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Is He in Dream?

Xiaoxiao looks at him at once. Huh? His eyes aren’t open… Is he in dream? It’s normal to act weird when in deep sleep. A few more minutes’ staring at him help her confirm that Xuanyuan Lie isn’t awake.

She breathes a long sigh of relief. Damn, she was so scared. However, if he isn’t awake, what should she do now? In his arms, she doesn’t dare to move at all, fearing that she might wake him up.

With her face touching his chest, she’s able to hear his heartbeat, which is normal, but Xiaoxiao’s heartbeat is madly accelerating. It’s not the first time she stays so close to him, but she still can’t remain at ease. She’s here to steal something. Once discovered by him, she’ll die a horrible death.

She moves a bit…but her move seems like deliberate rubbing on him. Instantly, she’s reminded of what happened in the elevator. Her cheeks heat up.


He turns around. Xiaoxiao falls off him at once and then is pressed under his long arm.

“Oops…” So scary and frightening.

Xiaoxiao carefully lifts his arm off her. Why does Xuanyuan Lie keep moving in sleep like his son? Does he want to scare her to death?

Luckily, it’s four o’clock in the morning when people are in deep sleep.

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The bedside table is right before her. As long as she manages to sprawl over Xuanyuan Lie, she can reach it. She moves upward slowly, pulling herself up to get over him when…


A big hand raises to midair and then hits on her head. Ouch! Her head descends. ‘Err…’ Her eyes are wide open. Her lips happen to fall on those of Xuanyuan Lie’s! Cold soft lips, with familiar smell, like sweet pudding.

Xiaoxiao moves away at once and covers her mouth. Err… Is this a stolen kiss? Forget it. He also kissed her in the elevator. It’s even. She can’t delay any longer, so afraid of Xuanyuan Lie’s sleeping habit. Going all out, she gets off bed in three moves.

Then she takes one more look at Xuanyuan Lie’s face. Good, he’s not woke up.

She opens the drawer of the bedside table with extreme care, rummaging everywhere.

Got it! That’s right, this is the key Xuanyuan Lie took out yesterday. Gathering the key, she quickly leaves the room. Against the dark sky, her figure looks like a black cat.

At this moment, the dim moonlight still reflects on Xuanyuan Lie’s face, the sculptured features, thin lips, high nose, and further upward, a pair of diamond-like dark cold eyes which open suddenly! Hehe, woman, the cat is finally out of the bag? Xuanyuan Lie sits up and brushes with one finger his lips where she kissed.

On the first floor.

Due to nervousness, her heart is still pounding now. She has been a killer for eight years, taking loads of assassination tasks and calm in dealing with such things. But… she still gets nervous now, maybe because it’s vital this time and Xuanyuan Lie is a powerful guy equipped with a batch of maids in the house who also cannot be underestimated.

She quietly opens the door, gets in, locks it from inside, and opens the door of the cellar while recalling how Xuanyuan Lie did it yesterday. Then she walks downstairs.

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There is light in every corridor. She gets down, with a dagger in her hand. Even though now it’s early in the morning, there will be some maids on duty. A gun would be too exaggerated which may wake up everyone, so a dagger is fine. If she finds any maid, she has to shut the mouth up in the first second.

The beautiful eyes squint with chill. She collects her mind and then begins to make her way slowly along the wall. Arriving at each cell, she mounts to the air vent to take a look inside.



She checked more than a dozen rooms, but there is no Maomao. Isn’t Maomao kept here? No…impossible. If not here, where could he be? She didn’t find any trace of Maomao after so many days. If he’s not at the headquarter of Night Empire, he must be here!

She continues the search. Further ahead is the big cell where the seven killers are detained. She grabs hard on the dagger, wondering if the two maids are still there. She can’t be too discreet in order to find her son.

Walking cautiously along the wall, she tries to make no sound, in order not to be discovered by the maids inside. But as she walks…she suddenly kicks a stone.

Holy crap!

She lifts up the leg at once, but the rolling stone still makes some noise.


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Shit, it’s heard. Xiaoxiao at once turns to hide behind a marble pillar.

Then, the iron gate of the room where the seven killers are kept is open. Out walks a maid who glances around, “I go out and have a check.”

As the maid walks toward the pillar, murderousness flashes in Xiaoxiao’s eyes.

Clenching the dagger in her hand, Xiaoxiao dashes over to the maid who at this moment shows up at the pillar, the left hand covering her mouth and the right hand pointing the dagger at her neck.


The maid struggles, trying to escape.

Xiaoxiao gets a firmer hold of her. As long as Xiaoxiao moves the wrist, the dagger will take the maid’s life. But right now, Xiaoxiao’d like to employ a milder method because she doesn’t want the maid to die.

The two wrestle in silence.

“Xiao Mu, enough, let go of her.” The cold and familiar voice sends over from the far end of the corridor. Xiaoxiao pauses for a second in shock and looks up there…

In the dim yellow light, his shadow is extended long. The straight and slender figure and a Satan-like good-looking face belong to no other person than Xuanyuan Lie.

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Why…is he here? How…does he know her plan?!

Xiaoxiao doesn’t release the maid. Instead, the dagger pushes nearer the to her. The sound of footsteps is loud, because Xuanyuan Lie doesn’t come alone.

In an instant, a group of maids surround Xiaoxiao, equipped, the same as that day, with various kinds of weapons in their hands.

Her heart plunges. Xuanyuan Lie, when did you find out?!

At this point, he has walked near. A pair of chilly dark eyes aim right in Xiaoxiao’s eyes. Though there is no change in his expression, she can tell his gaze is much colder than usual. A hundred times! A thousand times!

She knows what she’s doing and that she’s now totally exposed. No matter how Xuanyuan Lie figures it out, she has no way out.

“Xuanyuan Lie… You come fast. You noticed when I was in your room stealing the key right?” She suspects Xuanyuan Lie was fake sleeping then.

“I thought you would explain a bit. It seems you even don’t care to pretend, woman…” The dark eyes squint, shooting beams of danger.


Xiaoxiao is shocked. He finds out? Since when? Her brain rotates speedily. When did she expose her female identity? It turns out that she has underestimate Xuanyuan Lie’s insight!

“You find out?” Xiaoxiao releases the maid. As all the disguise comes to light, her heart also gradually calms down.

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