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Madam is Poisoned

“Madam, what’s the matter with you?” Xiaoxiao is confused, because she doesn’t seem to be faking.

Xuanyuan Lie shakes his head.

The atmosphere in the one becomes sullen. Some time later, a doctor come over in a hurry. He at once checks Hong Xuemei thoroughly.

Xiaoxiao and Xuanyuan Lie sit on the sofa. Maomao has fallen asleep in Xiaoxiao’s arms.

“Head Lie, I’m afraid old madam may be poisoned.” The doctor bows.

“Poisoned? What poison?”

“This isn’t clear yet, but luckily we discover in time and I have already injected inhibitor for old madam. Later after stomach lavage she’ll be fine.”

“Do you know the type of the poison? It takes effect through smelling, injecting or eating?” Xuanyuan Lie asks coldly. Though he doesn’t show much expression, they can feel he’s very angry.

“Through eating.”

“Okay, I know. I’ll leave old madam to you. Take care of her.” Then, Xuanyuan Lie stands up and walks out. All the maids follow after him.

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Xiaoxiao takes a glance at Hong Xuemei on the bed and then, holding her sleeping son, goes back to her own room to put Maomao on bed. Poison. If Xuanyuan Lie’s mother is really poisoned, then…there must be a traitor here in the villa! But, except Xiaoxiao and Maomao, there are only maids. It is one of the maids?

She walks out of the room. In the living room, all thirty maids gather.

Indeed. There is a mole in the house. But who is that? Why did she poison Xuanyuan Lie’s mother?

Xiaoxiao stands at the handrail of the second-floor corridor and looks down.

“Lord, old madam has been playing with young lord, and she didn’t eat anything.” The chief maid’s brows furrow.

“Then how could she be poisoned?” The dark eyes shoot to the maids.

“Right.” The chief maid seems to think of something. The eyes are brought to rest on the tea set, “Old madam took a cup of tea. Right there. There is still some left.”

Xuanyuan Lie turns to look at the tea set on the table, “Who made the tea?”

“This…” The chief maid hesitates and answers, “It was made by the miss you brought here. Old madam specially asked her to make tea.”

Mu Xiaoxiao? Xuanyuan Lie frowns and looks to the second floor. She is standing at the corridor. The two pairs of eyes meet in midair.

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Xiaoxiao has already heard the conversation. Why does she have anything to do with old madam’s being poisoned? She doesn’t want to get involved again in his personal affairs, so she immediately goes downstairs, “Yes, the tea is made by me, but I didn’t add poison. I have no motive to hurt your mother.”

Xuanyuan Lie closes his eyes, “Take the tea and tea set to the doctor for inspection.”

Xiaoxiao bites her teeth. She doesn’t afraid of any inspection because she’s clear of this incident. It’s not necessary to be afraid too since she and Xuanyuan Lie’s mother have no former grudge. Just let the doctor check.

The maids carefully take the tea set to upstairs. Time seems to slow down in waiting. During this, she doesn’t take a look at Xuanyuan Lie.

After a while, the maids come down and gently put down the tea set.

“Lord, the tea is poisoned.”

The tea is poisonous? Xiaoxiao finds it incredible. How could the tea be poisonous? Water-boiling, tea-picking, and tea-brewing are all completely by her personally. There is no way for others to put the poison into the tea, “Impossible. The tea can’t be poisonous!”

Xuanyuan Lie’s eyes open to look at the chief maid, “Afterwards, did anyone touch the tea?”

“No. Tea has been here, never touched.”

“You may all leave!” Xuanyuan Lie shouted coldly. Instantly, all maids leave bowing their heads.

At this time, only Mu Xiaoxiao still stands there, “Believe it or not. It’s not me.”

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The piercing dark eyes turn to her, “Of course I know it’s not you.” His voice is extremely cold. She can feel his rage at this moment.

Hearing this, Xiaoxiao feels a little surprised. Xuanyuan Lie should trust her. This kind of catch her by surprise, “You, trust me?” She felt at present she is thrown into a disadvantaged position. Even if she has signed a contract with Xuanyuan Lie, for him, she’s someone from outside, one that for a time had been suspected by him.

“If you want to do it, you won’t do it in such a stupid way.” This is a point he’s convinced of. He knows how smart the woman is, and such a method is too obvious.

Xiaoxiao’s eyebrows furrow and relax and then furrow again. Is Xuanyuan Lie praising or satirizing her? She approaches him, “This incident is your personal affair. I shouldn’t interfere in it. As long as you believe I’m innocent, that’s enough.” Then, she turns to leave. Undoubtedly, as long as Xuanyuan Lie doesn’t suspect her, then it means the poisoner is among the maids.

In the next day.

“Bang bang bang.” Early in the morning there are violent knocks at the door.

Xiaoxiao gets up with languor, “Who is that?”

“It’s me. Open the door.”

The voice belongs to Xuanyuan Lie’s mother. Xiaoxiao hauls her exhausted body to rise to her feet, walking to the door in a daze, “Yes, may I help you?”

When the door is open.

Snap! A crisp sound of slapping in the face.

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Momentarily, Xiaoxiao feels the heat in her right cheek. A second ago her tiredness lingered, but now she wakes up completely. She slowly raises her hand to feel the part where the face aches, “What are you doing?”

“Miss Mu, you went too far! I heard the maid said you drug me in the tea. What an evil heart you have! Do you think you can marry Xuanyuan Lie if you kill me by poison? I’m telling you, stop dreaming!”

With a tingling face by the burning slap, Xiaoxiao’s gaze turns frostily cold, “Madam Hong, I didn’t do it. If you don’t believe, you can ask your son.”

“Hehe. Don’t I know that my son has been cheated by you slutty woman? Of course he will take your side. Today I’m telling you, as long as I live for one more day, you can never enter into Xuanyuan family, never!”

Xiaoxiao breathes out a long sigh. A swell of irritation blocks between her chests. Though she and Xuanyuan are only pretending to be lovers, being wronged with such words is upset.

“I have nothing else to say. If you insist it’s me, then let it be.”

Her words make Hong Xuemei hit the ceiling. She raises her hand again, in an attempt to slap her one more time.

‘Snap!’ Xiaoxiao grabs her in the wrist. “I respect you as an elder. I’ll forget about the previous slap, but, please conduct yourself with dignity. You’re one of the elders of Xuanyuan family and a born noble with high social status. It seems improper for someone like you to hit others from time to time, madam.”

Hong Xuemei takes back her wrist and waved heavily, “Alright. Stubborn you are. Let’s wait and see.”

“Bad, a bad guy, grandma is a big guy! You can’t beat my mommy!” Maomao woke up when they had the conversation. He sprints over to protect his mommy while pushing away Hong Xuemei.

Hong Xuemei looks down, “Maomao, I have my reason. Be nice.” To the grandson, she has no fury, but when her eyes turn to Xiaoxiao again, “I won’t leave Maomao to a vicious woman like you. He’s a grandson of Xuanyuan family. I’ll take him back!”

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