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Slander to Bear

Hehe…Xiaoxiao laughs, “Maomao is my son, you can’t take him away.” In addition, Maomao isn’t a child of Xuanyuan family. It’s just a lie Xuanyuan Lie told.

However, she doesn’t intend to reveal the lie. After all, in the two year ahead, she will stay with him.

“This isn’t up to you! Let’s wait and see. Hem…” Then, Hong Xuemei storms out.

Maomao climbs up along Xiaoxiao’s leg into her arms, “Mommy. Let’s not pretend to be uncle’s family. Grandma is so fierce and she beat you. Let’s go. Let’s not stay here.”

How clever Maomao is! He well deserves the phrase of a talent. At the beginning, he thought he really had a daddy and grandma, but later, after carefully analyzing the conversation between uncle and mom, he knew they were acting. He doesn’t have a dad, nor any relatives, let alone a grandma. He only has mon… Though he also wishes that he has many many families, he shall never allow others to bully mom.

For her son’s cleverness, Xiaoxiao remains stunned for quite a long while. Maomao should know they are just pretending. She holds Maomao tight, “Sorry, Maomao, we can’t leave; we must continue.”


“Because, everything we’re doing now is to fulfill my eight-year wish.” She takes a deep breath in to hold back her pain. She can’t give up the only clue for her revenge! Therefore, even if there is slander and insult, she has no choice but to bear with it.

Of course, Maomao doesn’t fully understand what mommy means, but he still nods.

In a while.

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Xuanyuan Lie comes to Xiaoxiao’s room. He seems to have known his mother’s deed.

Seeing Xuanyuan Lie coming over, Maomao faces away with discontent, “Hem.” Mom was bullied because of him.

“Kiddo, get out. I have to talk with your mom.”

The little head tosses, but he behaves nicely and gets out. Probably, uncle won’t beat mom like grandma did…. He thinks to himself.

In the big bedroom, Xiaoxiao sits in the chair, “If you’re here to apologize on behalf of your mother, I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t care.”

She speaks her mind out with honesty, not meaning to embarrass him.

Xuanyuan Lie leans over, “Ha. I come here to tell you that I have to go abroad for some business for a few days. In these days, you’ll have to stay alone with my mother…. Can you do that?” The dark eyes raise, fully of enchanting charm.

She can’t help frowning, “You want to leave me with your mother? Don’t be kidding. She believes I poisoned her and wants to kill me!”

“If something happened, you can turn to Yan. Yet, I trust you. You can make it.” Finishing, he droops lower, the cold lips falling onto her forehead. When he stands straight, a cold charming smile plays on the corners of his mouth.

His sudden kiss keeps Xiaoxiao dumbfounded for a long while. Her mouth corner twitching, she lifts up a hand to wipe her forehead, “You…” He is the head of Night Empire, after all…. Why does he always behave like a shameless rogue? For many times she is almost eaten by him…. She finds it dangerous to stay by his side.

“Here is Yan’s number. Call him if something happened. I have to go.” A card is thrown to her.

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Xiaoxiao stands up.


“Give me the key.” She reaches out.

He turns around. Without saying anything, he gives the key of the underground cellar to Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao is a little surprised. She didn’t make it clear, but he knows, and what’s more, he gives her the key so easily…. Doesn’t Xuanyuan Lie trust her too much? Doesn’t he fear that she helped those killers out?

“Thanks. Now if your mother comes at me, I have a place to hide.” She half-jokes, grabbing tight the key.


Xuanyuan Lie gets out of the room and leaves the courtyard.

Maomao scoots to into the room at once, “Mommy, just now grandma told me that tomorrow she would take me to amusement park. What should I do!” He stamps his feet with fluster. Just now the grandma suggested to take him away. He’s really afraid that this fake grandma might sell him away.

“She said to take you to play?”

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Maomao nods, “She originally said to go today. But I fear she may take me away, so I lied. I told her my belly aches, so she said tomorrow.”

“Good. Maomao. Go to bed to take a snap.”

She settles Maomao to bed. The pretty eyes squinting, she gestures to call up a maid, telling her that Maomao has stomachache and letting her to send out for the doctor who came yesterday.

As soon as the doctor is here.

In the bedroom, Xiaoxiao shuts the door, pulling out a pistol from her waist to point at the doctor’s head, “Don’t move. First, if you dare to shout, I’ll kill you immediately. Second, if you resist, I’ll kill you immediately. Third, if you don’t cooperate, I’ll kill you immediately. Forth, if you lie, I’ll kill you immediately.”

Gloomy cold flickers in her eyes, which makes the doctor can’t help but nod.

Xiaoxiao gets near him, “Tell me. What kind of poison did old madam take yesterday?”

“It’s ordinary Datura poison. After taking it, the person will demonstrate violent syndromes, shaking bodily, nausea, and dizziness. But its toxicity is so weak that it barely does any harm to the person. A night’s sleep will help the person recover.”

“Why did say it was serious last night? You mentioned inhibitor injection and stomach lavage.”

“Because, old madam kept giving me the look, so…”

“Okay, I see. Don’t tell anyone about this. Otherwise…even if you escape to the edge of the world, I can kill you no matter what.”

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“Yes, yes.”

Xiaoxiao takes back the pistol and finds a random reason for the doctor like Maomao ate too much and didn’t digest well to cover what happened just now. The reason why she suspected old madam is the confusion why a person being poisoned last night could have the mood to take a child to amusement park today. Luckily, Maomao’s words reminded her.

It seems that the slap in her face is so wrong.

The beautiful eyes rolling, she curses to herself. What a bastard Xuanyuan Lie is! Very likely he figures out the drama was all directed by his mother, so he simply leaves everything to her, unwilling to get involved at all! All the mess is left for her to deal with.

Xiaoxiao pats on her forehead and paces around. Her thing is to kill people or set fire, but to deal with an elder woman, what should she do?

A night passes.

As early as four o’clock in the morning.

“Miss, old madam wants to see you.”

Four o’clock in the morning! She should be sprayed with cold water in the face at four o’clock in the morning and pulls downstairs. She, in a daze, looks at Hong Xuemei who sits in the sofa.

“What can I help you so early?” Xiaoxiao asks, yawning.

“Clean the tables, sweep the floor and mow the lawn. I hope that you can finish all this before eight o’clock when I wake up. These maids are responsible for keeping an eye on you.” Hong Xuemei says and goes upstairs for sleep.

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