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Break into the Cellar

In the cellar, there seem to be many rooms, but many of them are locked, leaving only an air vent. Xiaoxiao can’t see what’s inside these rooms, so she just follows behind Xuanyuan Lie.

Finally, they come to an expansive place.

The seven killers are locked to the wall with chains. And there are two maids on watch.


“Did they ever wake up?” Xuanyuan Lie takes a glance at the seven killers.

“Not yet. None of them woke up. They’ve been in a coma.”

“Haha…” Xuanyuan Lie makes a small laugh, turning to look at Xiaoxiao, “Hard blow you gave them. they’ve been in a coma for an entire day.”

She frowns slightly, “If I didn’t, the one in a coma now would be me… But they just passed out due to slight cerebral concussion. If you want them to wake up sooner, we can burn a refreshing incense. Besides, lord, if you wish to keep them as your men, I suggest you give them nutrient solution injection so that they won’t starve to death before waking up.” Whether they will die or not has nothing to do with her, but now it’s different… These people may become the clue for her revenge.

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“You’re active this time.” Xuanyuan Lie squints his eyes, giving the maids a look as an order to do what Xiaoxiao suggested.

“It’s my duty to think on your behalf.”

“So, what’s your opinion? Who are these killers?” Xuanyuan Lie asks this question intentionally. The dark eyes become sharp. He’s been suspecting about Xiaoxiao’s identity. This woman has the moves of a top-level killer. Is she a peer of those killers? Hehe…she seems not at present though. But if she’s not, why does this woman want by sticking around him?

Xiaoxiao raises her head to take a look at Xuanyuan Lie. She can tell that there is something in his bottomless eyes, “If lord and lord Yan don’t know this, how can I have a clue?”

“Just now you heard our conversation, what do you think of our guess?” Xuanyuan Lie still sounds cold. He’s very clear that the woman looked different on hearing what they said.

“I don’t know.” She senses that Xuanyuan Lie is testing her. Does he begin to suspect her?

Xuanyuan Lie glances away at the seven people, “When they wake up, ask them two things. First, who’s the one behind them. second, do they know this child and his mother. Whatever methods you use, make sure to get the answers.” As he orders, he takes out a photo and hands it to one of the maids.


A child? His mother? Xiaoxiao stretches her neck and vaguely sees what’s on the photo. She shudders. Maomao! It’s Maomao!

No wonder Xuanyuan Lie won’t release Maomao and tried every means to hide him. It turns out to be this reason.

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The first time Xuanyuan Lie was attacked, a female killer escaped. Therefore, Xiaoxiao has been mistaken as the peer of those killers. Coupled with the later several times of assassination, it’s can be confirmed that there is one same person behind this. Therefore, Xuanyuan Lie plans to use Maomao to bait her out and figure out who’s the one behind all this!

Damn! It’s wrong. And the mistake is leading him in an absurd direction. How can she be the peer of those killers! But she’s sure at present that Maomao is safe and sound.

Although the misunderstanding worsens the situation, it also produces some fruitful result. For eight years, she never stops investigating on her family tragedy, but no progress was made. Now, here she gets some clue from Xuanyuan Lie.

“What’re you thinking?” The cold voice rings again.

“Nothing. I’m just surprised that there is a underground cellar.” Xiaoxiao says and appraises around in curiosity.

“Just surprised?” Xuanyuan Lie cocks his head to one side.

“Yes.” Her reply sounds calm, barely dubious. For this point, she has nothing to be guilty of. She’s not the peer of those killers.

Then, she leaves the place along with Xuanyuan Lie. The moment they step out of the cellar, Xiaoxiao suddenly looks back as if she conjures up something all of a sudden.

Xuanyuan Lie took Maomao to this villa and disappeared. Did he…also imprison Maomao in the cellar?

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The thought pumps Xiaoxiao’s heart to her throat. But she has to curb her bursting emotions because Xuanyuan Lie is right in front of her.

Be Patient… She must be patient…

Holy heaven. Her son might be thrown into a cold damp underground cell. Is he also locked up with chains to the wall?

She’s already heartbroken merely at the thought.

Until evening… She can no longer withhold it. She can’t imagine Maomao staying in the gloomy underground cell, which is terrifying even to her, let alone Maomao…

Her heart twinges. She gets increasingly scared by the thought. If Maomao is really there, how does he spend his days?

At midnight, Xiaoxiao quietly opens her room door, looking around. Good, everyone is in sleep. She quietly goes downstairs on tiptoe, watching carefully every step. By her memory, she arrives at the room above the cellar, taking out an iron wire and inserts it into the keyhole…

Damn! It’s a professional theft-proof keyhole. Unless she blasts it, the only way to open the door is to get the key, which is in Xuanyuan Lie’s hand!

Biting on her teeth, she decides to have a try anyway.

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She goes upstairs to her own room, climbs out from the window to land on the balcony of Xuanyuan Lie’s bedroom. Then, she uses the iron wire to open the ceiling-to-floor window and sneaks in.

By dim moonlight, she can vaguely see Xuanyuan Lie sleeping in bed. Taking a deep breath, she moves slowly in her lightest steps.

Bookstand, drawer…wardrobe, all is checked from inside and out. But there is no key. Where does Xuanyuan Lie put it? Her searching eyes turn to him.

Right! The bedside table! Usually important things will be put in the drawer of bedside table!

She makes her way slowly there. By the bed, she takes a glance at Xuanyuan Lie. In moonlight, his sleeping face is so enchanting that Xiaoxiao is a little stunned. She has to admit that he’s really handsome. Taking a few more looks, um? His mouth and nose look so similar to those of Maomao’s.

She didn’t notice since Xuanyuan Lie always pulls a long face, but now…she droops over his face.

The mouth shape… If smaller…it’s really eighty percent akin to Maomao’s mouth.

In darkness, in order to see clear, Xiaoxiao’s face almost touches Xuanyuan Lie’s… Just as she’s about to get up…

Momentarily. A big hand raises up, placing around her waist, and pushes her forward.

Snap. Xiaoxiao is bodily dragged to the bed and hits right into Xuanyuan Lie’s arms. Shit…

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