Chapter 73: That won't be a problem anymore

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Obey? Is she a slave now? 

He probably wants the same thing from her. Huang Qiuyan wants to yell back at him. She's never going to obey him. But when she meets his black eyes again, she chokes on the words. What's happening to her? Why can't she speak? This is different from the time when she would feel his need to have her. She looks into the bond. It's barely there. She can't feel his emotions. How come? 

Fu Sheng senses her tapping into the bond to check on him. The walls around his heart grow thicker. He sends a repelling wave through the bond, making her flinch in pain. "Ow!"

"Huang Qiuyan, you are only my mate in name now. You better learn your position." His heart-numbing voice enters her ears, making her anxious. She can't explain why she's anxious when she should be afraid of him. There's something not right about him. Was he always like this? She didn't know him for long. She can't sense anger or sadness. She can't sense anything but coldness as if he transformed into a cold stone. 

[Elder Sister, do you care about him?]

Huang Qiuyan furrows her brows. [No, I don't. It's only because of the bond. I am just checking on him because I will die if something happens to him.]

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She's not anxious for him. Why would she be? Rather, it's good. In her mind, he's never been her mate from the beginning. He's just a vampire who kept doing whatever he wanted to do with her using that bond. 

He's finally stepping back. She's relieved, but a corner of her heart is upset. She pushes those feelings away. It's the true bond's effect. It's nothing else.

"Aiken." Fu Sheng doesn't pay any more attention to the woman sitting on the floor. "Have you sent Klyn to get this punishment?"

Aiken pales. "My King, he hasn't woken up."

"I see." Fu Sheng tilts his head thoughtfully. "If he wakes up, send him to me."

"My king, I will do as you commanded." Aiken gives him a respectful bow. 

Huang Qiuyan gapes at them, not knowing what to do. She's feeling awkward. She peers at Fu Sheng nervously. The king feels her eyes on him. He turns his face toward her.

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"Aiken, assign someone to teach the way of the vampires to this new convert. Make sure to teach her how to defend herself properly. Train her in magic too. Take care of her every need while she's here." He pauses for a moment. "And keep her out of my sight during."

Huang Qiuyan trembles. There's no anger or annoyance. He's not polite or happy either. His tone is monotonous and dead. He's looking at her like she's a job -- a burden for him to bear. It's the same look that her family gave to her whenever she failed or got rejected.

She hates this feeling. Who is he to look at her like she's a burden to him? 

"Why would I stay out of your sight? I need to drink your blood. Thanks to the bond, I can't drink any human's blood."

She blinks. Why did she say that? Is something wrong with her head? She rejected that man. She can't ask him to feed her. She can't drool for his blood.

Aiken and Han look away. They are certainly at the wrong place at the wrong time. Between mates, drinking blood is an intimate matter. They are witnessing what they shouldn't be witnessing. Why these two just don't argue where they can't hear or see?

Unperturbed, Fu Sheng replies to her, "That won't be a problem anymore."

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"What do you mean?" She raises her brow. "Human's taste like crap. Do I have to kill my taste buds each time I drink someone else's blood?"

He takes a step toward her. His aura is suddenly dangerous. She purses her lips. Bow? She will never bow to anyone. If she is forced to lower her head again due to his pressure, she will look up again. 

He's standing too close. She inhales his scent. Like the last time, it's not strongly infiltrating her nose. But the scent is still delicious and arousing. She wants to bite him again. 

[Elder Sister, you are doing it again.]

Huang Qiuyan's senses come back. She scowls at him. 

"The blood belonging to other creatures won't taste abnormal again." He tells her quietly, "Aiken will show you the options. If you don't like it, you can come to me. Since you are still my mate, I will give you my blood during your stay here."

His voice trails off. A tint of sorrow escapes through his tone. Huang Qiuyan's heart twinges with pain. Then, the pain disappears again. She finds Fu Sheng walking away from her, not looking back once.

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Han gives a nod to Aiken and leaves. He follows after the king.

[Elder Sister, you are a shameless woman. Even a system like me won't ask blood from the person I have rejected. Why do you seek death so much? You would have died if you weren't his mate.]

She lets out a sigh. What's the name of the complicated feeling in her heart? 

[Xiao Chun Dan, I want to level up So, that I can leave this world and find that bond breaker. Find out how to gain points in a short time. I will do any method.]

[I will look into it.]

Aiken walks to her. Aiken outstretches his hand toward her and smiles. "Lady Huang, shall I show you your room?"

Huang Qiuyan notices the change of address. The tone is different too. It's more polite than respectful. She shrugs her shoulder. This is better. "Yes, thank you."

She will also try being polite to these vampires except for Fu Sheng. Why? She dislikes him a lot. What a bothersome man! She can't wait to break the last of the bond between them.

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