Chapter 74 Opening

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this time.

Maude goes to town every day looking for game.

Over five days, a total of fifteen targets were hunted, an average of three per day.

The gain in physique is slowly increasing like a snail, and there is still a long way to go before the second star frame.

In terms of sword skills, there has been a substantial increase, which is also related to the fact that Maude specifically targets those prey with sword skill.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the first star frame can be condensed in terms of swordsmanship.

As for the 4.5 million intelligence fee, Maude only spent three days to get it together, and went directly to the night bar to let Gion start collecting intelligence.

In the next two days, Maude earned about 1.5 million Bailey.

It can only be said that those pirates who can get bounties still have more or less money in their wallets.

On this day, Saul returned to the store and filled the basement with barrels of fine wine again.

In the short term, it is impossible for the Redhair to “snatch” Saul’s wine again, and these wines are enough for Saul to drink the New Year alone.

The one who returned to the store with Saul was Arthur, who had been missing for a long time.

“I’m on vacation today.”

Taking off the mask, Arthur, who was dressed in casual clothes, gave the reason why he would come to the store.

In fact, no one took the initiative to ask him this question before.

Arthur leaned against the counter, chatting awkwardly with Sonny.

Sunny’s mind was obviously in the newspaper, but Arthur didn’t care at all, even if Sunny ignored him for three or five sentences, it didn’t affect his self-talk.

On the side, Maude carefully took note of Arthur’s face and was prepared.

This is a rare opportunity, because funeral directors usually wear masks, so it is difficult to see the real face.

“Oh, right.”

Arthur suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

Sunny paused, looked up at Arthur, and frowned slightly.

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Arthur lowered his voice and said, “An interesting thing happened at the pig factory last night, do you want to know?”

“Not interested in.”

Sunny’s eyes suddenly turned cold.

Arthur shrugged and said seriously: “Sonny, Sonny, if you want to become stronger, you have to face the past, so that you can face the future, but every time I talk about the pig factory, your reaction is always so obvious, It’s a weakness.”

“Nothing to do with you.”

Sonny looked indifferent.

Arthur sighed and said, “I did this to help you overcome your weakness.”

Sunny stopped answering after the scar was opened wanton, but her eyes turned colder at Arthur.

Seeing this, Arthur couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s really hard to be a good person these days.”

At this time, Maude quietly came to Arthur’s side, with a harmless smile on his face.

“Brother Arthur, I have always admired you.”


Arthur tilted his head to look at Arthur, and a smile flashed in his eyes: “Boy, you are very discerning.”

At the counter, Sunny looked suspiciously at Maude who suddenly came over to praise Arthur.

Maude looked at Arthur and said seriously: “Nothing, mainly because Arthur’s profession awes me.”

“Huh? Is that so?”

Arthur felt something wrong.

Maude respectfully said: “Yeah, so I’ve always been curious, what makes you an admirable cleaner, Brother Arthur?”


Arthur frowned.

Undertaker is a common occupation in Mad Hatter Town. The more polite pirates are called scavengers, and the less polite are called cleaners.

In essence, the nature of the work of the undertaker is indeed close to that of the cleaner, but it is biased.

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Therefore, no mortician wants to be called a cleaner in person.

Arthur is naturally the same.

However, looking at Maude’s heartfelt respectful expression, it is difficult to see a hint of ridicule.

How could Arthur know that the profession of cleaning is indeed respectable.

Seeing Arthur’s silence, Maude did not stop the topic.

“Also, isn’t needlework what women are good at? But the last time I saw Big Brother Arthur, you used needlework with one hand and needlework was superb, and I admired it.”


Arthur forced a smile.

Just at this moment, Saul came out with a jug of wine.

Upon seeing this, Arthur went directly to take the wine from Saul.

The reason why he came to the store on purpose was to buy a jug of wine from Saul.

Now that he got the wine, he left the weapon shop without looking back.

Sunny watched Arthur leave, then looked at Maude with a smile in her eyes.

Maude leaned on the counter and said strangely: “Sonny, you are usually a vicious tongue, why did you become miserable when you came to Arthur’s place?”

“Poison tongue? Is there any?”

Sonny wondered, without self-awareness.


Maude said firmly.

On the side, Bailey couldn’t help but nodded, and then he secretly said that it was not good. He quickly looked at Sunny and found that the other party was not paying attention, and he was relieved.


Sunny didn’t take it seriously, she responded casually, and then picked up the newspaper and read it.

Maude smiled helplessly.

He could probably guess why.

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Come to think of it, it was the past experience that made Sunny very disgusted with Arthur’s behavior of deliberately mentioning the pig factory in front of her.

Maude had the intention to learn more about it, but if he kept asking, it would inevitably reveal Sunny’s scar, so he gave up.

that night.

During dinner, Saul boldly took out a barrel of wine.

He just moved back to a pile of wine, and there is no psychological burden to splurge.

The wine tastes really good too.

After all, it was something that the redhead made a special trip to.

One old, two young, plus a fat ferret, pushed the glass to change the room, but it took a while to kill a barrel of wine.

“You little thing, you drink well.”

Sol looked at Bailey, who was lounging on the table, in amazement.

“It’s okay, hiccup~~”

Bailey hiccupped as he spoke.

For a while, the table was filled with a stronger aroma of wine.

Sunny poured another big bowl of wine for Bailey, looking forward to watching Bailey’s increasingly plump swimming ring.

“Ha ha.”

Saul laughed loudly, and was about to carry another barrel of wine.

“Today, just drink him without getting drunk!”


Hearing Saul’s words, Bailey straightened up suddenly, as if I could fight another 300 rounds.

Infected by such an atmosphere, while Maude laughed, he couldn’t help but drink a few more drinks.

This drink is a bit drunk.

Simply, that is, let go and drink.

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Anyway, I’m not going to sneak out at night.


A week later.

Maude went to the night bar and got information about the gang cadres from Gion.

At the same time, it also got the time when the gangster might come to Mad Hatter.

“Auction in ten days?”

Maude thought.

After returning to the weapons store, Maude returned to the room as soon as possible, and immediately called out the hunter’s notebook, and wrote all the information of the gang cadres.

There are three cadre-level combat powers with more detailed information, and further down, there are eleven captain-level characters.

These names, without exception, were written in the notes by Maude.

After doing this, Maude went downstairs and into the store.

Saul and Sunny are there.

The former crossed Erlang’s legs and read with relish while holding a small yellow book.

The latter is sitting on the counter, remodeling a flintlock pistol.


Maude called out Saul’s name solemnly.

Maybe he heard Maude’s different tone.

Saul and Sunny dropped what they were doing one after another and looked at Maude almost simultaneously.

Facing the eyes of the two, Maude’s expression was heavy.

“I found out… the identity of the murderer who attacked my family’s merchant ship.”


Sonny’s expression moved.

Saul was expressionless.

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