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What is the Truth on Earth?

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m a one hundred percent man.” She slaps on her chest.

“Alright, I see…” Lan Tingyan shrugs. But the picture of her helplessly falling into his arms plays again in his brain. Shame that he’s a man.

In Xuanyuan Lie’s mansion.

Lan Tingyan has told Xuanyuan Lie what happened at the underground weapon store. The topic stiffens the air again. Anyone can tell how serious the situation is.

“Lie, this has been the third time you’re encountered with killers, and they’re more and more brutal. Obviously, these killers have the same person behind them, and a powerful one! I suppose, are they aiming at the whole of your family instead of merely Night Empire?” Lan Tingyan suddenly asks.

Xiaoxiao stands by them, just listening. She stretches out. Nothing of their conversation is about Maomao. Alas…so boring.

“My family? Hehe… If this is the case, then the person must be someone!” Xuanyuan Lie replies, squinting his dark eyes, ghosts of danger shooting from them.

Huh? So Xuanyuan Lie’s family is also in this business? She never heard of Xuanyuan Lie’s parents. What kind of family it is that produces a leader of Night Empire? Judging from Xuanyuan Lie’s tone, it’s not an ordinary one.

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Lan Tingyan sighs, “I think this time we really need to make full preparations. You’d better advise your parents to be aware. After all, things like that happened eight years ago.”

“You mean what happened to the Murong family?” Xuanyuan Lie’s eyes flash.

Lan Tingyan nods, his face becoming sullen, “Yes, no one expected that Murong family, one of the five major gang families, would be eliminated completely overnight. This event shocked the entire gang world.”

When he finishes, Mu Xiaoxiao’s body stiffens. The words still play in her mind, and a mist of water covers her eyes.

In the gang world, there were five supreme families, enjoying unshakable status among all gangs, like unmovable towering mountains! Though as time passed by, the five families were used to keep a low profile, their supreme status didn’t change! It was said that if you wanted to rule the world, try take over the five families first!

However, just eight years ago, Murong family, one of the five, was suddenly devastated, and all members were killed overnight!

Hehe… She didn’t expect to hear things about her own family. When she was sixteen, her parents, brothers and all other relatives passed away, leaving her alone in the world. But she escaped the tragedy due to some reason. She thought about suicide, but no, she couldn’t let her families die like this and did nothing! Therefore, she worked hard and struggled to live on. She hided the ‘rong’ of Murong Xiaoxiao to become Mu Xiaoxiao and a killer, making a living among gangsters! Meanwhile, she’s been collecting information in the underground world in an attempt to find out the one destroyed her whole family. She’s determined to find the one and tear him up!

Thinking of this, she’s reminded of her aunt, her mother’s younger sister. The aunt has been a traveler, so she was lucky to escape the tragedy. But she couldn’t think through why her aunt betrayed her six years ago by drugging her and sending her to a strange man.

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“Hey, Xiao Mu. Why are your eyes red?” Lan Tingyan suddenly notices Xiaoxiao.

Xuanyuan Lie also looks over there.

Xiaoxiao’s mind comes back to reality at once, “Nothing, just didn’t have enough sleep last night, just a little tired.”

“Oh…” Lan Tingyan looks back at Xuanyuan Lie, patting on his shoulder, “Bro, in short, I think the one behind it is not simple. Though it’s been eight years since the Murong family incident, I sense something unusually ominous.”

“Yes, I know. This is indeed worth investigation.” Xuanyuan Lie says coldly, his black eyes still calm.

Now, Xiaoxiao is fully attracted to their conversation. So they mean the one behind the killers and the one crashed her entire family is the same one?

So… If this is the case, then she’s able to find the one killing her families through Xuanyuan Lie, right? And she could be free of the eight years’ resentment, hatred, and grievance!

Xiaoxiao already trembles out of excitement.

“Xiao Mu, are you okay? You’re trembling.” Lan Tingyan notices Xiaoxiao again. Even he doesn’t know since when he develops this habit of checking Xiaoxiao all the time.

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“No, I’m fine.” Xiaoxiao bites hard her teeth, but even her voice is shaking. How could she not be excited when she sees a beam of hope while revealing her scar? She’s put the hatred of the family onto her own shoulders.

Lan Tingyan is more perplexed. Is he really fine? He’s about to say something.

“Yan, you go back first. Make a full investigation and try to find some clues.” Xuanyuan Lie says.

“Okay.” He still can’t help taking a look at Xiaoxiao before he leaves.

After Lan Tingyan leaves, Xuanyuan Lie walks to Xiaoxiao, “What’s wrong?” His voice is as icy as his expression.

Xiaoxiao holds her fist tightly and tries to restrain her emotion, “Nothing.”

“Look at yourself, do you think I’ll believe you’re alright?” His eyes freeze.

“Thanks for your care lord.” She doesn’t answer, just bowing her head.

Xuanyuan Lie squints his dark eyes, what is she hiding from him? It seems this woman has many secrets, “If you didn’t sleep well, go back to take a rest.” Then, Xuanyuan Lie turns around walking out.

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“Lord, where’re you going?”

“To the cellar.” He takes a glance at her from the corner of his eyes.

The cellar? She remembers the seven killers were taken to the cellar by maids as required by Xuanyuan Lie. Once she knows there may be relevance between the killers and her family tragedy, she immediately catches up with him, “I’m not tired; I want to follow you.”

Xuanyuan Lie makes no respond. He just gives her a look and go downstairs.

On the first floor, besides the living room, kitchen, there are many rooms in various sizes. She follows Xuanyuan Lie to the farthest corner. He takes out a key and opens the door.

Huh? Is this room the so-called cellar?

The door is open. It’s an ordinary room. Xuanyuan Lie presses a switch similar to a bulb.

Then, a few of the floors begin to rise slowly. Below appears a long staircase. It turns out to be a secret chamber. But this switch is so cleverly designed that one will simply regards it as a light switch.

They walk downward along the staircase. Though there is light, it’s still gloomy. Surprisingly, under this big mansion, there is such a place of great mechanical design. It seems that Night Empire is even more powerful than hearsays!

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