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An Uninvited Guest!

His straight figure blocks in the doorway. Xuanyuan Lie stands there, looking down at the little buddy who wears a coverall fluffy kitten pajama. So cute. “Where is your mom?”

“Mommy is busy with something. Please come in uncle.” Maomao opens the door. In fact, he doesn’t know at present whether this handsome uncle is a good guy or bad guy. Never mind. Since mommy has signed a two-year contract with this uncle, he should be polite to him. Otherwise mommy might be oppressed by him.

Thinking of this, Maomao shakes his head in frustration.

Xuanyuan Lie walks into the room and glances around. It’s an ordinary department, but stylishly decorated.

“Uncle, please take a seat first, I’ll go get you some tea.” Maomao says while running to the kitchen to boil some water.

Xuanyuan Lie doesn’t sit down but regards this house carefully. His gaze fall onto a picture hanging on the wall. It should be an original work of a world renown painter. Looking away, he spots the teacups in the cupboard. A tea set of British royal level. Hehe… A seemingly ordinary department housing many world treasures. This woman…is interesting.

He walks along the corridor to appreciate the paintings.

Suddenly, he hears sounds of water sprinkling.

The black eyes turn to the sound source. There seems to be a room over there, with the door open. He doesn’t think much before walking over. At the time…

Xiaoxiao is standing below the shower. The injury on her shoulder has recovered much to be able to touch water. Her eyes are closed, and the water from shower nozzle flows down along her raising face.

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The long hair covers her back against the fair skin and hot body. In the midst of water mist, her figure looms as if a fairy descending to the mortal world by accident.

“Don’t you close the door when taking a shower?”

Teasing is mixed in the cold voice. In the sound of flowing water, Xiaoxiao opens her eyes because she seems to have heard Xuanyuan Lie’s voice. How would that be possible? Maybe she just hears things after staying with him for too long.

With the thoughts in her mind, she randomly turns to the door, where Xuanyuan Lie leans against the door frame, the pair of dark eyes staring at her.

Instantly, time seems to be frozen.

Illusion? Is it her illusion? But the water feels so real on her body.

One second,

Two seconds.

“Ah…” She yells and immediately squats down, covering her breasts with both hands.

Xuanyuan Lie’s lips curl up slightly, “Don’t you welcome me?” He appraises Xiaoxiao from head to toe.

“Out. Get out! Quickly!” Xiaoxiao shouts. Because only she and Maomao are at home, she didn’t close the door. She never expected an uninvited guest to her home! She, she, she…

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Her cheeks flush either from shyness or anger.

The smile turns bigger and his dark eyes fix on her before he turns away and leaves. At this moment, Maomao hears mommy’s scream. Wearing his small apron, he rushes over hurriedly with a teapot in his hand.

In the hallway, he bumps into Xuanyuan Lie, “Uncle, what happened to mommy?”

He walks to Maomao and lifts him up with one hand, heading for the living room, “She’s fine.”

On the sofa, Maomao carefully makes the tea, then hands it to Xuanyuan Lie, “Please.”

Making tea is also a skillful task. This kid is apt at it, hard to believe he’s only five years old. Xuanyuan Lie picks up the teacup, “Where’s your father?”

“My daddy? I don’t know. I’ve never seen him.”

The dark eyes flicker with doubts, “Never? Why?”

“Because mommy said that she didn’t know who my daddy is either.”

Xuanyuan Lie puts the cup down, “She doesn’t know either? Didn’t you try to find him?”

Maomao shakes his head, “For most time, we were looking for grandaunt. We don’t have the time to look for daddy…I…” He hasn’t finished yet.

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“Maomao, don’t talk too much to a strange uncle!” Xiaoxiao comes out, huffing. The clothes on her are a bit untidy, maybe due to fear of Xuanyuan Lie’s asking. Waterdrops drizzle from her hair onto the shoulders.

He looks up at this woman before him. Last time in the hotel, he didn’t see clearly how she looked when she was dressed up as a woman. In the elevator, the light wasn’t on, but, at this moment… This woman is attractive, either in terms of temperament, exterior or the shape of her body.

“Am I a stranger to you?” He places his jaw on one fist, gazing at Xiaoxiao.

She really wishes to poke at the staring eyes! “I wonder why you, head of Night Empire, came to my humble house in person. Can I help you?” Her eyes are burning with anger. At the thought of the scene in the bathroom just now, she feels painful from grounding her teeth.

Maomao can’t help shivering. What’s wrong with mommy? It’s definitely a precursor of her hitting the ceiling. Bad. Bad. He must leave the spot, as far as possible, in case that he will be hurt by accident when mommy and the handsome uncle start to fight!

Thinking this, Maomao scoots back to his own room to escape from the battlefield.

“Now that you have to stay with me for two years, I think I should drop by to know more about you.” He says casually, not a bit caring about the rage in her eyes.

Xiaoxiao struggles to swallow the fury that already swells up to her throat, since it was she herself who promised that Xuanyuan Lie could watch on her and even track her down. “Then, you’ve looked around. Shouldn’t you leave now?”

“My plan was indeed just to take a look around and go. But if you ask, I think I can sleep here tonight.” He says, leaning on one arm against the sofa.


What did he say?

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“I’m…I’m afraid this isn’t proper.” Her tone softens.

“A two-year contract means that all you have also belongs to me in these two years. So is there anything wrong of me sleeping here?” He looks impassive.

This rogue… Xiaoxiao curses him to herself. But she has no other choice because she needs him right now to figure out who is the one behind the assassins. “Fine. Enjoy yourself. You know that my house is just this big. Only two bedrooms, so sorry to let you sleep in the sofa.”

Then, she turns around and goes to her bedroom.

The sound from outside stops. Maomao gets out. He heard their conversation, so no he pulls Xuanyuan Lie toward his small bedroom, “Uncle, if you don’t mind, you can sleep in my bed. I can go to mom’s room.”

In the cartoon-theme room, there are Maomao’s toys everywhere. His small bed is places by the wall, only half as long as Xuanyuan Lie’s height.

His eyebrows twitches in the corner. Xuanyuan Lie droops down and strokes Maomao’s head, “Thank you, but don’t worry about me. I can find a bed.” Then, the cold lips arch in the corner to form an evil smile.

The sky is becoming darker. It’s dusk already, but Xuanyuan Lie seems not plan to leave. Is he really staying here?

Head of Night Empire should sleep in her sofa… It’ll definitely published on the front page of newspaper if known by others.

The night is dazzling.

Xiaoxiao already falls asleep. Being nervous for a long time at Xuanyuan Lie’s place, she quickly falls into asleep. In the dimly lit room, a figure suddenly flashes in. His movement is elegant and silent. By the moonlight, his features look even better-looking and body better-built. He stands by the bed in a good mood. The dark bottomless eyes are fixed on her sleep face. Making a curve in the corner of his mouth, he slowly droops over…

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