Fortunately, the office phone interrupted her thoughts.

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"Hello? Ah! Yes, yes, got it! Thank you! We'll be there right away!"

Ning Wan hung up the phone and switched back to work mode. "It's from the police station. They say that they compared the list of people who were vaccinated against rabies right after the dog falling incident in the nearby community hospitals, and coincidentally there was only one person in Yuelan community."

Chen Shuo was still lying in the hospital, but fortunately the case was finally taking shape. Ning Wan and Fu Zheng made a quick decision and rushed to the police station together.

When they arrived, they found that Tao Xing was already there. She was saying indignantly to the police, "If it's him, that totally makes sense! Wu Lie is my neighbor from across the hall and he absolutely hates dogs. I always have my dog on a leash, and my Duoduo is a very good and never barks, but this person has reported me to the community several times and had them check me. Even though it's legal for me to have a dog, and Duoduo has all his shots, he keeps bothering me, saying that I'm not allowed to have one and that he has a young child who's afraid of dogs."

After the police investigation, they had not only informed Ning Wan and Fu Zheng, but also Tao Xing, the party involved in the incident. "Ms. Tao, we gave Wu Lie a call. At first he denied it, but after we pressed him, he admitted that he was indeed the man in black that day."

"How could it not be him?" Tao Xing became angrier and angrier, holding onto her dog. "At that time I was so surprised. I don't have any enemies, so why would a man in black suddenly appear out of nowhere and steal my dog? But now that I see your investigation, I get it."

"His child hates dogs, so he hates me for having one, but having a dog is legal and he can't find any fault with me. So instead he wants to take my dog, kill it, and pretend that it jumped off a high building. How malicious can this guy be? Do we all have to live exactly how he wants? His children are his children, and my dog is my furry child! Duoduo is my family, how dare he do this to my child!"

Saying this, Tao Xing looked to Ning Wan and Fu Zheng. "Lawyers, now that the truth has come out, I'm wondering if you'll also represent me? Shouldn't this Wu Lie also compensate me for having stolen Duoduo and thrown him from such a high building? As it happens, you already have a debt to pay, doesn't injured colleague want to get his money back from Wu Lie?"

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If Wu Lie had injured the dog or if throwing the dog from a high place had injured the dog and subsequently cost money for treatment, then naturally one could claim compensation through property infringement, as the dog was legally the property of the owner. But at present, Tao Xing's dog was doing well, and current tort law naturally did not support compensation on behalf of the dog's mental health. Ning Wan explained this all to Tao Xing, who eventually gave up.

Then they had to handle the infringement case caused by Wu Lie throwing a dog off a building.

"Where is Wu Lie, anyway?"

The police said somewhat helplessly, "I was going to ask him to come over and make a statement, but we couldn't contact him. Fortunately, the first phone call was recorded, so we do have that as evidence."

When it came to this, Tao Xing volunteered. Although she looked haggard, she seemed very excited. "He lives next door to me! Wait and come over at 4:30 in the afternoon. He always brings his children home after picking them up then."

There was still some time between now and 4:30pm, so Ning Wan went back to the office with Fu Zheng.

This gap in time of course couldn't be wasted. In the near future, the community would be holding a sports meet, and since she was their community lawyer, Ning Wan naturally had things to work on regarding the logistics of the project along with other community workers such as Director Ji. After assigning Fu Zheng the job of taking consultation calls in the office, she headed to the the rented venue of the sports meet to help out.

But although she was there to help out in name, she was also there out of selfishness. She was deliberately avoiding Fu Zheng. She had just been rejected by him, and she was his boss, so she was afraid that if she was with him every day, it would stress him out. Of course, it was also to make herself feel better as well.

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She was already greedy for Fu Zheng, and still had to look at him every day. Wasn't that just making things harder for herself?!

Thankfully, work was the best regulator. As soon as she got down to business, Ning Wan threw aside all her little thoughts of Fu Zheng. By the time the arrangements for the sports meet were done and she rushed back to the office, it was just around four o'clock. Perfect timing.

For convenience sake, Ning Wan and Fu Zheng had agreed to meet directly in front of Wu Lie's door at 4:30, but when she got to his door she found a small group of people clustering around the corridor.

They were in groups of twos and threes. Some of them seemed to know each other, and some of them seemed to be strangers. Many of them wore masks. Although she couldn't see their faces specifically, Ning Wan could tell that these were mostly unfamiliar people. In all her time in the community, she had never seen any of these people, and some of them were holding mourning wreaths and funeral couplets in their hands.

Was there some family holding a funeral in the building?

Not caring much at first, Ning Wan glanced over casually as she passed by and got a tremendous shock.

Wasn't that Wu Lie's name written on the couplets on the wreaths?

Had something happened to Wu Lie?

When she thought about how the police hadn't been able to get through to his phone, Ning Wan started to get anxious. Life was unpredictable. You never knew when someone might pass away unexpectedly.

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Fu Zheng had not yet arrived. Pushing through the crowd, Ning Wan attempted to get to Wu Lie's door to find out. The closer she got to his door, the stronger the funeral atmosphere became. Someone was playing funeral music with their mobile phone, and when she got to Wu Lie's door, Ning Wan found someone lighting candles and others burning paper.

"What are you doing? Put out the fire quickly!"

This was a high-density apartment building. There was a huge risk of starting a fire if you lit an open fire here!

Unfortunately, Ning Wan's words didn't go over well. Instead, several of the youths stared at her, enraged. "Who are you? Mind your own business! We're here to find Wu Lie. If it's none of your business, get out of the way."

Almost at that moment, some of the people wearing masks picked up buckets of paint buckets and began to brush characters onto Wu Lie's door-


"Karma will get you"


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Ning Wan looked at these messy, nearly illegible coarse words. Although some of them were puzzling, she got the general idea. Wu Lie didn't seem to have had accident. These people who were placing flower wreaths at his door, burning paper and spraying paint, were obviously his enemies.

When she spoke out to stop it, they turned on her.

The scene was full of young people, and the mood was highly emotional. Someone shouted out "She must be someone from Wu Lie's family", and Ning Wan suddenly became the target of general censure. No one had seen hide nor hair of Wu Lie, and they were worried that they would have no one to vent their feelings on. Now along came Ning Wan, and immediately they pushed and jostled...

Ning Wan hadn't expected this at all. There was such a crowd that she didn't even know who shoved her and sent her falling to the ground.

At that critical moment in the chaos, someone grabbed her lower back, protected her, and pushed away the youths who had been surrounding her.

"What's going on here? Spread out! Spread out! You can't light an open flame in the corridor!"

At that moment, accompanied by the voices of the police, several security guards from the community rushed over, stamped out the burning pile of paper, and demanded, "Who sprayed the paint? Who lit the fire? Who hung the wreaths and the couplets? Already doing such crooked things at such a young age, you're all coming to the police station with me to make a report!"

When the police had herded all these youths away, the only people left standing at that messy scene were Ning Wan and Fu Zheng.

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