Karina stared up at Claude, who had been frozen for a while.

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‘Was that too rude?’

Come to think of it, she seemed to take the idiomatic greeting too seriously.

“I- I’ll come in.”

Fortunately, Claude stepped into the annex without any sign of anger or returning.

She thought she should give him a little hint that Astrid was coming here at that time, but it was already too late.

Karina ran after Claude in a hurry.


Astrid shouted with a pale face.


Claude muttered in a confused voice.

“Why are you here?”


Astrid hesitated, unable to answer properly.

Melissa and Roland were standing quite close to Astrid at first but they slowly crept away, perhaps frightened by Claude’s pressure.

Karina sighed.

Even after all the food was served, it seemed as if everyone was stuck in their place.

“Your Grace, the princess is…”

Astrid shook her head.

“I’ll tell him.”

Claude’s eyes narrowed.

“I also think that’s right. Astrid, what in the world is going on?”

Astrid closed her eyes tightly and opened them. Her watery eyes resembled an amethyst.

“I came here to apologize to these kids because I was wrong.”


“I, uh told these kids… they were dirty.”


Claude called Astrid in a dry voice.

Astrid’s shut her eyes tightly, something was about to come out.

Just then.

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Melissa who was wrapped around Karina’s skirt sneak back and rushed forward.

Everyone stared at her arrival in amazement.

“We’ve already received the princess’s apology. Roland and I said it was fine.”


Astrid and Karina’s eyes widened. The beginning was true, but the latter was a white lie.

“So, it’s okay. You don’t have to scold the princess. We didn’t just accept it.”

Melissa spoke without taking a breath, and without waiting for Claude’s reply she ran back towards Karina.

(T/N: Why did I imagined her like Nezuko, so cute)

Karina stroked Melissa’s head.

Melissa looked up at her and blinked, signaling that she wanted a hug.

Karina bent down and hugged her. She was a little scared, but it was worth a hug for a while.


There was silence.

Astrid’s face flushed, not knowing what to do. Claude seemed to be contemplating something.

Eventually, Karina couldn’t stand the silence so she put Melissa down and opened her mouth.

“Duke, we’re going to have lunch just now. Actually, I invited the princess to eat together. Can you tell me what your business is?”

“Astrid? For lunch?

Claude couldn’t hide his confusion,

Karina nodded.

“Yes. I invited her.”

“…I see.”

Claude let out a groan.

“I, well, I mean… I came to see if there was anything wrong with Mrs. Bloe and the children.”

“Is that all?”

Karina blinked quickly in surprise.

“…That’s right.”

“We’re doing fine. The duke’s mansion is a beautiful place, and the children are satisfied.”

Karina glanced at Claude. Since she’s living here for free, she felt like she should give a compliment to the owner of the house.

“Of course, this is all thanks to Your Grace the Duke. Did you get the answer you were looking for?”

“That’s a relief.”

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Claude replied in a low tone.

“If there’s anything that makes you uncomfortable, come and talk to me anytime.”

“I will.”

Karina nodded.

“Then, excuse me.”

It was time for Claude to turn around and leave with a bewildered look.

“Your Grace, it’s time to eat… Would you like to join us?”

That was a very impulsive offer.

Even Karina herself couldn’t figure out why she asked such a question.

Maybe it was because she didn’t want to send back the man who ran hard to say hello without even noticing the petals that were on his head.

Maybe it was because of Astrid’s desperate gaze that was intensely looking at Claude.

Perhaps, the reason why Claude came all the way here wasn’t simply just to say hello.

Many possibilities gathered and Karina’s tongue moved.

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“…Is that all right? It must have been prepared for four people.”

“There are a lot of dishes, and Edward has a big hand so there’s always food left.”

“I see.”

Claude’s face, which had been stiff for a long time, gently softened

Karina rushed to the kitchen. Edward was working hard on something.

“Mr. Edward! Is it okay if I invite one more person?”

Edward’s eyes lit up with sweat forming on his forehead.

“Of course it’s okay. Who is it?”

Karina answered with some hesitation.

“Y-Your Grace the Duke…”

“I- I can’t?”

“It’s not that you can’t, but…”

Edward stared into the air for a moment, mumbling a few words that she couldn’t understand.

“I’ll do my best.”

Karina wandered around near him, saying that she would help out even for a little.

She was soon kicked out because it was only a hindrance.

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(T/N: HAHA poor Karina)

When she returned to the living room the three children were nowhere to be found, and Claude was sitting in a chair looking intently at a magic stone.

Karina quickly recognized the magic stone.

It was the very magic stone that engraved the mark in her heart.

“Do you always carry it with you?”

“Of course.”

“Isn’t it an empty shell now that is no longer useful?”

Claude smiled bitterly.

“That’s true. Still… it makes me not forget.”

“About what?”

“That I’m a stupid idiot.”


(T/N : Wow what a way to make the mood awkward Claude)

Karina was silent for a moment because she had nothing to say, then hurriedly turned her head.

“They said they saw something that looked like a cat here. From what I heard, it sure doesn’t sound like a cat… Do you know what it is?”

Claude answered without hesitation.

“It’s a mutant cat.”


“There are many different kinds of cats. There’s also a crossbreed with a monster among the dogs, the children must have been terrified when they see it. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“I see.”

Karina meekly agreed and nodded.

If it’s a monster hybrid, it would be a look that children wouldn’t want to see.

Since its main body is a cat, no wonder Melissa thought it was an ordinary cat.

“Are you here to look for the children?”

“I’m not but… Where are they right now?

Claude pointed his finger to the second floor.

“They went upstairs.”

“I should take a look.”

Claude hold Karina who was about to go up the second floor.

“…Thank you.”

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“For what?”

“I’ve never seen Astrid so happy!”


Karina blinked. Astrid was obviously flustered a little while ago, unable to speak properly, and hesitated.

“She was having fun playing with the lady’s children.”

“The princess?”


Karina wanted to know in more detail, but Edward said the meal was ready and called them in

Claude’s statement that Astrid enjoyed being with the children as they came down from the second floor with delight didn’t seem to be a lie.

Edward spoke proudly as he laid the main dish down on the table.

“I’ve prepared the food that the princess likes.”

Claude glanced at Astrid.

“I didn’t know you like steak and turkey with chilly sauce.”

Edward replied cheerfully.

“The princess loves it. She doesn’t usually eat other meat dishes, but she emptied these two.”

Astrid began to eat without a word.

She was so nervous to the point her hand that was raising the fork trembled.

Karina couldn’t stand it and speak out.

“Miss Astrid, eat comfortably and enjoy your meal. It’s your favorite food after all.”

Claude looked at Astrid in surprise.

‘I should have called her Princess.’

Even if Astrid asked for it first, it was not a worthy title to be called in front of the Duke.

Karina regretted it but it was already too late.

Astrid sensed Claude’s gaze and shuddered, then glared at Karina.

A cold, emotionless voice unsuitable for a 12-year-old girl rang out.

“…Call me properly.”

“Understood, Princess.”

Karina replied softly, but Claude didn’t let it go,

“Drop the act, Astrid. You gave her permission first.”

(T/N: Damn he knows)

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