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Blue Drinks

She breathes a long sigh of relief, “Lord Yan, thank you. Don’t bother and send people to get her. My aunt is an expert in escaping. I don’t think they can catch her. Alas, forget it…I’ll try to find her later.”

The helpless tone confuses Lan Tingyan. What’s on earth the relationship between Xiaoxiao and her aunt? Escape? And not to be found? However, though curious, Lan Tingyan doesn’t ask her personal affairs, only saying, “Shall we take a rest in the inner hall?”

The exclusive inner hall of the casino is luxuriously decorated. It’s more like a box than an inner hall. Xiaoxiao and Lan Tingyan sit on the sofa.

“What wine would you like to drink?”

“No thanks, I’ll just have juice.”

After a while, a waitress wearing cheongsam comes with two blue-colored drinks.

“This is a specialty of the casino. Have a taste.” Lan Tingyan stares at the blue drink.

Xiaoxiao lifts up and takes a sip. It tastes refreshingly sweet. The mixed flavor burns a little when the liquid runs to the throat, creating a feeling like a spirit.

“Really nice.” She drinks many mouthfuls of it in a row.

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Lan Tingyan leans against the sofa on one arm, squinting to gaze at her, “How many people know that you’re a woman? Why did you come to become Lie’s driver as a man?”

Although his tone is serious, he doesn’t mean to interrogate her. For someone else who dares to get into Night Empire in this way, he would immediately kill this person without even asking!

But…this person is different. When he knows that Xiaoxiao is a woman, he didn’t piss off at all, but felt traces of joy in his heart.

Xiaoxiao bows her head, “Except for the maids in the house, only Xuanyuan Lie knows it. In fact, everything started by a mistake, then one thing happened after another. The purpose of I dressing as a man to become a driver was to save my son Mu Maomao, but I’ve made it clear to Xuanyuan Lie. Yet, something hard to explain was caused, so I need to continue to stay with him as a driver.”

“You are the kiddo’s mom?” Lan Tingyan is stunned. This woman looks like no more than twenty, and the kiddo is at least five years old.

Xiaoxiao nods, “Yes…”

“Who’s the kiddo’s dad?” Lan Tingyan can’t help asking. Usually, he wouldn’t have asked such an unrelated question, but it happened before he realized it.

Xiaoxiao shakes her head, “He doesn’t have a dad. Right…didn’t you go and send old madam back to the family? Why are you here?”

“Oh…I see aunt at airport and then went back to the headquarters. Upon receiving a phone call saying that there is some trouble at the casino, I came here by the way.” Luckily, he showed up, otherwise he doesn’t know when he could know that Xiao Mu is woman. “Right, if your gender is fake, I guess your name isn’t Xiao Mu either.”

“My name is Mu Xiaoxiao, and…” Xiaoxiao is about to tell him more, but suddenly, there is a fierce burning in her chest, and her head begins to spin, a feeling happening after she drinks alcohol. But she didn’t drink any…. At once, her eyes rest on the blue drink.

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“What happened to you?” Lan Tingyan looks at her, perplexed.

“This, this drink contains alcohol?” Thinking of the burning feel in the throat, she realizes it at once.

“You have a sensitive tongue. Indeed, it contains whiskey. Just a small dose to make the flavor better.”

Xiaoxiao presses her head, leaning back on the sofa, “Shit!”

“What happened?”

“I have a disease; I can’t drink alcohol…” As she speaks, she puts her hand on the chest.

Hearing her words, Lan Tingiyan immediately stands up, “I’ll take you to the hospital.” Then, he walks to her and directly lifts her up into his arms.

“No, no…” Xiaoxiao tries to struggle, but her strength seems to drain up. She really can’t take alcohol at all. She begins to feel smothered in the chest.

“Don’t move. If you feel dizzy, just sleep.” His tone becomes firmer, rushing out holding her in his arms.

“Yan, lord Yan. Put me down, or…I…I can’t control myself.” She clenches her fist. According to relevant sources, Mu Xiaoxiao reacts different every time after getting drunk. But her reaction would be as crazy as you could imagine.

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“It doesn’t matter! If you can’t control yourself, then don’t!” Lan Tingyan naturally thinks she might beat people.

However, when she gets crazy, there’ll be more than beating. Yet, this time she doesn’t have too much alcohol. Biting her teeth, she feels that she can still constrain the desperate impulse within her body.

As time passes, her head becomes heavier and heavier, and her body is almost softened in his arms, the dizzy head involuntarily bumping into his chest now and then.

The clenching hand relaxes, trembling and touching his body from time to time.


In the hospital.

Xiaoxiao is admitted to a ward for intravenous drip. Lan Tingyan wipes the sweat on his forehead. He was the one that couldn’t control himself! He almost got out of control.

He looks back at her on the bed. She already falls asleep, the face still reddish because of the drink. This girl…hehe…he can’t help arching his lips in a smile.

The night is quiet.

“Aunt, don’t go. Let me everything about six years ago!” Xiaoxiao suddenly wakes up from her nightmare.

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Her voice also wakes Lan Tingyan who is sleeping on the sofa. At once, he turns on the light to check Xiaoxiao on the bed and finds her face covered with tears.

The clear eyes are attracted by the light. She glances around the ward and finally brings her eyes to rest on Lan Tingyan, “Lord Yan, you’re still here.”

“Yes. It was my drink. Of course I should take care of you.” He walks to the bed.

Xiaoxiao sits up, “Thank you for your care. It’s no big deal. I just might do something weird when I get drunk. Did I do anything to you? Did I hit you?”

Lan Tingyan shakes his head, “You were quiet.”


“Why would I lie to you? If you hit me, I’ll sure to repay you ten times as much.” He gently smiles. The words Xiaoxiao shouted when she woke up occurs to him. After hesitating for a while, he asks, “You just yelled aunt don’t run. What does that mean? You and your aunt…”

The topic makes Xiaoxiao frown. She believes that Lan Tingyan is a nice person, but as for what happened that year, she really doesn’t know how to tell others, “My aunt did weird things to me six years ago. After that, she always tries to hide from me. Therefore, I’ve kept looking for her everywhere. Today, she happened to run away again.”

Lan Tingyan knows that Xiaoxiao didn’t tell him everything, but he doesn’t ask further qestions either. After all, there is no one in the world that doesn’t have one or two secrets.

Putting on the shoes, Xiaoxiao stands up, “I have to go back to Xuanyuan Lie’s house. My son is there.”

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