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Good Boy, Smart Enough


The dart files over and hits right into the bull’s eye on the wall.

Xiaoxiao stands at the door behind Xuanyuan Lie’s tall figure. It’s not strange that Maomao didn’t see her. But…why’s her son getting along so well with Xuanyuan Lie?

“Kehkeh…” She makes a cough on purpose.

Xuanyuan Lie looks back at the door, and Maomao turns his eyes in that direction too. Mommy! Joy surfaces on his little face. He leans forward, steps out one foot, in an attempt to run into Xiaoxiao’s arms. Yet, after one exciting second, everything disappears from his face, and the foot is drawn back. He stops looking at mommy.

On the contrary, he eyes Xuanyuan Lie, “Uncle, is it a good one?” He looks at Xuanyuan Lie with a big grin, totally ignoring Xaioxiao, because he shouldn’t yet hug Xiaoxiao and call her mommy. It’d be better not to reveal Xiaoxiao’s identity so soon. He should protect mommy!

Xuanyuan Lie looks down at Maomao. This kiddo is so clever that he should pretend not to know the woman. A real little actor.

“If you don’t hug your mom, I’ll take her away.” The cold eyes stare at the kiddo.


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Maomao at once makes of what uncle means. He already knows mommy’s identity? Just in case, the rounds eyes turn to mommy.

Xiaoxiao nodded.

“Mommy…” Maomao momentarily rushes over to cram his little body into Xiaoxiao’s arms. The cute little face rubs against that of Xiaoxiao. Then, he stamps on it a kiss, “Mommy, what about your injure on the back? Does it still hurt?”

“No longer.” Xiaoxiao also kisses her son, whispering to his ear, “Maomao, why are you suddenly befriending with Xuanyuan Lie?”

Maomao also whispers back, “Mommy, what if he kills me if I don’t build a good relationship with uncle?”

“Good boy. You’re really smart.”

The mother and son whisper to each other while Xuanyuan Lie stands by their side, exclaiming that the two looks really alike. Indeed, only this woman can raise such a kiddo.

After small talks, Xiaoxiao holds Xiaoxiao in her arms and walks to Xuanyuan Lie, “Xuanyuan Lie, thanks for taking care of Maomao in these days.” Though the words are said out of courtesy, Maomao is truly appreciate that Xuanyuan Lie has been so nice to Maomao.

“Are you feel assured now since you’ve met your son?”

She nods, “Yes, but I want to bring Maomao back to my own house. I’ve signed the contract with you, and I won’t breach it. On a daily basis, I’ll go to your place and finish what you request.”

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On hearing these words, before Xuanyuan Lie makes any reply, Maomao jumps off Xiaoxiao nervously, “Mommy, what contract? You didn’t agree on strange things, did you?”

“Don’t worry. There aren’t strange clauses. It’s just mommy has to sell out to this uncle to be a coolie for two years.” Xiaoxiao sighs, just to make Xuanyuan Lie embarrassed.

Burying his head, Maomao moves to Xuanyuan Lie’s feet and pulls the corner of his clothes, with a pitiful face, “Uncle, please don’t let my mom exhaust. A man shouldn’t bully a woman. If there’s tiring and dirty work, I can do it.” As he begs, he raises his little fist and pats on the chest.

Xuanyuan Lie’s mouth twitches. This woman…and this kiddo, is a perfect match. Xuanyuan Lie turns around, “Alright. Then come with your mom to be a coolie at my place.”

“No problem.” The little cheeks swell up.

“Then we have to leave first.” Xiaoxiao takes Maomao out of this paradise villa and the fairyland on earth.

After they leave, Xuanyuaan Lie glances around the living room, his fingers gently touching along the furniture and spreading a small grin, which contains no chill.

At the Killer Center.

“Grandpa Gelao.” Maomao jumps in.

“Puff…” Gelao squirts out the milk in his mouth.

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Plop. Maomao immediately jumps into his arms, “Grandpa Gelao, I miss you so much.” Then he picks up a piece of paper tissue to wipe out the milk around the mouth.

“Dear heaven, my good Maomao. Let me take a good look at you.” He hasn’t slept well for a few days from worrying and thinking about Maomao day and night.

“Maomao, go and play outside. I need to talk to grandpa Gelao.”

Taking a look at mommy, Maomao leaves grandpa’s arms and gets out of the room lingeringly.

“Flying-tiger! I haven’t seen Maomao for many days. Why are you rushing him out so quickly?” Gelao moans with reluctance.

Xiaoxiao sits down, “Gelao, I may have to stop taking tasks. Please remove my name temporarily from the employment center.”

“What? What happened to you? Don’t you have to work? Why?”

“It seems that I have found some clue about my family tragedy.” Her voice sounds a little hoarse. Except for aunt, Gelao is the only person who knows her background.

“You figure out the one who did it?” Gelao also becomes nervous.

Xiaoxiao shakes her head, “The one devastated my family seems to be aiming at one of the five families, Xuanyuan family. Therefore, I want to follow the vine in order to get the melon by sticking around Xuanyuan Lie, and to check if I can figure out the one.”

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Gelao is a little shocked. He doesn’t know either that the head of Night Empire belongs to one of the five families, “Xiaoxiao, you’re not sure whether the one trying to assassin Xuanyuan Lie is the one killed all your families. Is it good to take the risk to stay with Xuanyuan Lie? He’s renown as the ruthless scheming king in the gang world! Now you don’t have to family behind you, I’m worried that you may run into troubles.”

Xiaoxiao shakes her head again, “I know, but I have no time. It’s been eight years and I didn’t get any clues. I feel sorry for my deceased families. I must take the risk.”

“Xaioxiao, does he know your identity yet?”

“Not yet, but he knows I’m a woman. He’s still suspecting if I’m the peer of those killers. However, to stay by his side and to investigate that, I signed a contract with him.”

“What?! Xiaoxiao, how could you do this? If anything happened to you, what about Maomao?” Gelao can’t hold back any more. Everyone is clear of the seriousness of the contract in the gang world. Once you breach it, you’ll an overbearing result.

“Gelao, rest assured. If one day, something really happened to me, please help me take care of Maomao and find my aunt. Only she knows who the biological father of Maomao is.”

“Alas…” Gelao has to sigh.

After signing the contract with Xuanyuan Lie, Xiaoxiao asks a few days off. She goes back home, a normal residential apartment. She used to live around everywhere. But since she has Maomao, she knows that they need a house, even if it’s just a small nest.

“Ding-dong.” The doorbell rings.

Maomao stumbles to the door, opens it, and the little face looks stunned, “Un…uncle, why…why are you here? Mommy says we don’t have to work at your place today.”

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