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This is Not a Dream

At this point, he is ready to continue...

“Xuanyuan Lie!” She calls his name, which successfully attracts his attention. Xueyuan Lie looks up. When the dark eyes are brought to rest on her…

With a ‘spray…’, she presses the perfume. Faint flower fragrance immediately clouds around them.

“Woman…you…” His sculptured brows frown. The moment he smells the perfume, his head sinking, he falls down to her side.

The perfume fills the room. Though she sprinkled it toward Xuanyuan Lie’s face, she also inhales some of it. She can feel his palm staying on her body. Forcing herself to stand up, she tries to move him off the bed.

His body hasn’t left the bed yet when, um…she can’t make it. The drug is too effective. Even if she has been holding her breath, she still inhaled in a lot. She can no longer support herself and finally collapses onto the bed too.

The moon quietly disappeared, taking away with it this mysterious and proactive night.

The morning sun slowly rises.

Early in the morning, Mu Maomao stretches out and gets up for washing and brushing. He rubs his eyes while walking to the living room. Um? Where is the handsome uncle? Rolling to below the sofa?

He runs over, squatting down to search for him. Where is the handsome uncle? He looks here and there, but there is just not his figure.


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Grabbing his hair, the big eyes finally rest on the door of mom’s bedroom. He walks over in small steps, rising to stand on the tips of toes to open the door.

He is careful to push only a little.

On the big bed there lie two people. The one next to mom is… Mu Maomao can’t help inhaling deeply in shock. Isn’t that the good-looking uncle? Last night… they slept together?

The little brain turns around and around, only to find an accurate phrase ‘steal a march’. Is it right to describe them?

The big eyes turn, and with retreating body and joyful smile, he hurriedly closes the door, and then jumps and leaps his way onto the sofa.

The morning sun peels off its softness to become piercingly scorching. Xiaoxiao lying on the bed moves her eyelids. The head feels so heavy. She turns around, her long leg hitting onto something.

What’s that? But it’s so comfortably to hold it. One leg is placed on Xuanyuan Lie, and her arms also hold him. She even rubs a little to fit herself into a more comfortable position.

“Um…” A low suppressed male bellow. As he is tossed by the delicate body in his arms, he opens eyes.

He gets accustomed to the glaring sunrays. When the dark eyes open to look down, she is holding him like an octopus with her head burying deep into his arms.

The two bodies intertwine with each other.

“You siren…” He slightly snorted, raising his hand to stroke Xiaoxiao’s tussled hair while appraising her delicate face.

The touch of his fingers makes her face itchy, especially the ears.

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“Hum…” She mutters unhappily and opens her eyes.

“Did you sleep well?” His cold voice sends over.

Xiaoxiao’s eyes widen at once, staring first at him and then at herself, only to find herself holding him! Subconsciously, she kicks him off.

“You, you, you…” The trembling voice is speechless.

“Hey, do you think we should continue what unfinished last night?” He lies on one leg. This woman should drug him. The fire he has been holding back didn’t set off yet.

Xiaoxiao stands up instantly, “Xuanyuan Lie, you have so many women around you. Why do you bother to play with me, a mom of a child? I don’t want to play with you any game. Please remember, I’m a mother already!” She manages to calm down, trying not to think of what happened yesterday. Taking a glance at the perfume drug on the bed, she turns to find clothes in the wardrobe and then walks out.

“Mommy, you’re up.” Maomao jumps from the sofa.

Mommy pulls a long face and sprints into his small bedroom. Maomao jumps off the sofa with curiosity and squeezes into mommy’s room, staring at the uncle on the bed.


Why does uncle also pull a long face?


In a hurry, he closes the door behind him and hides in the living room.

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After a long while, mom comes out from the small bedroom, and uncle also gets out from the big one. Maomao cuddles in the sofa. Dear god, dear Guanyin, please help me. Mom and uncle’s faces change from blue to black.

“Lalalalala…” Rings Xuanyuan Lie’s phone.

It breaks the dreadful silence. Xiaoxiao ignores him and walks to Maomao, “Are you hungry my son?”

“I’ve cooked something for myself.” Maomao touches his little belly.

When they’re chatting, Xuanyuan Lie has hung up the phone.

Xiaoxiao looks at him, “I’m still on off-days. Two days later, I’ll go find you.” Her voice already calms down.

The dark eyeballs roll. Xuanyuan Lie is playing with his cellphone, “Are you sure to continue your vacation and not go back with me?”

Looking into his eyes, Xiaoxiao smells a rat. News from the call? “Were you told something on the phone call?”

A clever woman indeed. A chilly curve touches his lips, “One of the seven killers is awake.”

The simple sentence cheers up Xiaoxiao immediately, “Got it. The vacation is over.” If one of them wakes up, it means they have a chance to know who is the one behind everything.

“Mommy, I want to go with you.” Maomao seizes Xiaoxiao’s sleeve.

Before Xiaoxiao answers him, Xuanyuan Lie walks over and lifts Maomao up onto his shoulder, “Let’s go.”

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In Xuanyuan Lie’s courtyard, they leave Maomao in the villa and let maids take care of him. The two goes to the underground cellar. On the way, Xiaoxiao subconsciously stays away from Xuanyuan Lie to avoid intimate touch with him. Probably, she still has hangover of what happened last night.

The dark eyes rest on her from time to time. This damn woman. She should deliberately keep a distance from him!

Soon, they arrive at the cell where the killers are locked up.

Upon entering,

The two maids on duty momentarily kneels down, “Lord.”

Doubts flicker in Xiaoxiao’s eyes. The maids usually don’t greet Xuanyuan Lie in such an exaggerated way. What happened? Ominous feeling occurs to her.

“What’s wrong?” His perfect eyebrow raises. He also feels it.

“The killer who woke up die…died!”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know. After he woke up, we asked a few questions, then he died soon.” The maid shakes her head in fear, her eyes projecting to the dead killer.

Xiaoxiao steps over, pinching the jaw of the dead killer. The face takes on purple color, and his mouth is black, “Poison. He’s dead of poison!”

Strange. The killer’s hands and feet are locked by iron chains. How did he get poisoned? Shouldn’t he have no way to take poison? With doubts, Xiaoxiao looks at the maids.

The dark eyes also cool down. He walks toward the killer. Xiaoxiao makes way for him, who grabs the killer’s jaw, pinching hard, and the mouth is open.

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