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Poisoning, How Dare You


Xiaoxiao is dumbfounded as if she were stupid. Looking around at the maids near her, she has no other choice but to accept it and begins to get busy like crazy. She sweats like a pig from exhaustion, both physically and mentally! Luckily, she works out on a regular basis. Otherwise, the work load would be too much for ten people. For the first time, she feels she’s almost dying from tiredness.

She goes to take a shower to wash away the sweat all over her body. Finally she comes to a conclusion that she must act quick to put an end to all this!

At eight o’clock, before Hong Xuemei gets up and comes to her, Xiaoxiao voluntarily knocks at the door of Hong Xuemei’s room.

“What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you didn’t finish the work I asked you to do!”

“Madam Hong, I’m here to talk with you.” Xiaoxiao places a tea set on the table.

Hong Xuemei takes a glance at it, “Oh dear, now you want to talk about it? Hehe…. Aren’t you too proud to talk with me?”

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“Madam Hong, I know you meant to deter me out of everything by the loads of work. Actually, I thought much about it, so now I come here to share with you my thought.” Then, she gets down insouciantly and begins to make tea skillfully.

Hong Xuemei’s eyes squint. It’s incredible this woman should make compromise so soon. She walks over, “Okay, let’s have this conversation. After all, you’re Maomao’s biological mother. I believe you must have thought much today. Are you decided?”

Xiaoxiao looks up, “Decide what?” She is puzzled by Hong Xuemei’s question.

“The price. How much do you need to leave Xuanyuan Lie and, in addition, to stop contacting Maomao?” She sits down nobly, stroking the sleeping Persian cat on the sofa.

Xiaoxiao becomes silent…. She can’t help feeling sad. Fortunately, this is just acting, and fortunately, Maomao isn’t really Xuanyuan Lie’s son. So lucky. Otherwise, she really can’t do with Xuanyuan family.

She makes the tea in silence and hands it to Hong Xuemei, “Madam, it’s good to have a cup of tea after getting up.”

Hong Xuemei takes a look at the tea. She thought this woman was a tough one. Now it seems just so so. A problem that can be solved by momey is not a problem. “It seems you really think it through…”

Taking the tea, Hong Xuemei sips it.

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“Yes. By your valuable advice, I think it through,” Xiaoxiao smiles and stares at her swallow the tea to her stomach before speaking again, “Right, madam, I’ve always wanted to ask a question. You said that I poisoned you in the tea last time, but why do you dare to drink another cup of tea made by me? Don’t you fear that I may drug you again?”

Hong Xuemei puts the teacup down, “Forget it, as long as you’re willing to give up Maomao and Lie, I can forgive you for all your deed.”


What a good speech she made! Xiaoxiao both admires and feels cold in her heart. The saying goes that once bitten, twice shy. If she dares to drink the second cup of tea, then it proves that all Xiaoxiao’s deduction is correct.

Alas, Xuanyuan Lie’s mother is really tough towards her own son and even herself.

“Yes. I’m happy that you’re willing to forgive me for what I did. And, I hope you can also forgive me for what I do today. Madam Hong…sorry, I let you down.”

“You?” Hong Xuemei is shocked, feeling a sudden sweep of suffocation in the chest and involuntarily shaking in limbs, “Poison…you, you drugged me! How…dare you!” Her face looks savage due to pain.

Xiaoxiao stands up to hold her, “Madam, this is just ordinary Datura poison which I believe you’re familiar with, so don’t worry. This time you can confidently accusing me of a bad woman and drugging you. And I will readily accept it! Because if I did it, I will admit it.”

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“You…you…” She can’t imagine that the woman should figure it out her scheme. Horrible…my Lie, what kind of a woman you have kept around you!

“Madam, relax. I won’t hurt you, but I think now you are clear that I know what you’ve plotted last night. By your dignified social status, if this kind of filthy scheme to defaming others was made public…, wouldn’t that be too embarrassing? So, as I’ve thought on your behalf, before this is completely exposed to the public, I send you back home! You may take a good sleep and by the time you wake up, you will be at home!” Then, she walks over to hold the feeble madam to bed and help her lie down.

She pats her hands and ponders for some time. Since Xuanyuan Lie isn’t here, there aren’t courteous things she has to consider. After all, she isn’t likely to meet with this madam in the future.

She fishes out her phone and calls Lan Tingyan according to the number Xuanyuan Lie left her.

“Lord Yan, I’m Xiao Mu…can you please come over?” She keeps her pitch low. Since Xuanyuan Lie agrees to let her continue to disguise as a man, she shouldn’t let others know she’s a female. Except for all the maids in this house, there are no other people who know the fact.

Before Lan Tingyan arrives, she dresses herself up back to a man. The corset is easy to obtain, but she has no wig, so she finds a hat and puts on.

“Lord Yan, you’re so fast. It’s only half an hour.”

“Yesterday when Lie left, he told me especially that you might call me. What’s wrong? Anything happened? Tell me. I can help you.” Lan Tingyan says. In fact, from the headquarter of Night Empire to here, it takes at least two hours’ drive, but he can’t help driving like crazy to here. It’s been many days since he saw this little guy last time. He kind of miss him.

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“Lord Yan, here is the story. Our leader’s mother suddenly passes out due to her former disease. When she’s half awake, she said she wanted to go back home. I think, of all people I know, probably you’re the only one who know how to get to Xuanyuan family, so…I have to bother you to take old madam back home.” Xiaoxiao says unhurriedly. Xuanyuan Lie’s mother has passed out after twitching. According to that doctor, she will be in a coma for at least ten hours.

Hehe, even if Xuanyuan family bases in abroad, she must be sent away.

“I do remember Lie mentioned that aunt is here. But…doesn’t aunt come here to take Lie back for the wedding? How would she want to go back?” Lan Tingyan asks, confused.

Tut. As she expected, it’s not easy to cheat the second-in-command of Night Empire into believing it, “Look, lord has found an excuse and goes abroad. There is nothing old madam can do even if she continues to stay here…”

Lan Tingyan hesitates for a while. He knows that Lie doesn’t want to go back and marry the so-called Lin daughter. It’d be good to send aunt back home.

The two people discuss for some time and put Hong Xuemei into the car. Before Lan Tingyan leaves, Xiaoxiao calls him, “Lord Yan, can I talk with you alone?”

Lan Tingyan likes this boy more and more, so he agrees readily. The two come to the pavilion in the backyard garden. Xiaoxiao lowers her head.

“There is no one else here. Talk straight.” Lan Tingyan cocks his head to one side and regards at her. Increasingly, he feels it a regret that this boy isn’t a woman.

“Lord Yan, that day…I overhead the conversation between you and lord about the five families…” She hesitates, not sure if she is being to rash to ask him like this, but except Lan Tingyan, she has no one to ask the question.

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