Chapter 113 Where are you! ! !

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While Saul was panting slightly, he stared coldly at Garp who was breathing evenly.

Although he is old, his physical strength is not so unbearable.

To get to the bottom of it, on the one hand, it is because Garp’s repressive force is too strong, and on the other hand, it is Saul’s obsession.

If he avoided the battle, in this cat-and-mouse game, he was confident enough to make Garp vomit blood.

However, in the fierce confrontation of hundreds of rounds, Saul did not avoid the battle, but tried to attack Garp many times.

In every attack against Garp, Armament Haki must be attached.

And the frequent use of Armament Haki will gradually take away Saul’s physical strength in the fierce battle.

In addition, Garp’s persistent attack was too strong, which put Saul under a lot of pressure.

Over time, this pressure does not decrease but increases.

Several factors added up, and Saul realized that he couldn’t continue like this.

In terms of physical strength, none of the five of them would be a match for the Iron Fist bastard.

After multiple attacks were ineffective, Saul decisively gave up.

The unreasonably strong iron fist bastard in front of him is probably an obsession that he will never be able to overcome in his life.

Fortunately, the two little guys are not here.

Otherwise, if you let them see how embarrassed I am, they may feel that there is no future for learning guns.

In this intensely focused battle, Saul still has time to think wildly.

This is also because he gave up offense, so the pressure on the front will be further reduced.

“Why, stop fighting?”

After a few rounds of chasing, Garp was keenly aware of Saul’s change in tactics.

Saul sneered, too lazy to talk to Garp.

After the pressure was relieved, he expanded the scope of Observation Haki and he could no longer perceive the figures of the two little guys.

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Only Aokiji is still on the top floor of the Mad Hatter auction.

“Did you escape…”

While speaking to himself silently in his heart, Saul quickly backed away, avoiding Garp’s punch.

Seeing that Saul turned into a tortoise again, Garp was a little helpless, so he could only keep accelerating the rhythm of the attack.

Compared to directly killing Saul, he wanted to defeat Saul head-on.

But once Saul chooses to avoid the battle, the battle will turn into a protracted battle of you chasing me.

In the end, physical strength becomes the decisive factor in determining victory or defeat.

In desperation, Garp could only follow the trend.

If it was a teamfight, he wouldn’t waste time on Saul.

The slight change in Garp’s offensive was noticed by Saul.

After giving up the attack, although the flaws can be reduced, the pressure on defense has always been there.

The threat from Garp was not something he could completely cancel out by giving up the attack.

It can only be said that the change in thinking can make him a little easier in the battle.

But that’s about it.

“I don’t know where the two little guys escaped to?”

While dodging the attack, Saul slowly leaned in the direction of the wall.

Until now, he had no thoughts of Garp.

He has to admit that the bodybuilding monster is really the nemesis of the gunman.

Just like him, he has not been able to leave a wound on Garp in his entire life, let alone defeat it.

No matter how unwilling it is, the facts are facts and cannot be refuted.

This time, Saul quickly let go of his obsession.

If it was him before, he would have to fight Garp for another hundred rounds before giving up.

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As for why…

There was an inexplicable smile on Saul’s mouth.


Seeing Saul’s sudden smile, a strange color flashed in Garp’s eyes.

“why are you laughing?”

As he punched, Garp asked.

“Laughing at you being an idiot.”

While dodging, Saul scolded.

“Ha ha.”

Garp laughed out loud, and then the punches that went past were more powerful.

But he was still evaded by Saul.

“Saul, you really haven’t changed at all.”

“You too.”

Saul sneered, and without a trace glanced at the Mad Hatter auction house where Admiral Aokiji was.

Come here, but only watch the play on the side.

If Aokiji also shot, then it would not be so easy for him to run away.

But Aokiji didn’t make a move.

Obviously, Aokiji was not specially called by Garp to deal with him.

Then think of the Aokiji just restricting the freedom of Maud and Sunny.

Saul had a good idea and quickly got the general context.

Although I don’t know how Maud and the others escaped, it is impossible for Saul to face off with Garp now.

He intends to drag for a while and then go directly to Wall Mountain.

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The top floor of the Mad Hatter auction.

Aokiji stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands in his pockets, his eyes fixed on the battle between Garp and Saul.

In the first half of the battle, he watched intently, for fear of missing any moment.

And Garp and Saul did not live up to his expectations, allowing him to see an urgent and exciting top-notch duel.

Originally, the relationship between victory and defeat has gradually become clear.

Playing like that, Garp should be able to take out Saul in under an hour.

But as Saul turned from offense to defense, it not only made the battle a protracted one, but also made the look and feel of the battle boring.

After watching the battle for a while, Aokiji yawned a little, tilted his head slightly, and looked at a certain position.

All that was left was a pool of water after the ice had melted.

Aokiji scratched his unkempt hair.

When the two young men were found to have run away, the battle between Garp and Saul was getting to the point of intense.

Therefore, Aokiji did not chase, but chose to stay and continue to watch the battle.

“Is this my problem?”

Aokiji thought to himself.

To be honest, he didn’t really want to take the blame.


Wall Mountain.

Howling sounded everywhere.

Gion killed the pirates with just one sword.

That overwhelming strength smashed the psychological defenses of the pirates present in a short period of time.

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They thought that as long as there were more people, they could kill Gion, but the cruel reality gave them a slap in the face.


After being strong for only three rounds, the remaining pirates lost their fighting spirit and fled in all directions.

Gion’s killing intent has been decided, and he chases and kills the fleeing pirates with a sword.

By this time, it’s too late to run.

Under the pursuit of Gion, the fleeing pirates were suddenly desperate.

Can’t beat and run.

Is there anything more desperate than this in the world?

The pirates who were struggling to escape could only watch one by one being slashed by Gion, who was chasing after them.

They were very unwilling to be chased and killed unilaterally.

Isn’t there a guy who can fight to stop that monster bitch?

When the idea was born, soon, a pirate thought of Maud.

To say that the strength is strong, this is the only person he can think of.

Only when the figure of Maud appeared in his mind, he heard the wind suddenly rise behind him.

The pirate’s heart couldn’t help but tremble.

Looking back, it was indeed Gion who was murdering with a sword.

The pirate suddenly looked desperate.

When Gion’s long sword was about to slash, the figure in his head naturally became a life-saving straw.

“Usopp, where are you!!!”

In desperation, the pirate puffed up his voice and used the greatest strength in his life to call out the name he regarded as a life-saving straw.

Then, the slashing sword suddenly stopped.

In the distance, Maud, who was running away, heard this cry of despair, and his body couldn’t help shaking.

what’s the situation? ? ?

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