Thanks to what had just happened, at the moment Fu Zheng was merely a hair away from Ning Wan, so close that they could both hear each other breathing. Ning Wan almost instinctively broke away from his embrace, jumping aside as if she had been scalded.

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After Fu Zheng had rejected her, she had begun paying more attention to the distance between them than he did, for fear that being too close might disturb her heart and make her look unprofessional. But no matter how she warned herself, Ning Wan's heart thundered and a blush crept up her cheeks.

The result was that before she, the superior, opened her mouth, Fu Zheng spoke first--

"Next time, don't act alone."

His voice was serious and solemn, and his eyes were fixed on her. She could see herself reflected in his pupils. "In the future, wait for me." Fu Zheng pursed his lips. "I'm worried about something happening to you."

Ning Wan's feelings, which had just composed themselves a little, roused once more.

Her heart on the one hand yearned for Fu Zheng's tenderness, and on the other hated it.

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The saying was true, garbage warm men ruin your youth1! This warm man creature was like a central heating system. He had clearly refused her, and yet he still constantly exuded ambiguous warmth.

It was just that Ning Wan had to admit that it was working. She was desperate and had no resistance against gentle people.

Fu Zheng wasn't aware of Ning Wan's emotions, his attention still on the turmoil from just now. He briefly explained, "Tao Xing was furious. She secretly made a voice recording at the police station, laid it over the video of the man in black stealing her dog, and posted it online accusing Wu Lie of hurting her dog."

"The 'big dog falling from the sky' was quite popular on Weibo, so now that there's an update, it went viral. Although Tao Xing didn't post Wu Lie's address herself, the good netizens very quickly figured out his details."

As soon as the case was brought up, Ning Wan immediately put aside all the fluffy sentimental stuff in her head and entered work mode. "So these people were netizens? What sort of netizens are so idle? Being armchair warriors isn't enough, they're letting it spill over into real life?"

Fu Zheng pursed his lips. "They're dog maniacs."

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From what he said, Ning Wan understood. There was a group of extreme dog lovers on Weibo. Although they had good intentions, they expressed themselves in a particularly fierce manner. Some particularly extreme people even thought that the rights of a dog superseded that of humans. They shouted about helping their animal friends who couldn't speak, but ignored the interests of their human friends who could. They would stop a high-speed car to save a dog, disregarding public safety and the safety of the driver.

"So these people saw the video online and came to demonstrate?"

Fu Zheng nodded. "Yes. They're all young and passionate. They all own dogs and felt as though it happened to them when they saw Tao Xing crying in the video. Tao Xing also mentioned in the video that because there was no damage done, she could not claim compensation, so these people formed what they call an alliance for justice. They want Wu Lie to pay the price for having hurt a furry child. Two of them aren't even from this city, they're cross-regional 'law enforcement'."

Of course it was wrong for Wu Lie to flagrantly steal dogs and throw dogs, but it was even more wrong to lynch someone else based on your own perception of justice. Morality should never enter the domain of law and trial.

Protecting animal rights and promoting legislation for animal protection was great, but sending flowers and spray-painting people's homes was too much. Although it seemed simple and straightforward to fight violence with violence, in the end it was counterproductive to truly protecting rights and expressing one's position. Moreover, news or video of the incident might not show the whole story, or might be biased and provocative. What if Wu Lie hadn't actually been involved? What if the netizens had gotten the wrong person? Wouldn't that be a complete violation of a person's rights and interests?

Ning Wan had just casually thought this. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a prophecy.

She and Fu Zheng met Wu Lie at the police station. He looked gaunt and haggard. "I admit it, the man in black really was me. I said this on the phone. But I really didn't throw the dog! I never said that I threw the dog! That stupid dog bit me, it was so fucking strong. I pushed it away and ran!"

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At that point, he swore involuntarily. "Didn't I say that dogs are no good? Yeah, yeah, yeah, all dogs are gentle... until they bite! All dogs bite people! No dog is innocent!" He stretched out his wrist and said, "You see, wasn't I bitten? Do you still think that dog is gentle? I can't let my child live around a dog! "

As Wu Lie rattled on, Ning Wan gathered that his hatred for dogs stemmed entirely from his own child. When his child had been only four years old, his neighbor had also had a dog that was usually gentle and well-behaved. But unexpectedly, one day it suddenly went berserk and almost killed the child, and as a result his child had been terrified of dogs ever since. Wu Lie had also been prejudiced against dogs since, feeling like any dog, no matter how tame they seemed, might one day go crazy.

"But you're accusing the wrong man, I really didn't throw that dog off a balcony. That damn dog was super strong, struggling and trying to bite, I couldn't keep hold of it at all. Afterward it escaped and ran off by itself, it has nothing to do with me!"

When Wu Lie talked about it, he wept, "Yes, I was in the wrong for stealing the dog, but I really didn't throw it. I had just been drinking that day and thinking about how my son dreads going out of the house because he's afraid to see Tao Xing's dog, and my blood ran hot and I stole the dog."

"Now I don't even know what's going on. They're all saying on the Internet that I threw the dog off a building and calling me vicious and malicious. As you can see, a bunch of people came and painted my door and sent wreaths, and another group sent me harassing messages and insults. What the hell? My son was scared to death when he came home. I wish I knew who threw the dog! "

Wu Lie was a blunt man and didn't even trying to hide what he was thinking. "I just want to ask that fellow what they were thinking. If they were going to throw the dog, why didn't they do better and throw that fucking dog to death? Couldn't they throw it somewhere with less people? The dog isn't even fucking dead, not to mention it hit someone, and now I'm being subjected to cyber violence! This bungler!”

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"If he had killed that damn dog," he added angrily, "I wouldn't even mind it if I took the blame. At least my son wouldn't have to be so scared. But what happened? The dog didn't die, and I'm still responsible! Policemen, you have to clear my name!"

All of a sudden, Wu Lie turned from offender to victim. He even had evidence to prove that he wasn't the dog thrower. During the time the 'dogs raining from the sky' video was taken, Wu Lie had gone to a supermarket outside the community to purchase a bandage for his bite.

"It was there, that the girl at the shop told me that I should get a rabies shot if I got bitten by a dog. So I went to the community hospital."

There is a surveillance camera at the door of the supermarket, and after the police checked it, they confirmed Wu Lie's statement that he really wasn't the dog thrower.

Ning Wan was left dumbfounded by this dramatic development. How had a simple falling object case turned into such a maze? If Wu Lie hadn't done it, then who had?

She had thought that Chen Shuo might finally be "avenged", but as a result, the case had actually become even more complicated.


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