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A Little Gentleness

Xiaoxiao, standing next to him, looks there. The killer’s mouth is full of blood. How come? She recalls. Ding-dong. She thinks of something.

“I got it. It seems that these killers, like the owner of the weapon store, have made the preparation for death beforehand. If I guess it right, they must have sewed the poison within their mouth. Once they are caught, they break the suture with tongues and teeth and swallow the poison.”

Xiaoxiao finishes.

Xuanyuan Lie turns to her and let go of the killer’s jaw. The woman is really smart. She’s right. These killers have sewed the poison in their mouths. He says coldly, “Erase the corpse and send for doctors to take the poison out of the mouths of the remaining six.”

Xuanyuan Lie doesn’t reject to her speculation, which means he also knows it. This kind of method is only known to very few killers. To her surprise, he should tell it so easily. He deserves the title of the head of Night Empire. Only after getting to know him does she realize that people’s knowledge of Xuanyuan Lie’s horrible capacity is as partial as the tip of the iceberg. This man is extraordinarily powerful.

It doesn’t matter that one killer died. There are six killers left. Though they haven’t find anything meaningful yet today, they have to prevent the other six from taking their lives.


Above the underground cellar, that is Xuanyuan Lie’s courtyard.

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An extended car pulls up at outside the mansion. As the driver opens the door, a pair of high heels land onto the ground. A noble figure and hair combed high. And a Persian cat in arms.

The moment she comes to air, there is something holding a sunshade for her.

At first glance, though the woman is elegant and noble, her face shows a few faint wrinkles.

When the woman walks to Xuanyuan Lie’s villa.

A group of maids swarm out to stand on both sides of the way with strict courtesy, bowing down and saying in one voice, “Madam!”

In the living room, Maomao on the sofa looks outside. Wow, that aunt is so graceful. What is the Persian cat in her arms so cute?

Maomao’s eyes blink because there are many sparkling things on the aunt. The big diamonds on her ears and the shining stone on her neck.

The woman walks in, eyes on the head of maids, “Where’s is Lie?”

“The master is at the cellar. Do you need me to get him?” The head of maids asks with respect.

“Go ahead.” Then the woman enters the living room. The first person she sees is the child on the sofa. Um? Why is there a child here? She squints her eyes and walks toward the sofa.

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At this moment, Xiaoxiao and Xuanyuan Lie already come over. Xiaoxiao is a bit shocked. Just now she heard loud noise from the living room. Who is this noble-like woman?

“Mother, why are you here?” Xuanyuan Lie’s eyes narrow.

Hong Xuemei’s eyes immediately move to Xuanyuan Lie. She causally puts the Persian cat on the sofa and walks to Xuanyuan Lie, “I’m afraid unless I come personally, you won’t go back for your whole life.”

This person is Xuanyuan Lie’s mom? Xiaoxiao appraises her from head to toe and finds on her the same coldness as Xuanyuan Lie.

She glances at Xuanyuan Lie from the corners of her eyes, only to see he frowning.

At this moment, Hong Xuemei speaks again, “You must know the reason why we keep urging you back home. Though you’re unwilling, the marriage between you and the precious daughter of Lin family has decided long before. The wedding day is set by me and your father. This month, you must go back and get married with Lin’s daughter!”

Standing next to Xuanyuan Lie, Xiaoxiao senses the obvious smell of gunpowder. Tat-tat, heavy smell of gunpower. So his mother shows up to take him back for the wedding ceremony. Xiaoxiao can’t help trembling. It’d be better for her to step away from his domestic affairs.

Just as she’s about to sneak away…

A strong arm suddenly wraps her shoulders.

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“Sorry, mother. I can’t go back to attend the wedding because I already have a girlfriend.” Then, Xuanyuan Lie holds her firmer.

What?! Xiaoxiao’s stiff bodily. She looks up at him to say something when her words are fight back by his cold gaze.

Hong Xuemei’s eyebrows twist into a knot, regarding Xiaoxiao in Xuanyuan Lie’s arms. She asks impassively, “Who is this lady? What social status? Why is she qualified to be my daughter-in-law?” Though the words are unpleasant to the ear, the woman who made the speech still wears an elegant expression.

Xiaoxiao mouth corner begins to twitch when the woman starts the speech. They came back in a hurry, so now she dresses as a woman, only to be utilized by Xuanyuan Lie! Looking at the woman’s contempt, Xiaoxiao takes a deep breath. She really doesn’t want to get involved in his personal affairs. But…she takes one more glance at Xuanyuan Lie, whose dark cold eyes shotting beams of killing, obviously saying, “Don’t talk nonsense, otherwise I’ll kill you!”

Yet, it’s okay for her not to talk, but this woman doesn’t seem like a person easily cheated. Will your mom buy this simple lie?

Just when Xiaoxiao is baffled by these thoughts,

Xuanyuan Lie opens his lips, “She’s qualified because she has given birth to a child of mine.” Then, the diamond-like dark eyes stares right at Mu Maomao on the sofa.

Mu Xiaoxiao’s eyes turn wide open, and she violently shakes her head for a second. What’s Xuanyuan Lie saying? He should drag Maomao in this. She knows that each of the five major families has a far-reaching sphere of influence. She can’t bear it if getting involved into family feuds.

Hong Xuemei remains calm, giving a chilly smile, “Lie, you’re my son. Do you think I’ll buy this? I’d rather believe if you say this lady is pregnant, but as for that child…” As speaking, her cold eyes turn to the sofa.

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The words make Xiaoxiao relieved. That’s right. His mother isn’t easy to cheat. After all, she’s from one of the five families!

At this moment, Mu Maomao is teasing with the Persian cat on the sofa.

“Meow…” Maomao meows.

The cat seems to like Maomao very much too, licking his face and making him laugh.

Hong Xuemei’s noble eyes slowly fall onto Maomao. She didn’t see clear the child, but…when her attention is attracted by the child’s laugh, she suddenly walks over and leans over to appraise Maomao.

Feeling the gaze, Maomao looks up in confusion. His eyes blink.

The two pair of eyes meet. Hong Xuemei is shocked. This…this…this child looks exactly the same as Xuanyuan Lie when he was a child! Just the same!

At once, she turns back to Xuanyuan Lie, “You, you really have a child? What happened? Why did you never tell us anything about it?”

Xuanyuan Lie holds Xiaoxiao and replies unhurriedly, “If I don’t want the clan to know it, do you think you have a way to know?”

Hong Xuemei stops asking more questions, but her gaze at Maomao adds a little gentleness, “Kid, what’s your name?”

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