Chapter 72: I am your king

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Huang Qiuyan crosses her arms and frowns at the stone door. She's been rejected a hundred and fifty-six times. She admits that it hurt a lot until she became numb to the rejection. 

How many times has this vampire king been rejected? Judging from his reaction, this must be the first time. The first time is always the hardest. She recalls the words that she said to him. She was quite harsh, wasn't she? But then, it was he who asked her to push him away arrogantly. He ate his own medicine and now, he's sulking inside a room.

She glances at Aiken and Han. Aiken is fiddling with his fingers nervously. Han appears calm, but the restlessness is clear in his eyes.

Her mother was never worried her that way whenever she was heartbroken due to rejection. Her mother would scold her until she would cry because her family was ashamed of her. That was one way to get over the rejection because of a man. By the end of the day, she would be heartbroken due to the words that her family said to her.

This king has people who care about him.

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She looks at the door again and sighs. Though the king is always acting all high and mighty, he's just a man who sulks inside a room when he gets rejected. Should she teach him how to handle rejection? She's quite expert at this. She steps closer to the door and knocks. 

"Open the door. I have something to ask."

No sound comes out. She waits for a long moment before she knocks again. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself for locking yourself like this? You should be ashamed of yourself. Why are you making others worried about you? You are thousands of years old. You are a super old man. Have some shame and act your age. Fu Sheng, come out right now."

She bites her tongue. Why is she using the same tone that her mother used to use on her? She lowers her voice when she speaks again, "Fu Sheng, I was a little harsh earlier. I am sorry."

Someone used those lines on her once. 

"It's not you. It's me. I don't think that I am right for you."

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Aiken coughs in the background. She ignores it.

"There are plenty of fishes in the sea. I am sure that you will find someone who is right for you."

Han shakes his head slightly. Who else is right for him other than his true mate? It's too embarrassing to hear these things coming from a queen.

"We are just not compatible. Our hearts don't match. I don't feel anything when I hold your hand," She starts uttering all the common reasons for the rejections that the men had told her in the past. "My heart didn't move. I want to feel butterflies in my stomach. I am sorry, but your looks aren't enough for me. You are a wonderful person, but I am just not good enough for you."

Aiken can't hold himself back anymore. "My queen, please stop."

Please stop saying those things to their king. It's insulting.

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Huang Qiuyan is actually worried now. What if this king kills himself because she rejected him? The world is already chaotic. Fu Mian will be fatherless. Who will protect that child? She presses her ear on the wall. "Fu Sheng, you can't force someone to like you. You shouldn't be acting like this. Think of Fu Mian. She's waiting for you."

Suddenly, the door slides away. She falls forward and hits a cold hard chest. Fu Sheng grabs her by her shoulder before pushing her away, hard. She drops on the floor and cries out in pain. Aiken and Han step forward to help her, but a look from Fu Sheng freezes their bodies.

She turns around and looks up at him. Fu Sheng is watching her with cold and emotionless eyes. The pressure in the air is thickening by seconds. Her eyes scan him from the head to the bottom. He looks fine. Idiot Xiao Chun Dan! He made her believe that this man might be hurt because of the rejection. 

Xian Chun Dan responds immediately. [Elder Sister, I am new at this. It's good that he's fine. Now, you don't have to feel guilty.]

[Why do you think that I feel guilty? I did nothing wrong. If I go back in time, I would reject him again.]

Fu Sheng's gaze lingers on her for a moment. Her bruised arm doesn't go unnoticed by him. He turns his unfeeling gaze toward Aiken. "Prepare a place for the esteemed guest."

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These words are enough to tell Aiken and Han about Huang Qiuyan's new status in the castle.

Huang Qiuyan blinks her eyes. She's suddenly an esteemed guest. Being a guest means living here. She has no intention of living here at all, especially after rejecting this king. Even a fool like her can feel the change in his attitude.

She shouts, "I don't want to be a guest. I want to leave this place."

The king's voice is quiet and low. "Until the world is fixed, you will remain here as a guest."

Huang Qiuyan opens her mouth to argue, but no words would come out. She realizes that her body is sinking lower on its own. There's a heavyweight on the back of her, pushing her down. The king steps toward her. He bends down on his one knee and looks into her eyes.

"Huang Qiuyan, I do not care how you lived when you were a human. You are a vampire now. You are one of my people."  His unfeeling eyes make her shudder. "I am your king. You will obey my commands."

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