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Who Are You? And Who Are You!

“Really?!” Xiaoxiao raises her eyebrows in joy. One more good news! She’s so blessed today. There is news of aunt’s whereabout, and the killer wakes up.

Maomao, lying on her shoulders, whispers to her ear, “Mommy, if we don’t set out to find grandaunt, she’ll really run away again.”

Reminded by her son, she quickly wakes up from the surprise, “I know. Miss, could you deal with the killer first? I’ll be back soon.”


Great! She has clues to everything news. Just when she’s about to step out of the door, something suddenly occurs in her mind, and she turns back instantly, “Miss! Did you put something in the killer’s mouth after he woke up?” She almost roars.

The chief maid is taken aback, pausing for a while, and shakes her head.

“Shit! Hurry, hurry. To the cellar!” One of the killers has taken his own life already. They must stop this kind of incident! Though the drug buried in the killers’ teeth has been taken out, they would definitely commit suicide by biting their tongue after they wake up and can’t find the drug!

Into the dimly lit cellar, Xiaoxiao rushes in with nervousness.

Fortunately, the killer just woke up and his mind isn’t too clear, so he has killed himself yet. Xiaoxiao quickly tears off a piece of cloth and stuffs into the killer’s mouth in case that he tries to take his life.

She takes a glance at them. Back then when they fought, she worried that a light hand might not knock them off, so she gave all out to hit them. To her surprise, the killers didn’t wake up for so many days. Luckily, they are given notorious supplement, otherwise they would die from starving.

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“I’m afraid that too many people presenting here may pose pressure on the killer. For a better outcome, can you wait outside first? I want to talk with him alone.”

Xiaoxiao drives away the maids and applies some refreshing oil to the temples of the killer.

Waiting for a long while, he finally regains his consciousness, “Uhuhuh…” With the cloth stuffed in his mouth, he can’t utter clear words but just murmurs.

Xiaoxiao approaches him, “Don’t struggle. No matter what you do, we won’t let you die. We’ll try every method to keep your life.”

“Ah!” Momentarily the killer’s eyes become fierce. He seems in rage.

“You’re clear what we want. As long as you tell me who sent you here, I can guarantee to keep you alive.”

The killer doesn’t care Xiaoxiao’s words at all. Since he dares to come, he has determined to either succeed or die.

In the face of his attitude, Xiaoxiao isn’t anxious. She slowly approaches the killer and says gently, “I know if the task failed, you’ll die anyway even if you go back. How about this? I help you and your family, if you have any, get out of this land, and send you to a place where no one can find you? What do you think?”

The killer seems to talk, so Xiaoxiao takes out the cloth in his mouth.

“Why should I believe you?”

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“Since you’re willing to talk to me, I guess it means you want to live.”

The killer becomes silent. Xiaoxiao frowns, “You should know that now you’re at the underground cellar of Night Empire. Do you hear of Xuanyuan Lie’s way of doing things? Hehe…he’ll try every means to prevent you from death and to keep you alive. Then, you may face torture of one year, two years…five years…until you tell him the truth!”

Great pressure emits from her.

The killer looks up at this buddy and finds out this was the person who defeated them all on his own, “You’re Xuanyuan Lie’s follower. How can I know if this is a trap? What if I tell you everything and then you still kill me?”

Xiaoxiao knew that this person would guess in this way. She takes off her cap and instantly her long hair unfold and drop down, “What if I tell that I’m also an undercover? Hehe…so we are kind of like-minded.”

“But if you’re also an undercover, then why do you help Xuanyuan Lie figure out the one behind our plot?!” When he looks at Xiaoxiao, his eyes flash in surprise of her appearance. She should be a woman.

“Don’t ask this. Naturally I have my own purpose.”

“Then I can tell you after I get out of this cellar first. Yet, I can’t reveal too much details. Keywords only.”


Xiaoxiao gets out in a hurry and leaves the killer to maids. She doesn’t need to release the killer soon. Now there’s another thing that makes her worry most.

To find her aunt.

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Going back to the living room, she finds Maomao falls asleep on the sofa. Forget it. She decides to go alone.

She’s just leaving, “Miss Mu, your clothes…. If you don’t mind, you can wear mine first.” The chief maid says gently.

She looks down at her clothes. It’s tore up indeed. She might be refused to get into the casino wearing this. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

At the casino in the eastern district.

The long hair dangle onto the shoulders. She wears a plain dress, glancing around…. In order to deal with the killer, she wasted some time. She hopes that her aunt is still here.

Where there is her aunt, the gambling table must be the noisiest one…. Therefore, Xiaoxiao heads through the crowd for the noisiest area…. She shouldn’t be too overstated in case to be find out by aunt who will then run away again.

“I cheat? You’re swindling!” A pleasant voice sends over through the crowd.

“We swindle? Obviously, you cheated!”

“You can open a casino but don’t want to lose? Can’t I win?” The screaming is of a female voice.

“You woman! Are you asking for troubles here at our casino?”

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The quarrel gets louder and louder in the crowd. Xiaoxiao’s eyebrows furrow. This voice…is so familiar. Is it…. Thinking of this, she immediately sprints to the crowd.

A few men wearing black suits in a heated argue with a red-dressed woman. The woman’s every gesture suggests sexy. Long wavy hair and exquisite facial features will instantly light up people’s eyes. She seems only twenty something.

When Xiaoxiao’s eyes fall onto the woman in the red dress, Xiaoxiao is shocked. Aunt! It’s her aunt! Then she takes a look at the men in black and finds they already hit the ceiling.

“What? Do you want to kill me in public?” Her aunt places her fists at the two sides of her waist, squaring her shoulders.

“We don’t kill you, but we can beat your ass out!” The men shout back.

Xiaoxiao pats on her forehead. Aunt. Real name: Chang Yiyi. Age: 35. She’s the sister of Xiaoxiao’s mother…. Yet, compared with her mom, a gentle person, aunt’s temper is straight and tough, a woman who never yields.

“Beat me up? Hem. What a tone! Today I shall lose everything at your casino!” Aunt raises her jaw, seeming to have decided to fight till the end.

“Well. Brothers. Beat her! Any ne who dares to make troubles at our casino should taste our fists!” As one of the men orders, the group are dashing over.

“Wait!” Xiaoxiao stands out at once and stretches out her arms to stop the group of men.

The group brakes suddenly, “Who are you?!”

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