Chapter 78: A smile that taught me how to breathe

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"The pureblooded vampires are different from converts. A long time ago, the purebloods came to this world from another world. They settled down here. They drank from humans. For some time, they also ruled the human world in disguise. Some humans treated them like gods. Others treated them like devils. There were some purebloods who tried to save humans and created the first converts."

Jin stops in front of the large window opening to a breathtaking view. The moon is bright tonight, clear through the fog. The stars are twinkling, claiming the night sky quietly. She follows his line of gaze. How many people are looking at the moon in this moment? 

"Humans hate us for creating monsters who create more. They went to the witches who were afraid of the purebloods since the beginning. They created hunters who would hunt down both converts and purebloods. There were wars. We were hunted like dogs. The purebloods decided to take responsibility for their creations. They made laws. If the laws were broken, the vampires would be killed by purebloods. For years, there was peace. When the council was formed for the first time, the purebloods went to them to make an alliance. However, humans never trusted purebloods."

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Huang Qiuyan senses rage mixed with sorrow rising in his body. Jin looks in the distant. It's been two hundred years, but it feels like it was yesterday. 

His voice becomes faint. "Two hundred years ago, the council organized a grand gathering to celebrate the years of peace in the hidden world inside the human world. Thirty-six purebloods went to that gathering and only nine of them returned."

The supernatural world and the members of the council watched as the hunters used that opportunity to kill as many as purebloods they could. They called it purge -- purging the vile creatures out of this world. The council was always afraid of the powers that the purebloods wielded. 

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"The purebloods paid a price for trusting humans." Jin croaks. The nine of them lost their families and friends. There's no one left except them. His sisters, father, and mother turned to ashes before his eyes. "That's why the king hates humans. They don't trust us. We don't trust them. All of us are trying to survive. In this castle, no human or convert is allowed to enter. The converts often have lingering attachments to the humans. That's why they are prohibited to enter the castle."

In this moment in time, does it matter who started the war? Both sides have lost. The current world cannot be home to either of them. 

"Fu Mian is an exception. You are another exception," He adds solemnly. "We were surprised when the king brought her here. If she stayed with her family, converts would have attached them and killed the girl along with her family. The hunters would have raised her like a weapon. The king didn't have the heart to kill her. He brought her here and raised her like his daughter. For her, he would destroy the whole world without a second thought."

Jin becomes quiet, trying to compose himself. He rubs away the tears from the corners of his eye. His family will never come back to life, but he will never stop missing them. 

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"The true bond..." Jin takes a deep breath before he continues. "It's not limited to only vampires actually. The other supernatural creatures also experience it. Sometimes, even humans experience it, though they rarely can explain what they are feeling."

"Really?" Huang Qiuyan is surprised. "Humans too?"

"It's in the records taken by my ancestors. My ancestors devoted their lives to studying the true bond and other associated magic." He states, "It was around two thousand years ago. They couldn't find out how or why these true bonds appear between two souls. But it's nothing less than a blessing to two souls to experience something beyond love."

Something beyond love? She frowns deeply. All she and Fu Sheng has done is... She turns away from him. It's all about sex, isn't? Of course, she won't say it out loud to him.

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"Before she came to my life, I lived in a delusion that I had everything. I thought that I was happy. I never knew that there was an emptiness in my soul. I never recognized that emptiness as a weakness. I thought that it was common as the hair growing on my head. I laughed and cried. I ate and slept. I played and worked. I never felt that my life was missing anything. Then, she appeared. I realized that I was choking my soul a little each time I laughed at things that gave me an illusion of happiness. I realized that I cried every night, but there were no tears. I realized that I was never happy. She gave me a smile that taught me how to breathe."

Jin speaks with a dreamy voice. "During my darkest night, she becomes the moon that illuminates the night sky. During my hardest days, she becomes the clouds that protect me from the harshest rays of the sun. She becomes the sun that dispels the darkness from my life. She shares my pain, my happiness, my burdens, and my breaths. When she holds me, I know that she will be there for me even if the whole world went against me. When she makes love to me, I hear her soul singing to me. Even if I am offered heaven, I will throw it away and go back to her because there's no one who can sing to my soul the way she does and I know that she will do the same for me."

Huang Qiuyan is watching him with a half-opened mouth.

"Lady Huang." Jin's lips curve into a smile when he sees her baffled expression. "These are not the words of a vampire. These are words of a human male who experienced the true bond."

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