." Kai sighs. "Where is that book?"

The book is lying on the table right behind him but it takes him around an hour to find it.

"Ah, here it is." He flips the pages. "Golem Creation Mastery… I wonder if it was a good idea to merge two technologies."

Golems are made from inanimate matter but it carries a soul or will of the owner. He didn't try to summon a soul. Instead, he has decided to install artificial intelligence in the robot with the golem technology. But there's no response other than the physical response. The robot should be able to move on its own.

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Honestly, he got the idea after seeing the Queen's little brother. Xiao Chun Dan wasn't human. But the Queen was able to create a soul and a body for him. But Xiao Chun Dan had a mind of its own. So he wants to create something like that -- a special artificial intelligence like Xiao Chun Dan. 

"Methods to activate the golems." Kai reads it slowly. "If blood doesn't work, other bodily fluids must be used -- Oh, damn!"

Kai realizes where he's doing it wrong.

"AM274 doesn't have blood vessels." Kai places the book on the table. He turns around and holds her wrist. "Who forgets to add blood vessels after making a heart? It's me, Kai the moron."

He shakes his head at his foolishness. "Xiao Chun Dan didn't have blood vessels either. That's why he couldn't bleed."

Well, that boy didn't have a heart either. It's not the same now. 

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"If she has vessels, she needs blood too." Kai scratches his chin. "Why should I add blood that is so precious to us? It should be something else."

Kai goes back to the potion table, looking for a specific potion. "Golems usually need magic. A robot needs batteries. Should I add the ability to absorb energy from sunlight? Where's azobenzene -- that might not alone… if I mix --"

After a few hours, AM274's 'blood' is ready. He returns to the robot and casts another spell to create vessels in her body. Then, he opens her mouth to pour down the chemical that he prepared. It should not only absorb sunlight but it should work with the spiritual and other types of magical energies that even pureblooded vampires can't ingest. The chemical will work like a battery to store energy. 

He turns on the switches on her back and waits. Her skin colour changes to warm ivory. Her eyelashes are darker than before and her hair grows to her waistline. The body also changes as the 'blood' flows in her new vessels. Her androgynous face turns more feminine.

Shen Mei realizes that she doesn't feel emptier like before. Her body feels more real to her. Her knees are slightly aching. She wonders if the demon is able to cure her. What is he doing exactly?

"Is it because of the chemical?" Kai mutters as he glances at the robot's pink lips. The robot has an oval face, small nose, and wide-set eyes. "She doesn't look bad."

However, his goal is not beauty. He wants a robotic maid. Kai frowns as he looks at the book again. He skims through the content. 

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"Blood or other fluids." He mumbles, "Golem doesn't need that. However, they need a will to control them."

A will? Kai lifts his chin and eyes the robot thoughtfully. Even if it's artificial intelligence, it would need someone to control it.

Shaking his head, he turns the pages of the book. "If the golem doesn't get activated, it might need a special invocation. The list of invocation spells is given below."

But this invocation spell won't work for AM274. Kai lets out a heavy sigh. There's a difference between a golem and a robot. "Invocation, huh? She's not exactly a golem though."

Invocation means awakening the special spirit or demon in the golem. It also included injecting the owner's will. He blinks his eyes when he realizes something. "Is it because of that?"

Kai parts the robot's legs and puts his face between its thighs, looking into the hole. "I added a special orgasm plug there. Maybe this robot needs a special invocation, huh? I shouldn't have used Klyn's experimental spells."

It seems that he has to do that.

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