Chapter 75 Blocking the Road

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What Maude said made the atmosphere in the arena a little heavier.

Sunny looked at Maude, then at Saul, who was expressionless.

She wanted to say something, but felt it was out of place, so she kept silent.

Saul put down the little yellow book, picked up the gilded pipe, and took a breath.

The weapon shop that was silent in vain was the only sound of Saul’s breathing.

Maude watched Saul’s reaction.

He was already mentally prepared for this.

Because when he first came to the weapons store, Saul asked him to bid farewell to the past with a unique behavior.

At that time, this undoubtedly showed an attitude.

However, Maude is not worried that Saul will refuse.

“I want revenge.”

Maude mobilized the memory left by his predecessor, making the hatred and killing intent on his face more concrete.

It was the first time that Maude showed such an expression, Sunny’s face changed slightly, her lips moved, but she was still silent.

On the other hand, Saul just shook his pipe lightly, but still did not express his position.

Immediately afterwards, with killing intent in his eyes, Maude said word by word: “Only in this way can we truly say goodbye to the past.”

Saul heard the words, his eyes narrowed, and he casually put down his pipe.

Really say goodbye to the past…?


“I need your help, Saul.”

“Ha ha.”

Saul couldn’t help but laugh.

Maude didn’t care at all, and continued:

“The other party is Capone Bege from the gang. They are numerous and powerful. With my strength alone, I can’t get close to Bege at all.”

“So, I need your help, Saul… If it is you, it will definitely create a chance for me to get close to Bege.”

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“Oh? It turns out that the gang did it.”

Listening to Maude’s words, Saul slowly stopped his laughter, somewhat surprised.

I thought it was an ordinary pirate looting incident, but I didn’t expect it to be the hands of the gangsters in the underground world.

Moreover, it is currently a dominant gang.

No wonder Maude wanted his help.

“I’ll help you.”

The person who said this was not Saul, but Sonny.

Maude couldn’t help but glance at Sunny, who had a serious face.

It’s just that, in Maude’s opinion, he really doesn’t think that Sunny, who rarely shows her strength, can provide him with any substantial assistance.

Saul also looked at Sunny, and said angrily, “I haven’t agreed yet, but you’re the one who’s really excited.”

“You won’t refuse anyway.”

“You little girl…”

Saul shook his head helplessly.

He certainly wouldn’t refuse this.

On the one hand, as Maude said, only killing the enemy can be regarded as a real farewell to the past.

On the other hand, he has already regarded Maude as his own, so what reason does he have to refuse?

But he didn’t want Maude to become dependent.

After thinking for a while, Saul looked at Maude and said lightly: “I can help you, but how to help is up to me.”

“no problem!”

Maude has no room for bargaining. Seeing that Saul agreed, he immediately took the call.

Saul picked up his pipe and took another sip.

As if thinking of something interesting, a malicious smile appeared on his old face in vain.

Maude and Sunny suddenly looked at each other.


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ten days later.

The Mad Hatter Auction is coming to the auction at the end of the month.

As the largest auction in Mad Hatter, there are at least two auctions held every month.

One is a small auction in the middle of the month, and the other is a large auction at the end of the month.

Interestingly, most pirates only like to participate in small auctions in the middle of the month.

As for the large-scale auction at the end of the month, people from the underground world usually participate more.

This phenomenon has been around for a long time. It is not deliberately guided by the auction, and there is no way to determine the reason.

Near noon, the number of boats at the dock was significantly higher than yesterday.

These extra ships are basically all from the underground world.

Although the number of berthed ships has increased, it is still a lot less than the last pomp.

In the evening, another batch of ships came in one after another at the pier.

The auction started at 8pm, and the boats arrived in the early evening, presumably the last potential auction guests.

The boat docked steadily in the dock, and immediately, the crowd who got off the boat went straight to the direction of Wine Street.

There is still some time before the auction starts, and before that, the only places to spend time are pubs and restaurants.

Wine Street.

Affected by the auction, the traffic of the major taverns more than doubled than usual.

The street was brightly lit, smelled of alcohol, and pirates hanging over their shoulders could be seen everywhere, as lively as ever.

Suddenly, a little commotion came from the other side of the street.

Hearing the movement, the pirates looked back and showed surprise one by one.

On the other side of the street, a team of men in black came in a mighty way.

The leader was Capone Bege from the gang.

“It’s a gang…”

The pirates looked at the powerful team and hurriedly retreated to both sides of the street to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

“Hey, did the gang only bring these people this time?”

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Some pirates who are used to the gangster style are keenly aware of the different situation.

In the past, the gangster Bege’s formation in Mad Hatter Town had never been ambiguous. Even if there were not five or six hundred little brothers, there were at least three or four hundred.

But this time, Bege only brought less than a hundred little brothers.

This surprised those pirates who were used to gang battles.

But they didn’t have the heart to investigate the reason, silently watching Bege, who was full of style, lead a group of younger brothers over.

The majestic formation seemed to treat the street as their backyard corridor.

Wherever they went along the street, the pirates voluntarily retreated to both sides, leaving a wide avenue for the gangsters.

No one who doesn’t have long eyes dares to stop the team of the gang.

If there is, it can only be a drunk who is so drunk that he can’t control himself.

But the gang doesn’t care if you are drunk or not, blocking the way, and not leaving you with a whole body is considered polite.

In the crowd on both sides of the street, Lafayette touched the ground with his toes, raised his fingers and pressed the brim of his hat, silently observing the gang of gangsters.

There was a hint of murder in the gaze that looked at Bege.

“Gangster Bege.”

Lafayette’s red lips pursed, his eyes swept across the arrogant little brothers behind Bege, but he was a little hesitant.

Previously, when Bege took to the streets, there would always be hundreds of little brothers by her side.

Now, the number of younger brothers is only about seventy or eighty.

So, this is undoubtedly a good killing opportunity.

However, when Lafayette was inclined to do something, he felt a sense of crisis inexplicably.

Intuition stopped him from thinking.

On the street, only the sound of the footsteps of the gangsters walking was left.

Everyone stopped and watched, patiently waiting for the gang to leave.

Under such an atmosphere, a teenager with a black and red sword on his waist walked to the center of the street and faced the gang of gangsters coming from the front.

That abrupt move could not help attracting a lot of attention.

In the crowd, Lafayette looked at the boy, his eyes gleaming in vain.

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A pirate recognized the boy’s identity and couldn’t help shouting, “It’s Usopp!”

After shouting, the pirate quickly covered his mouth.

He looked around, but no one paid attention to him.

Because other people, including the gang, all looked at the young man.


Bege looked indifferently at the boy called Usopp.

It was a name that never left an impression in his mind.

Well, it should not be worth mentioning.

However, the comers are not good.

Bege felt undisguised killing intent from Maude, but did not slow down.


Without Bege’s order, a gangster boy suddenly raised his pistol and aimed it at Maude.

That guy is done…

Looking at this scene, the pirates on both sides of the street seemed to be able to anticipate Maude’s death.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a smile on Maude’s face.

Actually laughed?

Many pirates were shocked.

At this moment, a slight whistling sound suddenly came from the air.

Before he heard the gunshots, a blood flower suddenly sputtered from the temple of the gangster who raised the gun, and he was shot and killed in an instant.


The sudden change made everyone change color.

what’s the situation?

But Maude slowly pulled out the dark crow.

In order to convince Saul to let him carry a sword tonight, it took a lot of effort.

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