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Lead Them into Trap

“Yes! Just now when he came back, he went to the second floor. I followed him out of curiosity, but I didn’t expect he wanted to rape me! Luckily, I ran fast and managed to get out of his room. Then he threatened me that…if I told you what happened, he would kill me!” As she states, Marina is already all tears.

Women are born actresses indeed. Xiaoxiao is more convinced of the philosophy of this conclusion. “Lord, I didn’t…” Xiaoxiao hasn’t finished yet.

Xuanyuan Lie momentarily grabs Marina by the jaw, “Marina, do you know what’s the consequences of lying to me?”

His clutch is hurtful, and Marina groans, “I… I’m not lying.”

Snap! Xuanyuan Lie exerts strength and throws Marina away onto the ground, “Get out.”

“Lie… I’m really not lying. This man really wants to rape me. He, he really said to kill me.” Marina cries as accusing Xiaoxiao. She doesn’t understand why Lie doesn’t believe her, but she really doesn’t want to give up.

The dark eyes become gloomy instantly, “It seems that you don’t know the consequences of lying to me…right?” Though he looks indifferent, the tone is tangibly chilly.

Xiaoxiao looks at Xuanyuan Lie, a little surprised. Does he…trust me so much? All this…is beyond her comprehension. Only Marina is crying sitting on the ground.

“Lie… You, why don’t you believe me? Why do you believe Xiao Mu? I, I... All maids saw me entering Xiao Mu’s room! Everyone saw how scared I was when I got out! What I said is true!” She’s nearly shrieking. She feels even worse because of Xuanyuan Lie’s distrust.

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“Marina, I don’t think you want to die. But if you continue this, then…” A ghost of ruthlessness fleets by in Xuanyuan Lie’s dark eyes.

Marina is daunted. The gaze is exactly the same with that of Xiao Mu’s… the same blood-thirsty. She trembles and struggles to get up, “I…I’m leaving.” She quickly rises to her feet because she’s clear that Xuanyuan Lie rarely takes back what he says. It may be real that…

After Marina leaves, Xuanyuan Lie doesn’t even take a look at Xiaoxiao, let alone giving an answer to the puzzle in Xiaoxiao’s eyes. He just goes to the second floor.

Outside Xuanyuan Lie’s mansion.

Every of Marina’s step is shaking. Xiao Mu the bastard. What did he do to Lie trust him so much? Alright! Let’s just wait and see. Hem, she also has many connections with gangs. There will be one day that she sees Xiao Mu die!

“Xiao Mu, just wait and see. Hem let’s see who will be the first to lose his life.” She mutters with resentment.

“Of course, it’ll be you!” The sound rings from behind.

Marina looks back at once and finds Xiao Mu standing right behind her, “You…You…”

Xiaoxiao sneers, “Miss Marina, how’re you? I wonder if you remember what I told you.”

“You…You… Why are you here?”

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“I’m here for you of course!” Now, a knife is in Xiaoxiao’s hand. She’s playing with it leisurely.

“You…Be careful. It’s not far from Lie’s house. If you do anything to me, I’ll scream and Lie will definitely hear it. Lie will not forgive you if you hurt me!” She speaks loud but in fact is uncertain about her assertion once she thinks of Xiaoxiao’s horrible gaze.


Xiaoxiao dashes over and momentarily appears right before Marina. In a fraction of a second, she covers Marina’s mouth, “Do you think I’ll give you the chance to scream, Miss Marina?” Xiaoxiao arches her mouth, displaying a hellish smile.

“Mm! Mm! Mm!”

Marina struggles desperately. All of a sudden, the sharp knife stabs into her throat and then slides downward, making in her neck a long bloody wound. In merely a few seconds, Marina stops struggling.

When Xiaoxiao releases the hand covering her mouth, Marina collapses onto the ground, without heartbeat and breath. However, Xiaoxiao demonstrates no expression. Actually, she could have forgiven this woman, but just now in the lobby, when Marina looked at her, she detected a hint of killing.

Therefore, it’s Marian’s intention of killing that kills herself. Marina knows Xuanyuan Lie is a person always fulfilling his words, but she has no idea that Mu Xiaoxiao is of the same kind…

Once you’re sure the person is your enemy, don’t show any mercy, because your kindness will lead to your own death.

This is what Mu Xiaoxiao was told on the first day when she became a killer, but it’s also truth, cruel yet real truth!

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By moonlight, Xiaoxiao is on the way back to Xuanyuan Lie’s mansion.


Suddenly she finds a group of people looming in the darkness. They are speeding to Xuanyuan Lie’s house, seemingly not having noticed Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao at once hides herself under a tree. If her tuition is right, these people carry strong intention of killing. Likely, the target is Xuanyuan Lie again.

The pretty eyes flicker with calculation. Maomao was taken away because the Night Empire guys mistook them as the peers of the killer. The other day, when she drove Xuanyuan Lie, they also encountered a killer. This time, again, a batch of killers! Probably, these killers act by the order of a same person. Who, on earth, is this person that keeps trying to crash Night Empire?

After deliberation, Xiaoxiao heads for Xuanyuan Lie’s house. Now if she wants to know where Maomao is, she must gain Xuanyuan Lie’s trust! This fight will be worthwhile!

She decides to go back by shortcuts. It will take some time for those killers to make deployment before taking actions.

She climbs over a wall and gets back to her room.

She comes to Xuanyuan Lie’s room without hesitation, “Lord, it’s me.”

“Come in.”

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Xiaoxiao pushes the door and gets inside. The floor-to-ceiling window in the main bedroom is open. Xuanyuan Lie stands at the balcony. She still feels a little embarrassed at the sight of him. It’s hard not to think of what happened in the elevator.

She walks to him, bowing her head, “Lord, I have to report something.”

“Hush…” Xuanyuan Lie puts his index finger near his lips.

Huh? Xiaoxiao looks up at him. When he puts down the finger, his gaze is in the direction of the garden. There is subtle trembling in the leaves over there, indicating people hiding behind the trees.

Xuanyuan Lie has already discovered them! This man is amazing!

“Lord, I came here to tell you this. They are about seven or eight people. Should we act first?” She tries best to keep her voice low.

The icy dark eyes are calm as usual, “Just leave them alone.”

Leave them alone? It won’t take long for those people to kill their way in. Does Xuanyuan Lie plan to lead them into trap and crash them altogether?

Xiaoxiao doesn’t speak anymore.

Time passes second by second.

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