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A Group of Unbridled Killers

Early in the morning, Lan Tingyan shows up in Xuanyuan Lie’s home. The two sit on the sofa and talks about the incident of last night.

“What unbridled killers to break into your house!” Lan Tingyan sounds indignant.

“These are the weapons they carried with them. I’ve checked and they all from the underground weapon store in the south.” Xuanyuan Lie says and takes a look at the knives and hidden weapons tainted with blood on the table.

Lan Tingyan picks up one of them and regards carefully, “Right. It’s from that store. Lie, I’ll handle this.”

“Okay. That store is also a power; take with you some good hands.” Xuanyuan Lie says calmly.

“Can I select?”

“Of course. I’ll be in trouble if you die accidentally.” Xuanyuan Lie states, half-joking.

Standing by them, Xiaoxiao is a little surprised. This icy face is able to joke.

Lan Tingyan cracks a smile, “Then one person is enough.”

The dark eyes show confusion, “Huh?”

A slender finger points at Mu Xiaoxiao momentarily, Lan Tingyan’s smile gets bigger, “I want him!”

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“Him? Why do you want him?” Xuanyuan Lie also looks at Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao opens her eyes big. Um… Why is she dragged into another incident again?

“She alone, unequipped, dealt with seven killers. I’m looking forward to see her performance!” As he praises, he walks to Xiaoxiao and pats on her shoulder with appreciation, “Don’t worry, Lie. Since I’m the one choosing her, I’ll definitely return her to you safe and sound.”

Xuanyuan Lie knocks his forehead with one fist and breathes a gentle sigh. He didn’t expect Yan wanted her…

“Then, bro, I’ll take him with me. See ya.” Seeing Xuanyuan Lie’s expression, Lan Tingyan puts his arm around Xiaoxiao’s shoulder and leaves in a hurry, before Lie regrets.

Pushed into a car by Lan Tingyan, Xiaoxiao is still in shock. She’s dragged into it like this!

In every prosperous city, there are several underground weapon stores, big or small. These stores are not open to ordinary people, but only to gangsters who survived trials and tribulations.

At this store in the south of the city, Xiaoxiao follows Lan Tingyan. She is oblivious behind his tall figure.

Once entering the store.

She quickly knocks down the bodyguards in the store by Lan Tingyan’s order.

“Who dares to ask for trouble here?! Are you too eager to die?” At this moment, a thick low voice rings. It’s the owner of this weapon store.

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“I.” Lan Tingyan sits on a chair leisurely.

“Lan, Lan Tingyan? Mr. Lan, how come you visit my humble store?” The owner’s tone softens at once.

Lan Tingyan throws the weapons he took from Xuanyuan Lie’s place to the owner, “These weapons were sold from your store, right?”


Seeing the owner refuses to confess, Lan Tingyan gives Xiaoxiao a look. She nods in comprehension. At once she pulls out a pistol, pointing at the bodyguard lying on the ground.

“I don’t want to make a big fuss as long as you tell me to whom you sold these weapon. Otherwise…” Lan Tingyan say unhurriedly.

“Lord Yan, these weapons are indeed ours, but I can’t disclose the client’s privacy.”

“Oh?” Lan Tingyan’s eyes freeze. Taking out a gun, bang! He shoots at a bodyguard. He’s so fast that the bullet is already in the man’s head before Xiaoxiao understands what’s going on.

“Lord Yan, you! My store and Night Empire have been getting alone well!” Then the owner also takes out a pistol.

Xiaoxiao takes a deep breath as she prepares. The hands of the weapons store should be more than these bodyguards. There seems to be a fierce fight.

“Man, I advise you to think through it. Though we’ve been getting along well, I suppose you know what the consequence is to be an enemy of Night Empire…” Lan Tingyan reminds him in a cold voice.

“I know, so…” The owner lifts up the pistol.

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“Shit, he’s to kill himself!” Xiaoxiao shouts.

But it’s too late. With sound of gunshot, the owner falls down.

Lan Tingyan stands up at once, “Damn it! Why?!”

By the time they step out of the store, the air becomes extremely heavy. They get back onto the car. Xiaoxiao keeps silent because she senses the seriousness of the situation. The owner would rather kill himself than to reveal any information. The person behind must be a real power!

“Xiao Mu, what do you think?” After a long silence, Lan Tingyan finally starts to talk.

“I don’t dare to guess randomly, but I’m sure that the people behind must be very tough, so the owner took his own life to keep it secret.”

“Ha… You are smart. It seems that Night Empire is in great trouble. It’s been years that anyone dares to challenge us like this. Haha…good, very good!”

The murderousness oozing out from Lan Tingyan’s eyes become increasingly dense. Xiaoxiao shudders from chill.

She bows her head and stops talking, not wishing to be involved in the feuds of Night Empire. Her only purpose is to save her son quietly.

“Sizzle…” At this moment, the car suddenly makes a sharp turn.

“Ah…” Xiaoxiao loses her balance and slants to one side. When the car resumes its steady travel, half of her body is in Lan Tingyan’s arms.

The gloomy air disappears at once, along with the murderousness in Lan Tingyan’s eyes. He gazes at Xiao Mu lying in his arms. A pair of watery eyes look like shining diamonds; a tiny delicate nose; lips like cherry blossoms. At the first sight, you only regard him as a good-looking buddy. But through careful observation, you’ll find him really pretty, like a woman. Even proactively pretty as a woman.

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“Oops, sorry.” Xiaoxiao hurriedly tries to get up from his arms.

Unexpectedly… The car makes another sharp turn. She falls into his arms again before she manages to sit up steady.

Lan Tingyan inhales deeply. The buddy has excellent moves as a martial artist. His body is supposed to be very hard, but…weird, it feels so soft.

“Let me help you.” Holding back his surprise, Lan Tingyan grabs Xiaoxiao’s hand.

Shit! Even her hand is so tender? So soft? Is he really a guy?

“No, no, I’m okay.” Xiaoxiao quickly takes back her hands and gets up on her own.

“Hey, buddy!” Lan Tingyan’s face becomes serious.


“Are you really a man?”

“What?” Xiaoxiao is stunned and instantly lowers her voice, “Of course! Of course I’m a man! Do you want me to take off my pants to show you that?”

A trace of disappointment fleets by in Lan Tingyan’s eyes, “Alas. How I wish you were a woman. What a pity!”

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