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Marina’s Plot

Xiaoxiao isn’t surprised when she sees Marina. After all, she’s Xuanyuan Lie’s girlfriend. Xiaoxiao bows at her out of politeness and then goes upstairs.

Marina is dumbfounded when she finds Xiaoxiao heading directly for the second floor. Why is this man allowed to go to the second floor? Isn’t he just a driver?

The other day when she left the restaurant after them, she sneered at herself for being jealous of a man. After all, Xiao Mu is a man, just someone Xuanyuan Lie values.

But when…she watches Xiaoxiao going upstairs, she becomes depressed again at once, “Hey, where’re you going? Do you live here?” She looks up and shouts with anger.

Xiaoxiao stops to look down at Marina, “I’m injured, so lord let me live here until I recover.” Xiaoxiao doesn’t mind her asking and gives her a brief reply, then ignoring her.

But the words make Marina collapse onto the sofa. Lie’s also close with Lan Tingyan, but they seem normal when being together. Yet, this guy… Why does she just feel there is something wrong?

At this moment…Xiaoxiao is applying medicine in her room.

There is a knock at the door.

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“Who is that?” She quickly gets dressed.

Then, she sees Marina coming in and shutting the door.

Strange. What does she want here? Doubts flash in Xiaoxiao’s pretty eyes, “May I help you?”

Once entering the room, Marina doesn’t talk but walks right to Xiaoxiao, and at the same time, undresses herself.

“What are you doing?!” Xiaoxiao appraises her, perplexed. Why is she taking off her clothes?

“Am I hot?” Marina temporarily stops unbuttoning her shirt.

Xiaoxiao squints and bursts into laughter. She sits onto the bed, piercing gaze fixed on Marina’s bra, “Haha, Miss Marina. I remember you’re lord’s woman. Now what? You wish to betray him?”

Marina is stunned. This man still looks calm in the face of the irresistible temptation of her, who is known in the supermodel industry as a heartthrob, “Don’t you think I’m hot? Can’t you feel anything?”

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When she asks such a question, she still looks innocent. No wonder she’s called Innocent-Angel. Any other person would long get her down when faced with such an alluring baby. Shame that…Mu Xiaoxiao is also a woman!

“Miss Marina, just tell me what you want. You don’t have to do this. Don’t forget, I’ve seen every inch of you inside and out. It won’t work even if you’re totally naked.” Xiaoxiao warns her straightforwardly. How is it possible that Marina should be interested in other people when she already has a hot rich guy like Xuanyuan Lie? Hehe, Xiaoxiao’s one hundred percent sure that Marina’s up to something.

Marina’s face distorts immediately. The words embarrass her, but she doesn’t want to give up too easily, “You…”

“Come on. I don’t have the time to waste on you.”

“Alright. Let’s put all cards on the table. I don’t want to see you around Lie. Name a number, I’ll pay you double. However, if you refuse, I’ll rush out with torn clothes and claim you tried to rape me. Then, all maids will testify for me because they all see me running out of your room. And you’ll die immediately.” Marina states with confidence. She doesn’t care whether this person is a man or not. Anyway, she’s upset at the sight of him being together with Xuanyuan Lie.

Xiaoxiao stands still in shock. She can’t believe this is Marina’s real purpose, “There’re loads of women around Xuanyuan Lie. Aren’t you targeting at the wrong person? I’m a man.” She can sense the obvious jealousy from Marina. Does she figure out Xiaoxiao real identity? Not likely. But why is she so anxious to drive her away?

“So what? How can I know if you’re gay or not?” Marina says disdainfully. He must be a gay to be so calm in the face of her seducting.

God… Xiaoxiao wants to spit blood. This is the funniest joke she’s ever heard. The next second, Xiaoxiao rises to her feet, suddenly approaching Marina, chill spurting from her eyes, “Miss Marina. First of all, I’m not gay. Second, Xuanyuan Lie isn’t gay either. Third, even if I want to rape you, all maids saw it was you coming to my room. By then, do you think Xuanyuan Lie will believe you? Won’t he think it’s you seducing me?”

The coldness in her eyes becomes denser. A smile plays on her lips.

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The speech scares Marina, “You…”

“Right, Miss Marina, I advise you not to play any tricks with me in the future, otherwise, you may lose your life at any time, baby.” Freezingly cold! The kind of chill belongs to flying-tiger the gangster, a top-level killer!

Marina involuntarily shivers. She doesn’t know why a driver can have such a murderous gaze, but it’s really horrible.

“I, I…” Marina’s voice trembles. For a time, she doesn’t know what to say. Turning around and doing her buttons, she scurries out of the room. She can no longer stand staying in that room because Xiao Mu’s gaze is so dreadful and blood-thirsty like a demon from hell.

In the living room, Marina sits on the sofa, feet shaking nonstop. She’s not cold but freaked out because Xiaoxiao is standing right by her side! Since she had a taste of Xiaoxiao’s sullen blood-thirsty eyes, she doesn’t dare to look Xiaoxiao in the eye anymore.


Xuanyuan Lie is back.

“Lie!” Marina rushes over and plunges into Xuanyuan Lie’s arms. The fear disappears right away. When Lie is here, the guy won’t dare to do anything to her.

Xuanyuan Lie takes a look down at the woman in his arms, asking impassively, “Why are you here?”

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“I, I miss you.”

He makes no comment and merely pushes her away. He looks up at Mu Xiaoxiao. The bottomless dark eyes are as sharp as those of a wolf.

Xiaoxiao’s eyes happen to meet with his. She subconsciously bites on her lower lip. At the moment, she’s reminded of what happened in the elevator. Damn it! She’s able to clearly replay all the feelings she had last night.

“Lie…” Marina watches Xuanyuan Lie, wondering what’s in his eyes? She turns to check. It’s Xiao Mu! Why? Why? Why is this happening? She stands right before Lie, but he’s staring at a man! The jealousy and the feeling of being ignored expand in her heart.

“Lie!” Marina suddenly screams and grabs Xuanyuan Lie by the arm.

Only then do the dark eyes return to Marina. He’s confused at her watery eyes.

In a few seconds, tears drop off from Marina’s eyes. She takes a tight clutch on Xuanyuan Lie’s arm, “Lie, when I was waiting for you here, Xiao Mu… He threatened to kill me.” She can no longer stand the thing between Lie and Xiao Mu. She’s determined to destroy it. She must do it!

Xuanyuan Lie frowns, “He wants to kill you?” He takes a glance at Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao blinks. This Marina is really a bold liar! Holy heaven. Why is this woman so jealous of her? She’s a man in front of Xuanyuan Lie! Shit! But forget how Marina feels first. What will Xuanyuan Lie say? Will he believe what she said?

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