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The Five Families

To save Maomao, Xiaoxiao has to stay with Xuanyuan Lie. Heaven…it’s the first time she feels so desperate.

She chews on the conversation between Lan Tingyan and Xuanyuan Lie earlier today. Ring-a-ling. Something occurs to her. Right. She focused on her own family but ignored Xuanyuan Lie’s family.

So… his family is also one of the five major families?! The five families are top families in the underground world. However, these families didn’t get along well. Besides basic social intercourse, they didn’t interfere with one another, but maintained a balance with corresponding forces.

To be honest, Xiaoxiao did suspect that the one behind her family’s massacre could be one of the five families. But it was just groundless suspicion. The five families were too understated and cryptic to find any proof from them.

Dear heaven…

For eight years, you never gave me any beam of hope. Please, don’t ruin this only hope.

In the underground cell, there is no distinction between day and night. She doesn’t know how long she has been sitting on the ground. But every second and every minute seems years.

With a ‘click’, the door opens suddenly.

Xiaoxiao raises her head slowly. Awaking for the whole night, her eyes is red and swollen, looking quite haggard. Xuanyuan Lie comes in alone. The door is shut again.

“It looks you didn’t sleep well last night. Do you think it through?” He squats before Xiaoxiao.

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His mouth curls up in the corner.

Xiaoxiao gazes at him, saying slowly, “All I said last night is real. As for my identity, it’s my privacy that I don’t wish to tell you. Maomao is my son and my purpose here. If you still don’t believe me, you can spy on me and even keep me by your side until you figure out who is the one behind the series of assassination. Until then you release me.” Her speech is firm and powerful.

After a wrenching night, she comes to this conclusion, which can both dispel Xuanyuan Lie’s doubts to save Maomao and give her an opportunity to stay by Xuanyuan Lie’s side.

He sticks out a finger, lifting up Xiaoxiao’s jaw, the dark eyes looking right into hers, “Do you think I will keep you, a bomb, around me?”

“Hehe. You’re Xuanyuan Lie, leader of Night Empire and one of the five families! Even if I’m a bomb, do I dare to set off? My son is in your hand now, what else do you want? What else can I do to satisfy you? I’ve made compromise by letting you watch on me, hoping you’re clear that I can play no tricks. I, Mu Xiaoxiao, just hate to be misunderstood. But I don’t plan to be an enemy of Xuanyuan family or Night Empire!” Her eyes are clear and earnest.

The two pairs of eyes lock each other. His dark eyes seem to be penetrating Xiaoxiao. He remains silent for long, “Okay. I decide to trust you, but, do you dare to sign a contract with me?”


Xiaoxiao hesitates. In fact, in the gang world, there is a mysterious organization called Contract of Law. It’s known in the gang world as the legal system for gangsters and built up by the backbones of various major gangs.

Although the underworld is full of intrigue and conspiracy, it also values great on good faith. Once you sign a contract with others and breach it, you’ll face manhunt from this organization as long as the other party publish the contract. The result will be a tragic death!

Therefore, in the gang world, no one will easily sign such a contract.

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“I’m willing to!” Xiaoxiao’s answer is resolute. But she’s also surprised that Xuanyuan Lie makes this proposal.

“Good.” He lets go of her jaw and unlocks the chains on her hands and feet.

She sways her hands, which are numb from a night’s locking, and gets up, supported by the wall, “Right, where’s my son? I want to see him.” Her heart breaks at the thought of her son locking up in an underground cell.

Xuanyuan Lie turns over, regarding her, “Don’t worry. The kiddo is not here. I’m not that heartless to keep a child in this place.”

His voice is as calm as before, but Xiaoxiao’s eyes become red at once. Thank heaven, Maomao is not in such a place.

Her look makes Xuanyuan Lie frown. Some emotion flickers in the dark eyes.

“Then, where is Maomao?”

“I’ll take you to see him.”


When they get out of the cellar, Xiaoxiao finds it already afternoon. The dazzling sunrays make her a little uncomfortable.

At the study room.

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With caution, she signs the contract, makes a fingerprint, and it’s done. “Can you take me to see my son now?” Then she never reads the contract again.

Because there aren’t undue clauses in the contract. The major duty for her is to do as he requires in the following two years.

It’s equivalent to a contract of selling herself.

“You’d like to dress up normally or like this?” He appraises her from head to toe. She in a man’s look is indeed not so unpleasant to the eye.

“I’ll just be like this. It’s convenient. Besides, I signed the contract with you, not with Night Empire.” She states calmly. It’d be inconvenient to dress up as a woman to take actions. What’s more…thinking of the elevator incident, she flushes again.

He ignores, “Go and get my car, my personal driver.”

“Where are we going?”

“Don’t you want to see your son?”

“Right…” Xiaoxiao comes back to earth. She hurriedly takes the key to get the car. Before leaving the room, she stops to look back at Xuanyuan Lie again, “Right, may I ask a question?”

“Go ahead.”

“When did you start to suspect me? And when did you know my gender?” The reason she asks this question is to figure out whether Xuanyuan Lie knew the waitress was her when they were in the elevator.

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Of course, Xuanyuan Lie can tell her intention. His lips curl in the corner, “Make a guess…”

If she can guess, she wouldn’t have asked him! What a foxy man!

They drive to a remote place where there is expansive lawns and a lake where swans floating on it.

Various kinds of flowers are in blossom. A towering tree looks most conspicuous over the lawns. Next to the tree is an exquisite villa. A white one. Situated in the middle of the flowers, grass, big tree and lake. This beautiful place is so unique, like a fairyland on earth.

“Maomao is here?” Xiaoxiao is a bit dumbfounded by the beautiful scenery. Too good to be true.

Xuanyuan Lie gets off the car and Xiaoxiao follows him to the lawn, through the garden and arrives at the villa door. He pushes it open…


What a beautiful place, like heaven. Every piece of the furniture is white, pure while…

“Uncle, you come to see me. Look, I already know how to play this.” A tender child voice rings. Maomao, with a small dart in his hand, rushing to the door in a wink.

“Really? Show me if you can target the bull’s eye.”

“Right there!” Maomao smiles with pride. Pulling Xuanyuan Lie’s sleeves, he takes him inside, happily holding his small dart.

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