Chapter 77: It doesn't feel like a blessing

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"My lady, why did you reject him?" Jin is horrified. Being rejected by a true mate is worse than death. The king must have been hurt gravely. Agitated, he asks her loudly, "Do you know how blessed you are? On this planet, there are billions of people, the total number of people who have experienced the true bond is less than the number of fingers on my hands."

Seeing the horror in his eyes, she moves back a little. Xiao Chun Dan is already inside her mind. She shrugs nonchalantly. "It doesn't feel like a blessing."

Jin widens his eyes. He can't comprehend why anyone would reject their true mate. He's wishing every day to meet his true mate. He doesn't know if he even has one. Not all vampires are lucky to experience the true bond. Why are beautiful gifts thrown on people who don't know how to appreciate it?

How could his king let her reject him? He should have worked hard to convince her. 

Huang Qiuyan frowns when Jin turns around and leans on the door. His shoulders quiver. She hears soft sobbing sounds. Why is he crying now? What did she do?

"Lady Huang, you are --" Jin weeps for his king and this idiot woman who can't tell what she has thrown away. His proud king might never accept her as his mate again. "I don't know what to say because I have nothing good to say to you now."

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[Xiao Chun Dan: I didn't know vampires could cry too.]

[Huang Qiuyan: He reminds me of a small puppy.]

[Xiao Chun Dan: Can I laugh, Elder Sister?]

[Huang Qiuyan: Don't be rude.]

"Jin..." She places her hand on his shoulder, trying to soothe the boy who is more hurt than she is. "Please don't cry?"

"Lady Huang!" Jin turns his face to her. His cheeks are wet because of the tears. "How could you do it? My king must be in so much pain."

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 "Pain?" Her hand trembles. He didn't seem to be in pain. Just a little grumpy? "He seemed fine."

Jin looks at her like she's an idiot. "My king doesn't show pain. He takes the burden on his shoulders. Though we are beside him, he's most alone amongst us. I was happy for him when I found out that he has a true mate. Among the nine of us, he deserves having a true mate the most. If I ever had to choose, I would let him have a true mate who can love him the way he deserves it."

She pinches her lips together. The king's minions hold him in high regard. Earlier, Aiken also said the same thing. Is she truly losing something priceless? How can she tell? She doesn't feel the pain of loss. Love? She doesn't love him. Does he love her? That's impossible. 

"Jin, I don't understand the true bond." She trails off, confused. Why does she want to know about the true bond? Whether there's love or not, she's going to break this. 

There's just this prickly feeling inside her heart... She's always been alone, but this loneliness makes her soul ache.

Jin massages his forehead. She doesn't even know much about the true bond. She's basically a newborn in their world. She doesn't know or understand. Nobody has guided her. There was no time either. Everything happened too fast. Klyn's actions might have united them a little too soon. Her heart is still occupied with human ideals and she wasn't ready. She needed time to realize it on her own.

Looking at her now, she hasn't realized what's holding her back. He can't blame her. He's sure that the king also knows this. His king... 

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Jin stares at her face. She doesn't seem like she's experiencing any retaliation for her actions. Then, the king must have taken it all on him? Is that how much his king cares for her? 

Now, he knows why brother Aiken chose him to be her mentor. Among the eight vampires, he's the only one who learned the most about the true bond.

He shows a slight smile to her. "Let's take a walk, Lady Huang. I will explain the bond first."

Huang Qiuyan glances at the boy -- young and harmless. She finds herself trusting him. Unlike others, he's not difficult to talk to. He's not acting awkward or stiff either. He's not afraid to voice out either. He will probably give her the answers that she needs to know

Jin walks by her side, keeping some distance from her. She's another's mate after all. "Lady Huang, how did you become a vampire?"

He has a gist of how she became a vampire. 

"It was the night hell broke loose." Her voice is low and mechanical. "A vampire bit me. When I woke up, I wasn't the same."

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The world wasn't the same either.

"It hasn't been long." Jin sighs. "Lady Huang, a lot happened to you in a short time. Usually, the parent vampire takes care of the newborn vampire. It should be your mate now. I am sure that the king will do his best."

"I don't need someone's care," Huang Qiuyan murmurs to herself. Whenever someone is caring for her, she has to pay back more than she gets. 

Jin peeks at her from the corner of his eyes. That's why converts are difficult to handle. They reach the end of the corridor. He turns right. His first job is to get her familiar with the area. 

"I will start with the basics first." Jin begins with a grave voice. "If you have any questions, ask me right away."

She gives a solemn nod to her new mentor and friend, waiting for him to speak. 

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