Silence passed. Karina even felt like she was on top of the steak that had melted softly in her mouth.

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However, she couldn’t recklessly intervene in the quarrel between the Duke and his sister.

Isn’t there an old saying that a shrimp get his back broken when caught in a whale fight?

(T/N: It means stuck between great power rivalries.)


Astrid bowed her head.

“I- I’m sorry, Mrs. Bloe. I… changed my words after asking for such a request like that.”

“It doesn’t matter to me at all, so don’t worry.”

Karina tried to fix it late, but the mealtime that should’ve been fun became a mess. Astrid hurriedly left the annex as soon as she finished her meal.

Claude opened his mouth with a genuinely apologetic face.

“…Let me apologize for Astrid’s actions.”

“Your Grace has nothing to apologize for. I think I know why the princess did that.”

Karina spoke slowly. She really didn’t mind. Especially since she can see why Astrid reacted sharply.

“The Princess… seems to be really uncomfortable with Your Grace.”

“That’s what it looks like in the lady’s eyes.”

Claude let out a long sigh.

“Astrid doesn’t seem to think of me as an older brother.”

“Anyone with eyes would think so.”

No matter how big their status and age gap were, Astrid was too afraid of Claude.

“Actually, I want Astrid to call me by my name once. We’re each other’s only family left.”

“Is there a reason why the Princess finds it so difficult?”


Claude hesitated for a long time, then finally speak out.

“It’s not too much of a secret… it wouldn’t change anything if the lady knew. Astrid isn’t my real sister.”


It was a possibility that Karina had never considered. Astrid looks nothing like Claude at all. But there are one or two siblings who don’t resemble each other.

“Astrid’s biological parents were originally vassals of our family. The couple went on a mission together, but they failed and died the same day.”

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Claude looked into the distance.

“I was fifteen at the time… I had to help my parents with their work. When I went to their house to pick up their belongings, I found a nanny with a newborn baby.”


“Yes, the baby is Astrid.”

Claude explained quickly. As if he wanted to end this topic as quickly as possible.

“They didn’t even have relatives to organize their belongings. If it hadn’t been for my father, Astrid would have gone to a public orphanage.”

Karina had difficulty opening her mouth.

“So, the previous Duke adopted the princess. He couldn’t send her to an orphanage.”


Adoption was usually done for two reasons. One is to succeed in the family. The other is to formally enlist an illegitimate child. Nowhere is the same reason why the Duke and Duchess adopted Astrid.

“So, there were rumors that she was my father’s… illegitimate child. My father had black hair like Astrid.”


With that brief explanation, Karina could fully understand the pressure Astrid must have felt through her young age. She had the perception that she was an illegitimate child all her life.

People’s gazes toward them weren’t good even if they were registered as parents.

Unless their parents devoted their utmost sincerity, most of the time the sons became wandering knights and the daughters becomes the second wife of older merchants.

Well… if you’re an illegitimate child like Karina, you had to live your whole life under people’s scorn.

Astrid was never an illegitimate child, but she lived under the assumption that she was. Naturally, she would have had no choice but to cling to her position.

That’s why she was so scared to pass through Claude.

“I’m very sorry about Astrid’s action. But… she’s a sweet girl so please be nice to her. This is my request as an older brother.”

Karina looked straight at Claude. It’s a request that can’t be granted. Especially considering that Astrid’s personality isn’t bad. But the biggest reason she couldn’t accept Claude’s request was right in front of her.

“Does Your Grace have any intention of becoming an adult that she can rely on?”

Claude frowned. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to be offended by Karina’s words which might sound rather rude. It was just that he literally didn’t understand what Karina said.

“What do you mean?”

Karina answered slowly.

“Even if I treat the Princess well, I can’t be more than Your Grace. Even though you aren’t related by blood, you’re the Princess’ only family.”

Claude’s eyes twinkled.

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“And… if it’s a real family, blood or not doesn’t matter.”

Karina was Lord Lenque’s biological daughter, but she never considered him a father. Of course, Lord Lenque didn’t think of her as anything more than a tool.

Karina’s real family is Roland and Melissa. Not a drop of blood mixed with her.

“So Your Grace the Duke has to get along with the Princess. Not me who’s a total stranger.”

“But… I don’t know how.”

Claude put his arms under his shoulders.

