Chapter 112 Monster Theory

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The aura is so strong, and the appearance is so clear.

But in memory, there is no information that can correspond to this woman.

Maud didn’t have the time to think deeply about this issue at the moment, so he immediately retracted his gaze and continued to squeeze towards the hole in the wall.

No matter who you are, it’s important to run for your life.

In the face of the real threat posed by Gion, Maud’s actions became more rude.

I just hope that the shields behind are a little stronger.

I don’t want to be able to contain Gion, I just need to hold on for a while.

outside the crowd.

With a wave of Gion’s hand, dozens of pirates fell to the ground.

It was a powerful gesture that regarded the pirates present as turkeys.

And with practical actions, this attitude was deeply imprinted in the eyes of many pirates.

While the pirates trembled, they quickly responded.

The crowd that was originally crowded has a tendency to spread out in a short period of time.

They didn’t want to use the flesh to counteract Gion’s ultimate move, and they didn’t plan to sit still.

Gion stared blankly at the actions of the pirates, and suddenly stepped on the air and took off towards the wall.

This sudden move undoubtedly made himself a living target.

Watching Gion lift off into the sky, the pirates in the vicinity flashed murderous intent, and quickly pulled out the flintlock gun they were carrying.


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The smoke of gunpowder was everywhere, and countless lead bullets pulled out a barrage, heading towards Gion in the air.

However, Gion was able to easily dodge the barrage, which was not too accurate, just by increasing his speed.

“So fast!”

The pirates watched in amazement as Gion swept past from above.

But at the same time, Gion’s back was also openly exposed in front of their eyes.

good chance!

The pirates turned their guns to Gion again.

To them, Gion’s actions were tantamount to suicide.

After they took aim, they pulled the trigger again.

With the continuous sound of gunfire, another barrage went towards Gion’s back.

Gion, however, seemed to have eyes behind him. She stepped on the air, pulling out a tortuous track in the air, avoiding the lead bullets shot from behind him one by one.

In front of the stable and efficient Observation Haki, the lead bullet without the blessing of the Armament Haki is simply a decoration.

Seeing Gion dodging every lead bullet in an incredible way, an incredible look appeared on the faces of many pirates.

It’s okay to dodge from the front, and don’t even take the front and rear pinch attack?

Most of the pirates present have never even been to Grand Line, and they have never been exposed to knowledge related to Haki.

Therefore, the strengths that Gion showed one by one all deepened their fears.

Effortlessly avoiding the dense rain of bullets that came one after another, Gion quickly came to the bottom of the wall.

Although she is a swordsman, but with the help of fruit ability, her Observation Haki is stronger than Armament Haki.

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Therefore, no matter how strong the concentrated firepower is, it cannot pose any threat to her.

Maud was in the crowd.

He was about to squeeze into the hole in the wall.

However, Gion’s first move to cut off the beard made him scolded secretly.

I don’t know if Gion is a daring artist or a fearless one.

But in any case, this shows that there is no way out.

“How to do?”

Sonny asked in a low voice as she reloaded.

Just now, she also fired two shots at Gion.

Although there is support from Observation Haki, but Gion’s Observation Haki is stronger.

Therefore, the two buckshots that were shot in the past were not unexpectedly missed.

“This woman can’t be provoked, so we can only withdraw one after another.”

Maud made a decisive decision, gave up the idea of ​​forcibly rushing into the wall hole, and turned his eyes to the farther side of the wall.

If the front cannot pass, then you can only go against the original intention, first detour to the edge of the island, and then swim and climb through the wall mountain.

After making the decision, Maud listened to the continuous gunshots coming from his ears, and did not join in the fun.

Turning around, he still uses violent means to open the way.

Thanks to the deterrent force brought by Gion, the crowd gradually dispersed, and the crowdedness was no longer the same as before.

Soon, Maud squeezed out of the crowd behind Sunny’s back.

Looking back, most of the pirates present had dispersed, and there were piles of corpses on the ground in front of the wall.

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The tall Gion stood in front of the hole in the wall, blocking everyone present like a door god.

The pirates are afraid of Gion’s melee strength, so they still use firearms to strike Gion from a distance.

However, no matter how well they aimed, they missed Gion.

Maud walked out of the crowd, his eyes passed through the pirates, and turned to Gion.

The word suddenly flashed in my mind.

Immediately afterwards, Maud walked away without looking back.

If Gion is not so strong, even if Maud can’t get the experience gain, he will consider mixing in the crowd to shoot black guns, try to clear the obstacles, and then pass through the wall hole.

But the strength shown by Gion makes him unable to get the slightest motivation at this stage.

In such a situation, even if he knew Gion’s name and had the assistance of so many cannon fodders present, Maud would not risk it.

He knew exactly what to do now.

“Come on you guys.”

Maud cheered the pirates behind him in his heart.

There are not many people who have the same idea without confronting Gion head-on.

It’s just that they have a fluke mentality and are not as decisive as Maud.

What if Gion was killed by gunfire?

So, they still stay on the sidelines and watch the situation.

Facing the siege of many pirates, Gion turned a blind eye, raised his long sword, and started a one-sided suppression.

Pirates who have not been to the great waterway and the new world will never imagine the level of individual combat power.

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Gion’s strength is still a long way from the top, but now she is not an existence that the pirates of Mad Hatter can compete with.

She ignores the shooting from all directions, like a tiger entering a flock, each knife will take away more than one pirate.

At this time, Maud was already on the way to retreat.

Although he has never been to the Grand Line, he knows the horror of those powerful individuals better than every pirate present.

In the original book, what impressed him was not the destructive power of Whitebeard’s palms.

It’s the chapter where the Straw Hat Pirates face off against 100,000 murlocs on Fishman Island.

Ten people against 100,000 people, what an exaggerated ratio.

But that’s how the world is.

Moreover, if the Straw Hat Pirates at that time were pulled in front of the Four Emperors, they could only be reduced to a unit that was instantly killed.

It can be seen that in the face of these ceiling combat power, the number is meaningless, and it is impossible to support the war of attrition.

You know, even Jinbei and Ace, who just debuted, can fight for five days and five nights.

Then, what kind of physical strength and endurance do monsters with strength above them have?

Maud knew very well that with the average combat power of the group of pirates behind him, even if the number was doubled, he would not necessarily be able to get a bargain from Gion.


At the same time, a fierce confrontation in the block.

Saul gasped slightly.

Garp, on the other hand, was calm.

The gap between the two sides is clear at a glance.

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