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Attack by Surprise!

The next second, she lifts up one knee, targeting at Xuanyuan Lie’s abdomen. This is her real card! To attack him by surprise!

When she kicks hard…

“How come!” Xuanyuan Lie takes a firm hold of her bending knee! Her strategy is deciphered by him?!

“I didn’t expect it. A hotel waitress is also a martial artist.” He deliberately makes this comment. In fact, he knows inside and out who this woman is. He twists his neck. After all, it hurts a little from Xiaoxiao’s attack.

“Haha…” She smiles…her knee in Xuanyuan Lie’s hand. Though his reaction is unexpected, she isn’t shocked, because he is Xuanyuan Lie, after all.

Therefore! How could she just prepare one further move? In the face of a powerful enemy, not preparing various moves will only result in a dead end. She releases Xuanyuan Lie’s hands, and, as her mouth slanting in the corner, she suddenly seizes him by the shoulders!

She utilizes his own strength against him and taking the opportunity when he’s unaware, manages to turn around, pushing Xuanyuan Lie away from her body, and rides on him instead.

Of course, this move only works when Xuanyuan Lie isn’t prepared. If she’s in his tight clinch like before, there is no way she could succeed.

“Woman, are you planning to continue what we did?” His voice is no longer utterly cold but instead a little seductive.

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Xiaoxiao frowns. The feeling he produced is still there. Holy heaven. She replies, “You think too much.” Though her heart is pounding an uneven beat, her tone remains calm.

The two stays in a deadlock for a while. There are no visible moves, but in fact she’s exerting strength to prevent him from pouncing at her like a wolf.

Suddenly Xuanyuan Lie raises his hand.

Xiaoxiao reactively stands back to escape from his attack. Then she steps aside but hits the wall, producing a loud ‘boom’.

“Haha…” Xuanyuan Lie grins. She is too nervous. Yet, she’s really quick. He’s afraid such a speed is rare even among gangsters. Who in heaven’s name is this woman?

“Bang, bang, bang!”

Then, there is sound on the doors. The lights inside begin to flash on too. Xiaoxiao looks up. The elevator works?

She takes a glance at the doors.

Right. The doors slide open. Dim light projects in from outside, where stand a group of maintenance staff and men in black uniform. Xiaoxiao has no time to think too much. She only takes a look back at Xuanyuan Lie, who, in light, surprisingly wears a subtle smile on his face.

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Without thinking more, before the doors are fully open, she darts out and forces her way through the group of people outside. Racing all the way along, she flees away.

On Xuanyuan Lie’s part. In the elevator, he grooms his messy collar. His shirt reveals a little of his chest due to the absence of a few buttons. He leisurely makes his way out of the elevator.

“Lord!” All the men in black standing outside bow their heads.

Xuanyuan Lie walks out.

One of the men comes to him and asks, “Lord, are you alright?” They heard violent noises just now from outside, so they had the doors open immediately.

In reality…before Xiaoxiao rushed out of the elevator, Xuanyuan Lie recognized her at first sight. When she nervously scooted back, Xuanyuan Lie ordered the followers to halt the elevator from normal operation. Therefore, the failure is not a coincidence, but his scheme.

But just now, Xiaoxiao fought a bit with Xuanyuan Lie in resistance. Though it’s not a violent fight, loud noise was made by them, which made Xuanyuan Lie’s followers suspect and open the doors.

“I’m alright.” The smile disappears, but there is still a ghost of sneering mood flickering in his dark eyes.

That night, Xiaoxiao stays in the hotel. She doesn’t want to walk around and runs into Xuanyuan Lie again. She puts on the wig and gets changed back to a man.

She stays at the door of the arms king’s room. The male prostitute has left after having sex with him. The next morning, when he walks out and finds Xiaoxiao standing at the door, he naturally assumes that the one spending the passionate night with him was Xiaoxiao.

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On the way escorting Xiaoxiao back to the headquarter of Night Empire, the arms king proposes for several times to keep her with him, “You, really don’t want to go to my country?”

Xiaoxiao turns him down in a courteous way.

By the time the car arrives at the headquarter of Night Empire, the arms king still eyes Xiaoxiao with affection. He takes out a purple jade, handing it to Xiaoxiao, “In the future, whenever you encounter any difficulty, turn to me with this jade.”

“No, I shouldn’t take it.”

“Take it. Otherwise, I’ll force you to go with me.” The arms king says firmly.

Xiaoxiao sighs. Thinking that she doesn’t necessarily need his assistance in the future and she doesn’t want to ruin his beautiful dream, she takes it anyway and heads for the headquarter.

Lan Tingyan comes out to meet them in person. After all, it’s the arms king. Although Night Empire has its own sphere of influence, the arms king has been one of their allies.

When Lan Tingyan catches sight of Xiaoxiao, he breathes a pitiful sigh. Only after arranging the arms king to take a rest in the lobby does he approach Xiaoxiao and give her a sympathetic hug.

But this hug exactly makes him astonished. He knew this guy had tiny bones but didn’t expect to such an extent. And her body is so soft.

His big hand automatically slips down to Xiaoxiao’s waist! Lan Tingyan is stunned. This waist. A man’s? A man? How can a man have such slim and soft waist?

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When Lan Tingyan holds her long, Xiaoxiao becomes alert at once and pushes him away, “Lord Yan, I have to go.”

“Hold on! Lie let you go to his house once you come back.”

“Yes!” On hearing Xuanyuan Lie’s name, a strange feeling occurs to her, but she slaps it down quickly.

Staring numbly at Xiaoxiao’s back, Lan Tingyan stands still for a while. He raises his hands to regard them, feeling unbelievable. The softness seems to linger on his hands. That is a man. How come he’s so soft? And the slim waist. What’s more, when holding him, there was some inexplicable impulse. Shit! I’m not gay!

Reminded of Xiao Mu’s delicate face, Lan Tingyan frowns. Weird. This buddy is really weird!

At Night Empire, Xiaoxiao has been collecting news about Maomao, but she gets little useful ones. The only useful one is that ‘the child was taken away by lord’.

But she already knew this. It’s clear that Maomao is taken to the mansion too, but why can’t she find him? Where on earth does Xuanyuan Lie hide Maomao?

Thinking of this, she finds she has no other choice but to go back to Xuanyuan Lie’s mansion as Lan Tingyan told her. Only sticking around with Xuanyuan Lie will it be possible to know where her son is.

She returns to his house and enters into the hall.

“Lie, is it you?” On the sofa in the hall, Marina hears the sound and stands up at once. But the one coming into her sight isn’t Xuanyuan Lie, but the driver Xiao Mu!

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