“She followed me well when we were very young. But after our parents died… she run away whenever she see me.”

“With all due respect, the former Duke and Duchess…”

“They died the year I became an adult.”

Claude replied sternly.

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Karina’s head was spinning. Astrid and Claude are fifteen years apart. Claude is now twenty-seven, so it means that the former Duke and Duchess died seven years ago.

“The princess was only five years old.”

“That’s a quick calculation.”

Claude nodded.

“I can’t say it wasn’t my fault. For years… Astrid prevented me from being overworked. I didn’t even know what she had listened to…”

Claude didn’t elaborate, but Karina fully understood the situation. After his parents’ death, the Duke ascended to the throne at a young age, and neglected his younger sister.

It would have only given Astrid more strength to the hypothesis that she was an illegitimate child.

“It’s not too late. The princess opened her heart easily to me. That’s how tender she is.”

“…do you think I still have a chance?”

“Of course.”

Karina nodded.

“However, there is one condition.”

“What is it?”

“Please pay attention to the princess.”

Claude replied as if he were wronged.

“I pay enough attention to Astrid…”

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There was nothing more to hear. Karina shook her head.

“Your Grace, what the princess likes, wants, dislikes, what she’s interested in… Do you know?”

“…I don’t really know very well.”

“Do you know who her favorite teacup craftsman is?”


Claude kept his mouth shut.

“The princess showed off her teacup to me. It’s not because the cup is pretty, but you personally ordered the cup from a craftsman living in the capital. For the princess.”

“…I had no idea.”

Claude had a faint voice. Karina smiled, there was a long way to go but it didn’t seem like a very difficult situation.

“I don’t think you did anything wrong with that. It’s just that you didn’t know how.”

Karina continued speaking with sincerity.

“Please remember one thing. The princess is still young, and children are happy with even the smallest attention.”

Silence passed. Claude stared at Karina with a contemplative look.

“Thank you, please don’t put your role on me, Your Grace.”

Karina said firmly. She already had two children. She had no intention of taking on another child, especially a child with a healthy family

“…I see. I was going to pass over my role to the lady.”

“If you know that, what are you doing here? The princess was sad about that. Go quickly.”

Claude hurriedly left the annex. As soon as Karina turned around, two pairs of round blue eyes looked up at her.

“Did you guys overhear the conversation?”


Roland and Melissa shut their mouths and averted their eyes. Karina tried to get angry, but to no avail when she saw Roland asking in an innocent voice.

“Mom, do you know what my favorite food is?”

“Of course.”

Karina tried to hold back her laughter but failed.

“Roland likes everything sweet. You like cookies, creams, fruits… but you hate oranges.”

Roland stopped liking it since he strangled his throat while forcing himself to swallow an orange during a meal with Lord Lenque.

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Karina had no intention of feeding the children the fruit they dislike, so she used to exclude oranges when choosing fruits at the market.

Melissa didn’t ask the same question as Roland, but she looked at Karina with a desperate look.

“Our Melissa likes sweet things too. You like spicy foods like onions and garlic… but your favorite is fruit jam.”

“That’s true.”

Melissa’s eyes twinkled and pulled Karina’s sleeve.

“Me, me. I know what mom likes this month.”

“This month?“

“Mom likes fish.”


Karina blinked. It was a fact that she wasn’t aware of.

“Yeah. Mom looks the most excited when she eats fish.”

Come to think of it, she did prefer tender fish to meat. Unlike their hometown, Tors’ market was overflowing with fresh fish, making her mouth water just by looking at it.

“That’s right. You got it right.”

Melissa excitedly hugs Karina. A warm warmth enveloped Karina. Karina thought. With the children, she can overcome any odds.

The next afternoon. Astrid visited Karina with a flushed face. This time Andrea was with her.

“Mrs. Bloe!”

“What’s the matter, princess?”

Astrid’s face turned red when Karina asked politely.

“Well, can you call me Astrid? Like now?”

“Okay. Still, what’s going on?”

Astrid calmed down her excitement and answered shyly.

“To say thank you.”

Karina was dumbfounded. From Astrid’s point of view, she was the one who made the Duke reprimand her yesterday.

“For what?”

Astrid swallowed her saliva. It seemed like an attempt to regain composure in her own way, but it didn’t seem to work very well.

“Today, Your Grace came to visit me.”

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